

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



maximum 基本解释




maximum 同义词

形容词greatest chief uppermost largest

maximum 反义词


maximum 相关例句


1. The maximum score on this test is 100.

2. The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour.


1. The excitement was at its maximum.

2. The sound has reached its maximum.

3. The maximum load for this truck is ten ton.

maximum 双语例句

1. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.

2. Investment in Haiti is great advantage for China to avoid Sino-US export quota or maximum, what's more, Chinese goods are duty free to US.

3. You also now cannot exceed the maximum of 100%.

4. And the clothing potential we by a more intimate service, will create the maximum valiancy value for you.

5. What is the maximum size of a piece you will be working with?

6. Cases of the orifice of the ejaculatory duct were well depicted on maximum intensity projection and multiplanar reconstruction images.

7. This is by far, the SFC is the maximum amount of individual single punishment.

8. The maximum penalty, included in a new draft regulation, was sharply down from 30, 000 yuan previously reported by domestic media.

9. Under US Clean Air Act, maximum penalty per

10. Based on the maximum shear stress theory, a theoretical model is developed for the spallation of a plated film under irradiation of a short pulsed laser beam.

11. The maximum and the maximal variation of sea ice appear in Weddell Sea and Ross sea, while the minimum and the minimal variation of sea-ice appear inAntarctic Peninsula.
南极海冰最多和最少期分别出现在 9月和 2月;威德尔海和罗斯海地区海冰最多、变化最大,南极半岛地区海冰最少,变化也小;近 35年来环南极地区的海冰有明显的减少趋势。


12. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

13. The maximum main stress value of enamel, and dental prosthetic restoration were more than dentine obviously.

14. When the temperature was lowered to 900℃, the precipitation content of Nb reached maximum and fine Nb precipitates were found both along γ grain boundaries and inside the grains with mean particle size of 5-8 nm and interparticle spacing of about 30 nm.

15. And the maximum number of the soil animal population in local area was estimated by the Way of the Jack-knife method, which showed that the r...


16. High abrasion lining for maximum wear and comfort.

17. This method can be also used todeal with the S-N data obtained from conventional stress-controlled group fatigue testand maximum likelihood method fatigue test, and has a validation of three parameter, Langer and Basquin S-N models.

18. Methods: from prepation of crude drug as start, study the technology of extract and defat with L9 (3~4) orthogonal test. With EtOH extraction and water sed, alkali washing, EtOAC extraction as main methods of eliminate dopant. Finally with alky AlzO3 chromatographic column, rich and gain anticancer active site. The maximum response was achieved at a 40 min extracting time with 10 times volume 90% EtOH added to the sample for the first time and 30 min for the second time. Adding 10 times water will produce precipitation; Place the precipitation into 6 times petroleum benzin to de-fat at 60℃.

19. This gives a value σ, which is the point of maximum slope either side of the center of the curve.

20. What is the maximum value you can enter for margin size?

maximum 词典解释

1. 最高的;最大的;最多的
You use maximum to describe an amount which is the largest that is possible, allowed, or required.

e.g. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres...
e.g. China headed the table with maximum points.

2. (数量)极大的,极多的
You use maximum to indicate how great an amount is.

e.g. ...the maximum amount of information...
e.g. It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.

3. maximum是什么意思

3. 最多;顶多;充其量
If you say that something is a particular amount maximum, you mean that this is the greatest amount it should be or could possibly be, although a smaller amount is acceptable or very possible.

e.g. We need an extra 6g a day maximum.

4. 最大限度地;尽可能充分地;竭尽全力地
If you say that someone does something to the maximum, you are emphasizing that they do it to the greatest degree possible.

e.g. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum.

maximum 单语例句


1. Illegal business operation carries a maximum jail sentence of up to five years.

2. He said there's only so much money can buy for you, like a personal jet at the maximum.

3. People are allowed to buy a maximum of six tickets at one time, three each for two sessions.


4. The ceiling drug prices set by the NDRC have only helped bridge the gap between the maximum retail prices and tender prices.


5. The win left Frank Rijkaard's side top of Group C with a maximum six points from two games.

6. The vehicle's maximum speed can top 80 km per hour, which police believe is dangerous.

7. Shanghai Fenghua group ranked on top of the gainers list and led another 29 stocks rising to the maximum growth cap of 10 percent.

8. Zhang said the project limits the region's overall pollution discharge by " setting a cap equal to the maximum emissions allowed to meet water quality targets ".

9. maximum

9. But the investment cap was raised in 2000 when foreign investors were permitted to control a maximum of 70 percent of a joint venture hospital.

10. " Beijing's capacity of handling flights has reached the maximum level, " said professor Zhao Yibing.

maximum 英英释义


1. maximum

1. the greatest possible degree

e.g. he tried his utmost

Synonym: utmost uttermost level best

2. the point on a curve where the tangent changes from positive on the left to negative on the right

3. the largest possible quantity

Synonym: upper limit


1. the greatest or most complete or best possible

e.g. maximal expansion
maximum pressure

Synonym: maximal

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1246624.html
