

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆








blend 基本解释


及物动词混合; 把…掺在一起; (使)调和; 协调

不及物动词掺杂; 结合; 相配,相称

名词混合; 混合物; 混合色,合成语

blend 相关例句


1. The countryside and the houses seem to blend (into each other).

2. When they sing, their voices blend nicely.


1. This tie blends with your striped suit.

2. Animals' protective coloring enables them to blend with their surroundings.


1. His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect.

blend 网络解释

1. 混合度:展开Chroma Key的设置项,依次在颜色(Color)项中使用吸管工具在预览窗口中点选蓝色,对所选颜色的相似度(Similarity)进行调整,并将混合度(Blend)设置为100%.

blend 双语例句


1. Q. Why would it not be acceptable to blend two batches of material, one with a high concentration with one with a low or out-of-spec concentration, if the reason for the low concentration is understood and the batch has no quality-related defects?

2. An optimum blend of valerian root extract and hops to help aid natural sleep throughout the night.

3. Similar results emerged from brain-scanning experiments by Paul Smeets, a neuroscientist at Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, in which he fed volunteers two versions of an orangeade drink. One was sweetened with sugar and one with a blend of the non-calorific sweeteners aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate and acesulfame potassium.
同样的结果出现在由 Paul Smeets 进行的大脑扫描试验,Paul Smeets是荷兰乌地勒支大学医疗中心的神经学家,试验中他给志愿者两种橘子水喝,一种放入糖使其变甜,而另一种放入不含卡路里 aspartame、saccharin、cyclamate and acesulfame potassium的混合甜味料。


4. His melodic sensibilities, and the ability to blend a variety of styles into a cohesive whole, set him apart from the norm.

5. Designed by the famous 371 rooms of refined elegance, with the exception of China's blend of romantic poetry and the West, but also into the Guangxi Zhuang Accor style bamboo for musicians all over the floor to add a lot of visual feast, and fully convey ShopThruPost and inclusive culture.

6. How to predict blend miscibility of natural polymers by using simpleviscometry was studied.


7. Want to mix blend well before using.

8. The history of Shanghai isn't very long, but opens a wharf from 1843 and became her 5, medium the west blend of cultural special features.

9. The history of shanghai isn't very long, but opens a wharf from 1843 and became her 5, medium the west blend of cultural special features. the newly arisen financial stock certificate, futures of shanghai trade, the establishment of national sex markets such as foreign exchange and technique etc., established shanghai as a national resources allocation the position of the center, also sped shanghai in the meantime economy and nations is in line with of step. in october, 2001, the apec meeting holds in shanghai, conduct and actions in shanghai new century international economy, finance, the trade a position of the center already initial establishment!

10. Supported effects which can be processed in batch mode include: Adjust HSL, Adjust RGB, Blend, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Depth, Contrast, Crop, Draw Text, Motion Blur, Mosaic, Perspective, Pinch, Posterize, Resample, Resize, Ripple, Rotate, Sharpen, Soften, Solarize, Swirl, Auto Contrast, Blur, Diffuse, Dilate, Emboss, Equalize, Erode, Flip, Median, Mirror, Negate, Outline, Replace Colors, Colorize, Merge.
支持的影响可以处理在批处理模式包括:hsl调整,调整的RGB ,共混物,亮度,buttonize ,颜色深度,相反,作物,制定文本,运动模糊,马赛克,角度来看,箍缩,posterize ,重采样,大小,纹波,旋转,锐化,柔化,曝光,漩涡,自动调整对比度,模糊,弥漫性,扩张,emboss ,平衡,削弱,倒装,中位数,是一面镜子,否定,纲要,取代的颜色,colorize ,合并。

11. Gaby: It's a blend of 36 essential oils, anise root and fennel.

12. For the system of PC/PE/PEW-g-MAH ternary blend the relationship of quantity of the third component PEW-g-MAH with mechamical property, rheologic property, interfacial tension and submicrostructure of polymer blend has been investigated in detail.

13. All this merged into a piece of magic peerless blend of ancient and modern, East and West style three-dimensional picture.

14. Purée the mango with the yogurt and sugar in a blender. Add the milk, lemon juice, and sorbet and blend until smooth. Add 1/3 cup cold water and the ice and blend to the desired consistency.

15. The results showed that the continuous phase is PC, the dispersed phase is PPR, and PPR can be used as toughening agent for PC, and increasing the interface adhesion was of benefit to the increase of the toughness of the blend.

16. Approach no matter the annular monument of the of great momentum, still stop pines and cypresses of verdant green sets off one another by the Red Army grave in, esteem, dignified and all around solemn and respectful blend together, talk loudly without the person, also be here without the person the pose as of state of mind with travel sight-seer.


17. And finesse. A blend of 61% Cabernet Sauvignon and

18. The external characteristic of hydrodynamic torque converter assembled this impeller was simulated according to the blend planar theory.

19. The thermal behavious and structure of p(hydroxybenzoic acid/2-hydroxy-6-naphthoicacid)polyarylate /polyester blend fibers were investigated by means of DSC thermal analysis.

20. I wanted this new style of frame to blend in with the first, which it didn't quite.

blend 词典解释

1. (使)混合;调和;掺和
If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.

e.g. Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy...
e.g. Blend the ingredients until you have a smooth cream...

2. (有用或令人愉快的事物的)融合,混合,组合
A blend of things is a mixture or combination of them that is useful or pleasant.

e.g. The public areas offer a subtle blend of traditional charm with modern amenities.
e.g. ...a blend of wine and sparkling water...

3. blend

3. (颜色、声音或风格)融合,交融,协调
When colours, sounds, or styles blend, they come together or are combined in a pleasing way.

e.g. You could paint the walls and ceilings the same colour so they blend together.
e.g. ...the picture, furniture and porcelain collections that blend so well with the house itself.

4. blend什么意思

4. 结合,融合,综合(想法、政策和风格)
If you blend ideas, policies, or styles, you use them together in order to achieve something.

e.g. His 'cosmic vision' is to blend Christianity with 'the wisdom of all world religions'.
e.g. ...a band that blended jazz, folk and classical music.

相关词组:blend in

blend 单语例句

1. blend

1. She scrupulously paints the patterns onto her models by hand until they seamlessly blend into their background.

2. Aides saw that speech and one Friday that will blend his campaign's economic and foreign policy proposals as his " closing arguments " for change.

3. blend

3. For the " deviling, " a blend of cayenne pepper and Dijon mustard worked best.

4. If wind borne particles blend with cosmetics, they can have a chemical reaction affecting the skin.

5. blend的近义词

5. Chop up the chili roughly and pound or blend together with the dried shrimps.


6. Natural Q's blend of bossa nova, folk pop and light jazz have made them superstars of the indie circuit.

7. Blend to a coarse paste, adding a little ice water if necessary.

8. Blend all until smooth, chill well and serve sprinkled with chopped coriander.

9. The different layers of imagery are brought together by a unifying aesthetic expression, a blend of pop and comic strips.

10. Yao has faced the burden with a blend of his mother's gentle affability and his father's quick wit.

blend 英英释义



1. the act of blending components together thoroughly

Synonym: blending

2. blend

2. a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings

e.g. `smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'
`motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'
`brunch' is a well-known portmanteau

Synonym: portmanteau word portmanteau

3. an occurrence of thorough mixing


1. mix together different elements

e.g. The colors blend well

Synonym: flux mix conflate commingle immix fuse coalesce meld combine merge

2. combine into one

e.g. blend the nuts and raisins together
he blends in with the crowd
We don't intermingle much

Synonym: intermix immingle intermingle

3. blend or harmonize

e.g. This flavor will blend with those in your dish
This sofa won't go with the chairs

Synonym: go blend in

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1252649.html
