

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

18. In the paper, the write mainly introduces the latest situation of the parallel mechanism research home and abroad, its using field and the development trend as well. Moreover, the writer put forward the concept of 3-PRS Parallel Structure Axis.3-PRS parallel structure axis are that one kind takes parallel organization as structure 3 liberty degree chief axis component of piece, but apply to the numerical control machine tool forming many coordinates rapidly.

19. This liberty is one of the primary reasons behind taking the plunge and web working full time.

20. If you dislike anything in my brother's house, sir, you know you are at liberty to quit it

liberty 词典解释

1. (自己选择生活方式的)自由
Liberty is the freedom to live your life in the way that you want, without interference from other people or the authorities.

e.g. Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious liberty...
e.g. Such a system would be a fundamental blow to the rights and liberties of the English people.

2. 行动自由;人身自由
Liberty is the freedom to go wherever you want, which you lose when you are a prisoner.

e.g. Why not say that three convictions before court for stealing cars means three months' loss of liberty...
e.g. There is no formal confirmation so far that he is at liberty.

3. 获准的;有权的
If someone is at liberty to do something, they have been given permission to do it.

e.g. The island's in the Pacific Ocean; I'm not at liberty to say exactly where, because we're still negotiating for its purchase.

4. 擅自;自行;冒昧
If you say that you have taken the liberty of doing something, you are saying that you have done it without asking permission. People say this when they do not think that anyone will mind what they have done.

e.g. I took the liberty of going into Assunta's wardrobe, as it was open; I was looking for a towel.


5. (对某人)过分亲昵,表现无礼;(对某事物)过于随便
If you take liberties or take a liberty with someone or something, you act in a way that is too free and does not show enough respect.

e.g. Try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing, without taking liberties with the truth...
e.g. She knew she was taking a big liberty in developing Mick's photos without his knowledge.

liberty 单语例句

1. The skies over the river are often filled with pleasure craft, buzzing by for a view of the Statue of Liberty.

2. liberty是什么意思

2. The Statue of Liberty is a monument that was presented by the people of France to the United States in 1886 to celebrate its centennial.

3. But Chad's rebel Rally for Democracy and Liberty says it only lost nine men and killed more than 70 government troops.

4. Crown tickets will cost $ 3 above the regular Liberty and Ellis islands admission charge, which is $ 12 for adults.

5. The statement indicated she and her design team will work as creative consultants to Liberty, helping with the landmark store's Christmas windows and store decorations.

6. News reports and the civil liberties group Liberty have claimed that 200 or more prisoner flights may have passed through British airports.

7. This undated file photo shows a close up of the Statue of Liberty.


8. And they developed an admiration for such concepts as liberty, equality and universal fraternity that they believed originated in the West.

9. liberty的反义词

9. We exercise power without conquest, and sacrifice for the liberty of strangers.

10. liberty的解释

10. But Phillips was on the USS Bainbridge, the destroyer diverted to escort the Liberty Sun after it evaded attack.

liberty 英英释义



1. an act of undue intimacy

Synonym: familiarity impropriety indecorum

2. immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence

Synonym: autonomy


3. freedom of choice

e.g. liberty of opinion
liberty of worship
liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases
at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes

4. personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression

5. liberty的近义词

5. leave granted to a sailor or naval officer

Synonym: shore leave

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1248506.html
