

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
lobule 基本解释

名词耳垂; 小裂片,小叶

lobule 网络解释


1. 小叶:一般而言,动情素(estrogen)是负责乳腺管的增生,而黄体激素(progesterone)可以刺激乳房小叶(lobule)与腺泡(alveoli)的发育,当长期被黄体激素刺激就会导致乳腺囊性增生病及乳腺小叶增生等,以及其它良性的疾病,如乳头溢液等毛病

2. 小裂片:lobulation 由小叶片组成 | lobule 小裂片 | lobworm 沙蚕

3. 小裂片; 小叶 (名):lobulation 由小叶片组成; 分成小裂片 (名) | lobule 小裂片; 小叶 (名) | local 地方的; 局部的; 当地的 (形)

lobule 双语例句

1. Results Compare to healthy controls, the volumes of bilateral superior occipital lobule and left paracentral lobule of patients with schizophrenia are smaller, and the volume of cerebrospinal fluid is greater.
结果 精神分裂症患者双侧枕叶上部和左侧中央旁小叶体积小于对照组,而脑脊液的体积多于对照组。

2. At 48 h, vacuolar degeneration appeared in a majority of liver cells, and structural disorder of liver lobule and spot necrosis were observed.


3. Administrating diclofenac sodium may cause the inflammatory response at portal area, indistinct structure of hepatic lobule, hepatic cells edema, steatosis and necrosis.


4. According to the location and the size of the tumors, transmid frontal gyral, transparieto-occipital or superior parietal lobule and transcallosal approaches were adopted.

5. Other useful signals came from the inferior parietal lobule, an area of the brain known to help guide the movement of limbs.

6. At 16-day fetus, NPY positive cells scattered alone, most of these cells are round or globular in shape and have a slight staining, and NEB did not appeared. At 18-day fetus, positive cells increased sharply in number, and distributed in the mucosa epithelia of lobule bronchi, small bronchi, bronchiole, terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole and alveolar duct.

7. At 20-day fetus, cells reached its peak, while after birth decreased in number as gestation progressed. At 16-day fetuses, CGRP positive cells scattered alone, most of these cells are round or globular in shape and have a slight staining, and NEB did not appeared. At 18-day fetus, positive cells increased sharply in number, and distributed in the mucus epithelia of lobule bronchi, small bronchi, bronchiole, terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole and alveolar duct. Among these, most of them lie in trachea crotch's deep layer of mucosa epithelia, and are round, taper and irregular in shape. We can also observe NEB frequently.

8. The center of the lobule is the central vein.

9. The center of the lobule is the central vein. At the periphery of the lobule are portal triads.

10. There is variation in Event-related potential P300 with schizophrenic, and the variation is related to schizophrenic itself, not the medications. 2, There is variation in the many process of information processing with schizophrenic. 3、Probably parietal lobe damaged more seriously than frontal lobe and central lobule in schizophrenic. 4, The variation degree of amplitude and latency in P3 is not related to the serious of clinical symptoms to some degree. 5、The inter-peak amplitude of P2-N2 is related to the severity of negative symptom to some degree. 6, The characters of Event-related potential P300's index is different:① The latency of P3 and amplitude of P3 and inter-peak latency of P2-N2 are probably genetic index of schizophrenic, they may contribute to explore the pathogeny, screen and monitor the high-risk group; ②Inter-peak amplitude of P2-N2 is probably state index, it can be used to observe the clinical curative effect; ③Inter-peak amplitude of P2-N2 is mainly genetic index, but it is affected by symptoms. 7、It ispossible that the Event-related potential P3oo should be recorded when the schizophrenic patientsare fully recored and stop taking medicine so that the property of P300 can be finally identified.
精神分裂症患者事件相关电位P300存在异常改变,该异常改变并非药物所致,而是精神分裂症本身所致。2、精神分裂症患者多个信息加工过程存在异常。3、精神分裂症患者可能顶叶较额叶、中*央叶的功能损害严重。4、P3波幅和P3潜伏期的变异程度不能反映精神分裂症患者临床症状的严重性。5、P2-N2峰间波幅在一定程度上可反映精神分裂症阴性症状的严重性。6、事件相关电位P300中指标的性质各不相同:①P3潜伏期、P3波幅隔及P2-N2峰间潜伏期是精神分裂症属性指标的可能性大,以上指标不能用于指导治疗及疗效判断,可用于病因病机的探讨、高危人群筛查监测、高危人群早期预防及早期干预:② P2-N2峰间波幅是状态性指标的可能性大,可试用于临床疗效的观察;③ N2-P3峰间波幅可能是在属性指标的基础上掺杂了症状成分的影响。7、可能需要在精神分裂症患者临床痊愈停止服用抗精神病药物以后,继续进行事件相关电位P300检测,才能真正明确P300指标的属性问题。

11. Results:motor activation areas in normal group locate at left cerebellum, right cerebral SM1 and part PPC; acupuncturing GB34 activation areas locate at left cerebellum, bilateral posterior central gyrus and inferior parietal lobule; two groups have the same activation cluster at SM1; there is significant difference between two groups's activation areas.


12. Of or relating to or resembling a lobule.

13. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white or pinkish, obovate, apex with narrow inflexed lobule.

14. Perilymphatic area is the peripheral part of the secundary lobule.

15. Segments and thereinafter of pulmonary vein go in the interval of segment subsegment or interval of lobule.


16. Objective Various structures and functional units including hepatic lobule, portal lobule, hepatic acinus etc. of 24 normal adultswere measured morphometrically.

17. Histology; morphometry; hepatic; portal lobule; hepatic acinus

18. The results were as follows: Compared with control group, the weight and the relative weight of thymuses, bursas of Fabricius and spleens of experiment group increased significantly(P<0.05) or extremely significantly(P<0.01). In experiment group, the cortex of thymic lobule, bursa nodule and Periarterial Lymphatic Sheaths thicken obviously; the volume of bursa nodule, splenic nodule and ellipsoid augmented, and the germinal center of splenic nodule were obvious; the thymic corpuscle increased; the plica of bursas of Fabricius developed well and the degenerating of it retarded.

19. Methods The cord plasma erythropoietin concentrations were measured in 37 infants of mothers with ICP and 46 control infants after elective cesarean section. Furthermore, the transfer of oxygen across the placental membranes in ICP group (n=7) were compared with controls (n=8) by dual perfusion of the human placental lobule in vitro.

20. The secondary lobule is supplied by a small bronchiole in the center, that is parallelled by the centrilobular artery.

lobule 英英释义



1. a small lobe or subdivision of a lobe

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1266533.html
