

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆








cry 基本解释


及物/不及物动词哭; 喊,叫

及物动词哭着说; 叫卖; 大声报道

名词哭; 叫喊; 要求; 大喊

不及物动词鸣; 啼叫; 嗥叫; 吠

cry 同义词

动词wail weep shout sob bawl


cry 反义词


cry 相关词组


1. in full cry : 吠叫着追猎, (喻)全力追击;

2. cry off : 取消前言;

3. cry for : 恳求;

4. have a good cry : 痛痛快快地哭一场;

5. cry back : 出现返祖现象;

6. cry out for : 迫切需要;

7. cry out : 大声呼喊;

8. cry against : 大声反对;

9. lift up a cry : 高声叫喊, 大声疾呼;

10. cry up : 推崇;

11. cry down : 贬低;

cry 相关例句



1. He cried over his wife's death.

2. The boy cried for help.


1. Do you hear the cries of the gulls?

2. With a cry of delight, he found the puppy.

cry 网络解释

1. cry:carry; 进位

cry 双语例句

1. But I can cry with you.

2. If you wanne cry, cry on my shoulder, you need some one who cares for you.

3. NO.1 If you are tired or wanna cry, remenber my shoulder is always for you.

4. BE seeing recently 《fall to the ground to please to open a cellular phone 》, followed a plot to cry some times ……originally still some things can move me of, originally think oneself already numbness, the other people's affair has nothing to do with me forever, it is an impossible detrition to originally have some hypostatic thing.

5. They wanted Jonah to cry out to his God too, but nothing worked.

6. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.


7. When this burro knows his place, just began it to cry very deplorably, it felt the advent of own doomsday.

8. I no longer cry over things that can`t cry over me.

9. I'll never cry, I wish to fly over the city lines.

10. The idea that tariffs should be reduced through bilateral and multilateral negotiations became part of the Atlantic Charter, the declaration issued by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1941 as a rallying cry for nations opposing the military and economic aggression of fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan.


11. I don't mind, I can'stad, I can't smile, only cry.

12. The cry-day looting ward, the ward million people outside the mourning, he could not hear.

13. There was a large cry from the bottom of my heart.

14. Because in the rain, I may random cry dissolutely.

15. Father laughs at me, but with a loving hand rough blew my cheek: silly child, Do not cry.

16. FatIT laughs at me, but with a loving hand rough blew my cheek: silly child, Do not cry.

17. She began to cry a little, and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her peignoir.


18. No man or weman is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry.

19. No man or weman is worth your tears and the one who is, won`t make you cry.

20. No man or weman is worth your tears, and the one is won't nmank you cry!

cry 词典解释cry的近义词

1. 哭;哭泣
When you cry, tears come from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.

e.g. I hung up the phone and started to cry...
e.g. Please don't cry...

She had been unable to sleep for three days because of her 13-week-old son's crying.

2. 喊叫;呼喊;高声说
If you cry something, you shout it or say it loudly.

e.g. 'Nancy Drew,' she cried, 'you're under arrest!'...
e.g. I cried: 'It's wonderful news!'

3. (表达强烈感情的)叫喊,叫声
A cry is a loud, high sound that you make when you feel a strong emotion such as fear, pain, or pleasure.

e.g. A cry of horror broke from me...
e.g. Her brother gave a cry of recognition...

4. 喊叫;呼喊
A cry is a shouted word or phrase, usually one that is intended to attract someone's attention.

e.g. Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of 'bravo' on the steps of the parliament...
e.g. Passers-by heard his cries for help.

5. 抗议;请求
You can refer to a public protest about something or an appeal for something as a cry of some kind.

e.g. There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure...
e.g. Many other countries have turned a deaf ear to their cries for help.

6. (鸟的)鸣叫,啼叫;(动物的)嗥叫,吠
A bird's or animal's cry is the loud, high sound that it makes.

e.g. ...the cry of a seagull.

7. see also: crying

8. (与…)大相径庭,相去甚远
Something that is a far cry from something else is very different from it.

e.g. Their lives are a far cry from his own poor childhood.

9. 大声疾呼;激情呐喊
When someone is in full cry, they are expressing their views very strongly or are very active.

e.g. The main opposition party is already in full cry over this mishandling of security.

10. cry的意思

10. 天啊,哎呀,岂有此理(用来表示恼怒或不耐烦,或加强提问或请求的语气)
You use the expression for crying out loud in order to show that you are annoyed or impatient, or to add force to a question or request.

e.g. I mean, what's he ever done in his life, for crying out loud?

11. to cry your eyes out -> see eye
a shoulder to cry on -> see shoulder

相关词组:cry off cry out cry out for

cry 单语例句

1. She is losing him, but she can do nothing but cry and say she is there.


2. I recall spending a few days trying to figure out what she meant by what translated as " We of canine cry your ".

3. They feel bad and hopeless and cry for class struggle when they see with their own eyes how the rich parade themselves.

4. They did nothing even after hearing my cry for help, except watching the entire episode as if they were seeing it in a YouTube clip.

5. He told passengers it was useless to complain and cry and instead encouraged them to turn to other means of transport to get home.

6. Weapons fanciers among US bloggers and commentators are raising a hue and cry against using the Virginia episode as another argument for gun control.

7. Tragically, there was a hue and cry over a plagiarism charge against the book.

8. The unnecessary hue and cry over the yuan has even created the fear of a currency war.

9. Conventionally, the bride must cry for seven days at least and a month before the wedding.

10. cry的反义词

10. I cry my heart out for all of these people struck by this tragedy, but one needs to have courage and I try to give it to others.

cry 英英释义



1. a fit of weeping

e.g. had a good cry

2. a loud utterance
often in protest or opposition

e.g. the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience

Synonym: outcry call yell shout vociferation

3. a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate)

e.g. a cry of rage
a yell of pain

Synonym: yell

4. cry在线翻译

4. a slogan used to rally support for a cause

e.g. a cry to arms
our watchword will be `democracy'

Synonym: war cry rallying cry battle cry watchword

5. the characteristic utterance of an animal

e.g. animal cries filled the night


1. shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain

e.g. She cried bitterly when she heard the news of his death
The girl in the wheelchair wept with frustration when she could not get up the stairs

Synonym: weep

2. bring into a particular state by crying

e.g. The little boy cried himself to sleep

3. utter aloud
often with surprise, horror, or joy

e.g. `I won!' he exclaimed
`Help!' she cried
`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost

Synonym: exclaim cry out outcry call out shout

4. utter a sudden loud cry

e.g. she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle
I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me

Synonym: shout shout out call yell scream holler hollo squall

5. proclaim or announce in public

e.g. before we had newspapers, a town crier would cry the news
He cried his merchandise in the market square

Synonym: blazon out

6. utter a characteristic sound

e.g. The cat was crying

7. demand immediate action

e.g. This situation is crying for attention

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1258721.html

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