

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
genuine 基本解释

11. Thermal conductivity meter identify genuine and fake diamond is the most convenient means.

12. I have a genuine concern that we cannot be too quick to commoditize the digitalmarketing business before we've really had the opportunity to clearly establish its value proposition.

13. According to the property of genuine Chinese crude drug and it's extract active component, select suitable finger print techniques, such as High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis、High Performance Liquid Chromatogram、Gas Chromatogram、Thin-Layer Chromatography, etc, determining it's characteristic finger print of DNA and chemical composition, control the quality of Chinese crude drug and it's extract, from origin and active component, ensure the quality of Chinese crude drug and it's extract to be stable and reliable.
根据道地中药材及提取物有效成分的性质,选择合适的指纹图谱技术(高效毛细管电泳、高效液相色谱、气相色谱、薄层色谱等),绘制其特征性的 DNA 及化学成分指纹图谱,从药材来源与有效成分两个方面控制药材及提取物的质量,保证药材及提取物质量的稳定与可靠。

14. Since the triumphs of the 1960s-the genetic code, plate tectonics, and the microwave background radiation that went a long way towards proving the Big Bang-genuine scientific revolutions have been scarce.


15. While doing little to save genuine refugees in camps abroad, it has opened the door to queue-jumping economic migrants, big-time crooks and terrorists, as documented in numerous reports (notably from the federal government's security service and auditor-general) over more than 20 years. In 1999, the Americans nabbed an Algerian asylum-seeker as he tried to cross the border from Canada with explosives intended to blow up Los Angeles International Airport.

16. While doing little to save genuine refugees in camps abroad, it has opened the door to queue-jumping economic migrants, big-time crooks and terrorists, as documented in numerous reports over more than 20 years. In 1999, the Americans nabbed an Algerian asylum-seeker as he tried to cross the border from Canada with explosives intended to blow up Los Angeles International Airport.


17. Rationale: A number of compilers (particularly the Borland and Microsoft compilers), tend to not to recognise integral constant expressions involving logical operators as genuine integral constant expressions.
理由:有些编译器(特别是 Borland 和微软的编译器),它们倾向于不把包含逻辑操作的整型常量表达式作为真正的整型常量表达式。

18. Although inspired by some of the ideas of Hart, Shleifer and Vishny(1997), the model presented here is not a genuine incomplete contracting model. In that type of model it is
尽管受到Hart,Schleifer和Vishny 等人的思想的启发,这里呈现的模型却并不是真正的不完整合同模型。

19. This is currently the best-real IPTV, the design of an independent U-bar and dongle, the most critical is not afraid of attacks, P2P technology, everyone are the seeds, you can also send and receive audio and video television programs information, the usual network TV because it is through a variety of link for someone else's program source, is not very card is non-live television programs, program stability, there is no guarantee, and we are in the service platform is to use the genuine machines and card reception and collection of program source, program source is not the number of those free Internet TV can be compared, the most critical is the real protection of P2P technology are not afraid of you after the attack really be both safe and reliable!
这是目前国内真正做得最好的IPTV,有独立的设计的U棒和加密狗,最关键是不怕攻击,P2P技术让人人都是种子,即可同时接收和发送电视节目的音视频信息,平常的网络电视由於是通过各种链接获取别人的节目源,不是非常卡就是非直播的电视节目,节目稳定性根本没有保证,而我们的是在服务平台上是使用正版机和卡来接收和采集节目源的,节目源的数量根本不是那些免费的网络电视可以比的,最关键是真正的 P2P技术保障了你以后不怕攻击,真正是做到既安全又可靠!

20. People published a lot of views to this one problem, there is no lack of among them genuine knowledge drinks see.

genuine 词典解释

1. 真正的;非伪造的;名副其实的
Genuine is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be, and are not false or an imitation.

e.g. There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.
e.g. ...genuine leather...


2. 真挚的;真诚的;诚挚的
Genuine refers to things such as emotions that are real and not pretended.

e.g. There was genuine joy in this room...
e.g. If this offer is genuine I will gladly accept it.

He was genuinely surprised.
He needed at least three days to assess the genuineness of their intentions.

3. 真诚的;诚实可靠的;诚恳的
If you describe a person as genuine, you approve of them because they are honest, truthful, and sincere in the way they live and in their relationships with other people.

e.g. She is very caring and very genuine.

I have no doubt about their genuineness.
genuine 单语例句

1. A senior business intelligence manager with Microsoft Corp locates authenticity markers on a box of genuine Microsoft software.

2. It is a pity that I cannot go back to China by then, but I will give my best wishes and all my genuine supports.


3. There seemed to be genuine joy that a man of such caliber has become a colleague of ours.

4. The center enables disabled athletes from across the nation train in a genuine competitive environment.

5. genuine什么意思

5. He said that Internet cafes should always check every film provided by their suppliers for genuine copyright agreements.

6. genuine

6. Li suggested buyers check with the online inquiry system at the SFDA to ensure the medicines they bought are genuine.

7. These outpourings echo a genuine affection for Chinglish, rather than an object of fun.

8. genuine的解释

8. But audience members can chuckle and relax watching these three stooges mistakenly return the genuine jade and try all methods to steal the fake one.

9. The police will then assist civil affairs staff in discerning whether they are genuine.

10. It envisages genuine respect for and guarantees of civil rights under a framework of rule of law.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1260109.html
