
in proportion to是什么意思_in proportion to在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
in proportion to  
in proportion to 基本解释


in proportion to 网络解释

1. 与...成比例:in person 亲自 | in proportion to 与......成比例 | in public 公开地,当众

2. (与......)成比例的:for the present 目前,暂时 | in proportion to (与......)成比例的 | in public 公开地,当众

3. 与...成比例;与...相称:prior to 在前,居先,比...在先 . | in proportion to 与...成比例;与...相称 . | make progress with 在...方面取得进步 .

4. 按...的比例:hundreds of数以百计的 | in proportion to按...的比例 | be beneficial to对...有益

in proportion to 双语例句

1. What is the proportion of men to women in the population?

2. A type of ink products, mixing produce grey CMY value is constant, that is, a certain proportion of the ink of gray balance is constant values, so we measured the ink gray balance, you can according to that balance to correction image so business card printing and membership card crafted image in adjusted accurately reproduce color appearance of remedying the shortcomings of this kind of ink.

3. The current property market, the reduction in the proportion of the investment - and speculative increase in the proportion of passengers (Gubei area of the high investment-to 7-8% rental return, and switching to the town house market is proof), but only if purchased, and no one to offer, the speculative market will collapse.

4. Fisher Model put forward the theory that assets nominal profit rate move in the same direction with anticipate inflation rate, namely anticipate inflation rate raises 1% will lead to 1% in stock profit rate. As this model interprets stock profit rate and inflation rate in the United States, in experiment a conclusion is drawn that stock actual profit rate has no reaction with inflation rate in short term, but a relation of direct proportion exists in long term.

in proportion to的近义词

5. CMC aqueous solution shows pseudoplastic behavior. The shear viscosity of CMC solution decreases with increasing the shear rate. Both the increase in Mw of CMC and an increase in segment density with concentration lead to a rise in the zero-shear viscosity via an increase in the intermolecular interactions. The zero-shear viscosity rises with increasing DS of CMC because the proportion of solvated molecules rise lead to the expansion of CMC coil and therefore the increase in the hydrodynamic volume of the CMC molecule.

in proportion to是什么意思

6. Based on the analysis of the cause of changes in seed quantity and proportion of 5 dominant weeds, measures to control weed was put forward.

7. If you want more information, provide more value in proportion to the request.

8. The value of the Secured Goods in proportion to the value of the End Product.

9. Why do people benefit in inverse proportion to their need?

10. The grain size in the (101) diffraction direction is in inverse proportion to the crystal distortion.

11. It means our will to fight for what we believe in is measured by our enemy's will to fight us, but in inverse proportion.

in proportion to

12. In general, the indexes mentioned above are to some extent in inverse proportion.

13. The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity.

14. Abstract] objective to analyse kawasaki disease's clinical characteristic to improve the cognition and cure kawasaki disease. methods 52 kawasaki disease's clinical data from 1996 to 2005 in our hospital were reviewed. results in the 52 examples, 34 were males, 18 were females, the proportion was 1.89∶1.patients in 1~5 years old, took up 68.35%.symptom was pyrexia for over 5 days, antibiotic cure was useless. in the whole 52 examples, 50 were exanthem, 44 were eye conjunctiva congestion, 50 lip bleeding with evaporation and dehiscence, 46 myrica tongue, 44 apyetous lympha denectasis in the neck area of the body, 42 hand and foot-tip stiff swell, 48 membrane peeling from hand foot-tip and the skin around anus after two weeks, 12 cadiovascular expansion.
分析川崎病的临床特征以提高对川崎病的认识及治疗。方法回顾性分析1996~2005年我院收治符合川崎病标准的52例川崎病临床资料。结果 52例川崎病患儿中男34例、女18例,男女比例为1.89∶1。患儿年龄多在1~5岁,大约占68.35%。症状均为发热5天以上,抗生素治疗无效,其中皮疹50例,眼结膜充血44例,口唇干裂出血50例,杨梅舌46例,颈部非化脓性淋巴结肿大44例,手足末梢硬肿42例,2周后手足末梢及肛周皮肤膜状脱屑48例,冠状动脉扩张12例。

15. A cage has been specially design ed for this assay and it has been found advantageous to incorporate a definite proportion of water in the diet during test.

16. In fact, I have always thought that mall do not have any specific reference to the template, we have to match the surrounding environment, look for your target market, the scope of radiation, consumer groups, which have a commercial shopping district of the Business area, the number of proportion, Performance index, and then analyzes the characteristics of their own projects, such as building structure, the idea of planning, product positioning, and so on, have to do a full range of considerations, the project should not take business model sets, otherwise it will enter the Trader errors in commercial operation, On the one hand, the project requires a rational analysis of the business, on the other hand, also need experience of perceptual knowledge, Therefore, the practical is the most important, and sometimes I often take the university to open a convenience store when the state of mind to do, your location, the allocation of goods, customer needs analysis, competitor analysis, the source of profit analysis, staff management, Each of you has a bearing on the vital interests of the past, so convenience stores to the tired physically and mentally exhausted, and now do professional managers, but relaxed pleasure, why, in large measure because we do not have to do in-depth market analysis, there is no To go from a financial point of view to measure inputs and outputs, In a way, we copy the model and set of formulas that this is the blind authority, and that is scientific, not a matter of fact, what professional, non-professional planning, planning is not professional, lead to a large number of commercial real estate projects and idle Waste, Who's fault also?

17. For the probability of two photon excitation is in direct proportion to the squared intensity of laser, both the femtosecond laser with extremely high pulse intensity and the microscope with high numerical aperture become critical components in the system, and therefore much detail information is provided on this part...

18. The main steps include as follows: CO2 is led into the mother liquor of sodium meta-aluminate to carry out carbon content decomposing; the primary separation between the aluminum and the gallium is realized by primary carbonatation to filter out sodium hydroxide; secondary carbonatation is carried out on the filtrate to obtain the deposit of the complex salt of gallium and aluminum; a sodium carbonate crystal is obtained after the filtered filtrate is condensed and vaporized; the deposit of the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is dissolved in the mother liquor of sodium meta-aluminate; the processes are repeated until the proportion of gallium and aluminum in the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is larger than 1/340; then the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is added into the NaOH liquor and electrolyzed, thus obtaining the metal gallium with a purity larger than 99.9 percent which reaches the level of 3; simultaneously, the byproducts of the aluminum hydroxide and the sodium carbonate during the process of carbonatation by steps are obtained.
主要步骤包括:向铝酸钠母液中通入CO 2 进行碳分分解,一次碳酸化实现铝镓的初次分离;过滤出氢氧化钠,滤液进行二次碳酸化获得镓铝复盐沉淀,过滤后滤液经浓缩蒸发获得碳酸钠晶体,铝镓复盐沉淀溶解在偏铝酸钠母液中,重复上述过程直至铝镓复盐中的镓铝比例大于1/340,将其加入到NaOH溶液中,电解可获得纯度>99.9%的金属镓,达到3N级水平同时在分步碳酸化的过程中获得氢氧化铝和碳酸钠副产品。

19. Subject to any express provision in the policy, where the assured has incurred a general average expenditure, he may recover from the insurer in respect of the proportion of the loss which falls upon him; and, in the case of a general average sacrifice, he may recover from the insurer in respect of the whole loss without having enforced his right of contribution from the other parties liable to contribute.

20. The proportion is not only the result of development of the industry at last 20 years, but also of some significance to monitor and eliminate structural surplus in the field.

in proportion to 单语例句

1. A large proportion of passengers travel by air because of a desire to reach their final destination in the shortest possible time.

2. in proportion to什么意思

2. Tan also said he is considering raising the proportion of overseas production in countries such as the Philippines and Cambodia to avoid future trade disputes.

3. The parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their respective contribution to the registered capital.

4. in proportion to什么意思

4. Capital adequacy ratio is the measure of a bank's own capital in proportion to its outstanding loans.

5. Resource indicators refer to the proportion that carbon takes in all primary energies, forest coverage and the ratio of unit energy consumption.

6. Commercial banks are required to put in the central bank's coffers a set proportion of the deposits they drew from institutions and private individuals.

7. in proportion to的翻译

7. With a decision to move forward to build additional nuclear power plants, nuclear power will take on a larger proportion in China's power supply system.

8. When it comes to compensation for damage or loss of life in particular, what proportion a motor vehicle driver should pay has become a thorny issue.

9. in proportion to的近义词

9. Statistics show astonishing proportion of China's contribution to the increase in world's industrial material consumption.

10. But then printing more currency notes would lead to inflation because the value of money varies in inverse proportion to its quantity.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1260216.html
