

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆






offend 基本解释


及物动词触怒; 得罪,冒犯; 使反感令人不适


offend 同义词

动词pain sicken insult hurt displease disgust wound grieve affront horrify

offend 反义词


及物动词appease calm quiet soothe compose pacify defend

offend 相关例句


1. We were offended by his vulgar language.

2. I hope I haven't offended you.

3. Her words offended me.


1. She prayed that she would never offend.

2. Bad manners may offend.

offend 情景对话


A:Forgive me, I didn’t mean to offend you.

B:Never mind about that.

offend 网络解释


1. 触怒,伤...感情:occur 发生 | offend 触怒,伤......感情 | offensive 攻击

2. 哦 犯的................犯错误:neighbour.......那 邦(那边的国家,邻邦)...邻国;邻居 | offend..........哦 犯的................犯错误 | offer...........我 发(发给他们)......提供;贡献

offend 双语例句

1. Following anger over his remarks, Moloney stood by his comments. He said he did not mean to offend anybody, but wanted to highlight the gender imbalance in the town of some 25, 000 people.

2. Be modest! It is the kind of pride least likely to offend.

3. (原文 He did not see how he could possibly explain to Hermi-one that what she had done to offend Ron was kiss Viktor Krum, not when the offense had occurred so long ago.


4. He see at that time of society the productivity don't be to is prosperous, the material wealth isn't very abundant, promote to reduce expenses stanza to bury, the whole moderation in order to like, need not excessiveness waste, in managing home he lay claim to don't offend, still wise, break high and low and high or low grade boundary to appoint an able men, still together make public have unify of thought, unify not same, not durance human nature of of freedom development, but lay claim to one country inside have basic of unify of race believe in, at personal development top he lay claim to non- life, the person's destiny oneself should control, go to development oneself, perfect oneself, his non- life be the day life of opposite Confucianism to put forward of, day life's thinking the person's destiny be a God arrangement of okay, personal how effort all useless, this kind thought with profoundly durance human nature of freedom, bar person of development, rather than put forward of life then lay claim to people effort development oneself, pursue self-interest, control oneself of destiny.

5. But because he had a wide circle of very influential relations, the former heads of the prefecture dared not offend him.

6. Social psychology thinks, in the memory of many people, drift with the stream, follow most person to go, always compare safety, can offend less take risk troublesomely, less, so they like to adopt from numerous behavior, in order to reduce inner conflict, get psychological balance.

7. Shi Ji naturally smart, helpful, resourceful courage, love and hate clearly very loved by the people around, because to offend in the way his official Shiji apprenticeship where the hidden forest temple was closed, but unfortunately three were forced to leave the temple master and apprentice, go to the capital looking for habitat.

8. You say not to go, catching up with ranking Buddha is doited, avalokitesvara arrives fitly again the turn of life, offend angry I am easy come off sentry duty.

9. I hope you can all understand my stand on this issue and that it is not intended to offend anyone.

10. It is not well to offend him.

11. I should like to offend it with you.

12. If you don`t understand their customs, it`s easy to offend people.

13. When you visit another country and do not understand the customs, it is easy to offend people.

14. When you visit another country and do not understand customs, it is easy to offend people.

15. It is a good story, but we can't publish it. It would offend too many people.

16. When you visit another country and so not understand the customs, it is easy to offend people.

17. Of course, if any one positively asserts what is contrary to fact, there is an error, though the error may be harmless; and most divergencies between men should interest us rather than offend us, because they are effects of perspective, or of legitimate diversity in experience and interests.

18. I am straight, so i am not good at hiding my feelings, i can be easily pleased, at the same time, i am also can be easily displeased, what is worse, i can't control the feelings at the right moment, which makes me easily to offend others.


19. This falls, he may let me also offend wool.

20. About ill will group sending is to point to, with group of hairs of own at hand software helps rival group hair comment, leave a message etc achieve let the other side offend regular, be forced to give the person of the bureau, have those who call loss every year, do not know the problem that is oneself, what still a person of low position is mean.

offend 词典解释offend的近义词

1. offend什么意思

1. 冒犯;得罪;触怒
If you offend someone, you say or do something rude which upsets or embarrasses them.

e.g. He apologizes for his comments and says he had no intention of offending the community...
e.g. The survey found almost 90 percent of people were offended by strong swearwords...

She is terribly offended, angered and hurt by this.

2. 违反,违犯,违背(法律、规定、原则等)
To offend against a law, rule, or principle means to break it.

e.g. This bill offends against good sense and against justice...
e.g. In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.

3. 犯罪;犯法
If someone offends, they commit a crime.

e.g. In Western countries girls are far less likely to offend than boys.

offend 单语例句

1. offend在线翻译

1. Travelers the world over discover pretty early on how easy it is to offend their national hosts by their ignorance of local customs.


2. But Chinese avoid gifting items that could embarrass or offend the recipient.

3. If you want solutions to legitimate problems, you do not offend the other party first by spoiling his party.

4. Instead of facilitating its performance in the elections, the tricks served only to offend the public all the more.

5. The European Parliament has banned the terms'Miss'and'Mrs'in case they offend female MEPs.

6. The hero always wants to act as a good guy not to offend anyone and does everything well but in vain.

7. He brings to America a host of prejudices so ingrained as to offend everyone he meets.

8. They dare not openly oppose the Basic Law lest they would offend the public.

9. In order not to offend the guests, hotels say they limit the use of scents in guest rooms.

10. Berlusconi later said he did not mean to offend German feelings, but he declined to retract the comment or apologize to Social Democratic MEP Martin Schulz.

offend 英英释义


1. cause to feel resentment or indignation

e.g. Her tactless remark offended me

Synonym: pique

2. offend什么意思

2. hurt the feelings of

e.g. She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests
This remark really bruised my ego

Synonym: hurt wound injure bruise spite

3. strike with disgust or revulsion

e.g. The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends

Synonym: shock scandalize scandalise appal appall outrage

4. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

e.g. offend all laws of humanity
violate the basic laws or human civilization
break a law
break a promise

Synonym: transgress infract violate go against breach break

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1261290.html

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