
take exception to是什么意思_take exception to在线翻译_双语例

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
take exception to  
take exception to 基本解释


take exception to 网络解释

1. 反对:take exception against 反对 | take exception to 反对 | take exception 反对

2. 提出异议:303. Know ones way around 熟悉环境 | 304. Take exception to 提出异议 | 305. Come off it 别骄傲了

3. 对极端地反对:take umbrage at 对很生气 | take exception to 对极端地反对 | take potshots at 对做随意的批评

4. 对...表示异议, 表示反对:take exception at 对...有反感 | take exception to 对...表示异议, 表示反对 | take exception against 对...表示异议, 表示反对

take exception to 双语例句

1. Normally it is forbidden to take photos there, but they have made an exception for him.

2. Advertised contents and it make use of of the medium none of the skill and choice exception of all take to have intention to branding of know the appearance, so also inevitable will brand this kind of to reflect to advertisement of accept, and influence to their infliction.

3. Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.

4. Whole Internet industry begins to take on the trend of resuscitating. Of course, China doesn`t make an exception.

5. I'd like to take exception to that.

6. I take great exception to what you said.

7. I must say I take great exception to What you said.

8. Why did you take exception to what he said?

9. I take great exception to the fact that you had told my wife before you told me.

10. I take great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me.

11. They take exception to the way you put the question.

12. Many of them read the Financial Times and seem to take exception to anodyne things written by me.

13. The Bible declares that every person on earth is a sinner in the sight of God; and whenever I hear anyone take exception to so strong a statement, I am reminded of the story of the church officer who came to talk to the minister one day about sin.

14. Meng Fei too much trouble to see scenarios, and would take his kids went to play with the game somewhere else and thought they were about to take classes love to run around to keep busy, especially depressed mood, see Yi Xi are now over, he tells her own thoughts, Huafeng Cheung do not know when the kids are standing in the middle Dou Zhe have fun, kicking Plum Star also ran along for the ride, hands clutching a davie home a baby, Yang Lan-Hui from the hands of hold on to Cai Yaping, letting Linger walked over holding Zhi-Qiang Zou, henny and jenny to david, respectively hold the other two kids amused to see two little devils exception difficult, Meng Fei Xi easy pick over, Huafeng Xiang begins with Linger Guo Zhi-Qiang Zou hold the hands of a few kids see so many people afraid of the Ku Chu the sound, immediately followed by the other two are also up crying, see posture is not good to stay at home two david did not cry in the side, the other three is sent to the hands of their parents, until there is no crying coax Douzhe.

15. I take exception to being addressed by my surname; I consider it bad manners.

16. I take considerable exception to your indifference.

17. Certainly, if time exception wanted to gesticulate, take a knife and fork to brandish after all still pretty insecure of!

18. Make the best of make a decision make a difference between make a difference to make an exception of make no exception make one's farewell make fashion make a fortune make friends make inquiries of sb. about sth. make preparations against make preparations for make mention of make up one's mind make a point make a promise make a reduction make references to make a response to make satisfaction for make /offer resistance to make sense make talk make way make trouble make use of obstacle to pay regard to pay attention to place an order for sth. with present a striking contrast between put/bring/carry into effect play a joke on sb. play a role in play a trick on sb.
to shame put/place/lay stress on/upon put to use reaction to recovery from resist temptation run/take a risk 向某人道歉充分利用决定区别对待使-----产生变化把-----作为例外不容许有例外告别,道别做做样子发财交朋友向----某人询问某事为防止-----做准备为-----做准备提及,谈到下决心立论,证明论点许诺减少提到对----做出答复补偿抵御,抵抗讲得通,言之有理聊天,闲谈让路,腾出地方找麻烦,闹事利用是----的障碍重视注意向------订购某物使两者形成明显的对比实行,使起作用开某人的玩笑在-----中扮演角色,起作用作弄某人扮演----的角色实施,实行羞辱某人把重点放在---使用对-----的反应从-----中恢复抵制诱惑冒险知识改变命运,思路决定人生

take exception to在线翻译

19. WTO, as the biggest free trade organization, also open " Green Window " for environment protection, by a series of " exception " which allow parties to take environmental measures.

20. When a native makes a call to a JNI method, an exception can be raised, but it's up to the native to check for exceptions and take appropriate action.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1246673.html
