

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆





preach 基本解释


及物/不及物动词宣扬; 说教; 布道,讲道; 讲(道)


preach 相关词组

1. preach down : 贬损;

2. preach up : 宣扬;

preach 相关例句



1. They preach peace.

2. He devoted his life to preaching the word of God.


1. He was always preaching exercise and fresh air.

2. The chaplain came and preached to a packed church.

3. Don't preach to me.

preach 网络解释

1. 鼓吹:不过,虽然人们不想承认(acknowledge),但是现在形势发生的逆转(turn),西方国家继续鼓吹(preach)自由贸易,实践者却寥寥无几. 与此同时,亚洲继续诉求(plead)特殊保护政策,却越来越多的实行自由贸易.

2. 传道:<<易经>>的道与<<圣经>>里传道(preach)和传道者(apostle)的道,是不是同一个东西?至少可以认为它们有相似的内涵. 库仑(CharlesAugustindeCoulomb)法国物理学、军事工程师. 1736年6月14日生于昂古莱姆.

preach 双语例句

1. I don't mean to preach, but you are selfish on this matter


2. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to preach.

3. I am tired of listening to you preach.

4. He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

5. I don't mean to lecture or preach.

6. Don`t you preach to me.

7. Sunday, just when sit in that person of in front of to be when drowse, the priest decides to want to teach him well, let him do not sleep when preach again.


8. The symbol of an open door is used in the New Testament to indicate there is a way open to preach the Truth.


9. For whether I, or they, so we preach, and so you have believed.


10. I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life.


11. But I, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted?
5:11 至于我,弟兄们,如果我仍旧传割礼,为什么还受逼迫?


12. The local church is a fellowship of born again believers who meet together to worship God, observe the ordinances, preach the gospel, and edify one another.


13. of content:This dissertation tries to conclude the personality of Zhuangzi by a certain extent with geist writing, the penster deem that Zhuangzi is a sincere man who could succed to ancientry and stick to his own ideal, is different from those men who defy the society at aftertime, he represents the conduct criterion and preach spirit of a sage.

14. In our media businesses, such as the Buffalo News, we sell advertising. In other businesses, such as See's, we are buyers. When we buy, we practice exactly what we preach when we sell. At See's, we more than tripled our expenditures on newspaper advertising last year, to the highest percentage of sales that I can remember. The payoff was terrific, and we thank both Hal Riney and the power of well-directed newspaper advertising for this result. See's splendid performances have become routine.
在我们的媒体事业,像是水牛城报纸,我们贩售广告,在其它的事业,像是喜斯糖果,我们是广告客户,反而变成买主,然而当我们买广告时,我们做事的方式跟我们当初在卖广告的诉求是一致的,去年喜斯糖果在报纸广告上的花费增加了有三倍之多,是我印象之中占营业额的最高比例,不过所得到的回报却更是惊人,对于能有这样的成绩,我们相当感谢 Hal Riney 与报纸的宣传效果。

15. That is, the word of faith, which we preach


16. In speaking to you, men of the greatest city of the West, men of the State which gave to the coutry Lincoln and Grant, men who preeminently and distinctly embody all that is most American character, I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life; the life of toil and effort; of labor and strife; to preach that highest form who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, of from bitter troil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph.


17. Christ charged His disciples to preach the remission of sins in His name among all nations; but they themselves were not empowered to remove one stain of sin.

18. This, it was thought, proved that it had been composed for the Jewish believers in the Holy Land, at a date when the Apostles had not yet started to preach the glad tidings of salvation outside of Palestine, so that it must be prior to the other Gospels written in Greek and for converts in Greek-speaking countries.

19. Some Britons have dismissed the anger expressed by American politicians of all stripes on the grounds that the United States, too, has courted Mr Qaddafi (Barack Obama`s special envoy to Sudan lavished praise on Libya not long after Mr Megrahi flew home that it cosies up to unsavoury partners in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere; and that after Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo it is in no position to preach.

20. His bishop, Flavian, appointed him to preach, a duty that he discharged with skill, and he acquired a large popular following in the next 12 years.

preach 词典解释


1. 讲道;布道;传教
When a member of the clergy preaches a sermon, he or she gives a talk on a religious or moral subject during a religious service.

e.g. At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil...
e.g. The bishop preached to a crowd of several hundred local people...

2. 宣传;鼓吹
When people preach a belief or a course of action, they try to persuade other people to accept the belief or to take the course of action.

e.g. The Prime Minister said he was trying to preach peace and tolerance to his people...
e.g. Health experts are now preaching that even a little exercise is far better than none at all...

3. 说教;唠叨;不胜其烦地劝诫
If someone gives you advice in a very serious, boring way, you can say that they are preaching at you.

e.g. 'Don't preach at me,' he shouted.

4. preach是什么意思

4. 以身作则;身体力行;躬行己说
If you say that someone practises what they preach, you mean that they behave in the way that they encourage other people to behave in.

e.g. He ought to practise what he preaches.

5. 向教徒传道(表示向已经接受某种思想的人宣传这种思想)
If you say that someone is preaching to the converted, you mean that they are wasting their time because they are trying to persuade people to think or believe in things that they already think or believe in.

preach 单语例句

1. Many liberal economists who preach " economic determinism " wonder why the trade ties between China and Japan are unable to result in political rapprochement.

2. Flores described himself as a former drug user and a pastor in southern Oaxaca state who had gone to Cancun to preach.

3. Flores described himself as a pastor in southern Oaxaca state who had gone to Cancun to preach.

4. Macao residents shall have freedom of religious belief and freedom to preach and to conduct and participate in religious activities in public.

5. You may be bored by slogans that preach to you about the protection of birds, which are considered to be friends of humankind.

6. Where are the integrity, fairness and objectivity that these media never fail to preach to people?

7. Counselors typically advise against the practice, and parents often preach the wisdom of password privacy.

8. During the following seven years, he worked hard as a pastor and often went to prison to preach.

9. preach的解释

9. He responded by telling them he had not gone there to talk about politics but will preach peace in his music.

10. preach什么意思

10. His approach towards both private and corporate clients is to tailor courses to their specific needs and preach pragmatic safety concepts.

preach 英英释义


1. speak, plead, or argue in favor of

e.g. The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house

Synonym: advocate

2. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

2. deliver a sermon

e.g. The minister is not preaching this Sunday

Synonym: prophesy

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1244802.html

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