

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


indignity 基本解释

名词侮辱; 轻蔑; 侮辱的言行; 无礼举动

indignity 同义词

名词offense affront injury insult

indignity 反义词


indignity 相关例句


1. I suffered the indignity of having to say I was sorry in front of all those people.

indignity 网络解释

1. 侮辱:indictment#起诉 | indignity#侮辱 | infirmity#虚弱

2. 轻蔑:indignation 愤慨 | indignity 轻蔑 | indigo blue 靛蓝

3. 欺侮:indigestion 难以理解 | indignity 欺侮 | indirect 间接

4. 侮辱,污蔑,侮辱性行为:indignant 愤慨的,愤怒的,义愤填膺的 | indignity 侮辱,污蔑,侮辱性行为 | humiliate 羞辱,使丧失尊严

indignity 双语例句

1. War Buddies Let's be war buddies Waist deep in big money side by side I'd be the atheist in your foxhole, anytime Let's be friendly fire Body count's a mountain on a bed of barbed wire, coldly stashed As soon as the morning light has broken, then we attack If nobody tries too hard to kill you I got your back across the desert Back to brave the burning sand Back to question every effort Back to challenge your command If you got guns, well, now's the time for sticking Resistance is already forming The second shot won't be a warning Let's be collateral damage Looking down your nose like it's the best you can manage just to stand Indignity after indignation The threat of a hostile occupation The better to form a sovereign nation Here's the plan: That every man who disagrees Be roughly brought down to his knees Be starved to death and made to freeze And sentenced to the Gulag If you got guns, well, now's the time for sticking Resistance is already forming The second shot won't be a warning When the tanks roll into Warsaw, will I find you at the front Singing into a tape recorder, shouldering the brunt of the attack? Has it come to that?
战争巴迪让我们成为战争伙计在大的钱的深处肩并肩的腰我将是在你的战壕的无神论者,任何时候让我们成为友好的火在一张有刺铁丝的床上,死亡总人数是一座山,冷淡贮存早上光一打破,然后我们攻击如果没人试试太艰难不能杀死你我使你的背通过沙漠回到勇敢的烧制沙回到询问每努力回到挑战你命令如果你得到枪,嗯,现在是粘住的时间抵抗已经形成第2 枪将不是警告让我们成为附带损害看起来沿着你的鼻子象它是最好的你能应付仅仅为了站在义愤之后轻蔑一种敌对的职业的威胁更好的形成一个独立自主的国家这是计划:不同意的那每个人人被粗略带来到他的膝被饥饿死并且对冻结做并且对Gulag 宣判如果你得到枪,嗯,现在是粘住的时间抵抗已经形成第2 枪将不是警告当油箱卷成华沙,意愿时,我在前面发现你唱歌进一台磁带录音机,扛着攻击的冲击吗?


2. The European missionis hampered by its low orbit: the Earth, the moon and the sun periodicallyobscure its view. Kepler will not suffer that indignity, because it willbe placed in orbit around the sun, trailing behind the Earth.
相比之下,欧洲发射的 COROT 卫星轨道过低——地球、月球、太阳会周期性地使其画面变得模糊,但开普勒不会有这种烦恼,因为它是尾随着地球围绕太阳运转。

3. But there's a greater indignity than getting shot in the back by your lieutenant; it's getting cut from the film altogether.

4. I was very young; the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.

5. Why then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the Lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity.

6. Mr Nichols was cremating his friend to prevent the indignity of the unceremonious and degrading decomposition of his body.
Nicoles 先生只是在火化他得朋友,来避免他得尸体被随意侮辱和毫无关系得腐烂。

7. It's cruel! Mr Nichols was cremating his friend to prevent the indignity of the unceremonious and degrading decomposition of his body. As for why he ate? He told you.
N 先生只是在火化他的朋友,来避免他的尸体被随意侮辱和毫无尊严地腐烂,至于为什么他要吃,他告诉你们,他快饿死了。

8. When i think of it now, i marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to suject himself to such indignity and stress, and at how he did it --without bitterness or complaint

9. It`s because a motal blow has been dealt to the territorial indignity.

10. The modern new professional woman accepts the idea of the requirement of the unity of two kinds of value, but some of them still have dependent action and low-lived mentality due to the puzzle of conflicts between expectation of success of career and gender discrimination, ego realization and indignity, career and life in the process of pursuing the unity of two values.

11. To the wrath and indignity of all, on February 12, 2007, they extorted a confession from Guo after they used electric batons to beat his genitals, but they were not quite satisfied.

12. The behavior that I living wants to avoid let owner to experience to rob thus difficult, create civilization for mankind, walk through over there of but is a process which lets the person endure indignity and heart to be full of tears.

13. To subject himself to such indignity and stress.

14. When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress..


15. He will bring what half-rotten morsels he finds to his family, which, tragically, will likely suffer even further indignity and debilitatingillness after eating the garbage.


16. When I think of i t, I marvele at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.

17. Half the pleasure of getting big, I think, is to thumb your nose at the indignity of getting


18. Half the pleasure of getting big, I think, is to thumb your nose at the indignity of

19. And whether it is afarmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in aslum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi toescape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boyarriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript and a pain in hisheart, it makes no difference: it makes no difference: eachembraces New York with the Intense excitement of first love, eachabsorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, eachgenerates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated EdisonCompany.

20. Anxious not to suffer the indignity of another bidding failure, China's leaders waited for a more opportune moment.

indignity 词典解释indignity

1. 侮辱;轻蔑
If you talk about the indignity of doing something, you mean that it makes you feel embarrassed or unimportant.

e.g. Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters...
e.g. What sort of indignities would he be forced to endure?

indignity 单语例句

1. These despicable acts were not only an indignity to the victims, but an indignity to civilized society and the US administration in particular.

2. indignity的解释

2. At least they're spared the indignity of doggie suits and shoes.


3. Yet when Brazil faced modest Algeria in a friendly last month, he suffered the indignity of starting on the bench.

4. indignity的近义词

4. She vowed that no one would have to suffer the same indignity.


5. It must be disappointing to my hordes of admirers to suffer the indignity of unrequited love.

indignity 英英释义



1. indignity的近义词

1. an affront to one's dignity or self-esteem

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1261362.html
