
keep back是什么意思_keep back在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
keep back  
keep back 基本解释

keep back在线翻译

隐瞒; 扣留; 阻止…前进; 留在后面

keep back 情景对话


A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.

B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.

A:Like this?

B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…

A:I think I’m warmed up now.

B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?

A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?

B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.

A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?

B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.

A:Is this right?

B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.

A:How many times do we repeat this?

B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.

A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!

B:Not a problem.

keep back 网络解释

1. 隐瞒:keep 保存 | keep back 隐瞒 | keep under 控制

2. 阻止:keep away 防范 | keep back 阻止 | keep bad time 走得不准

3. 阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留:intervene in干涉,干预;插入 | keep back阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留 | keep down控制,压制,镇压;压低

keep back 双语例句

1. The position of a khan. Please keep my place in the queue until I come back.

2. Many years later, and the floods are as bad as ever, but volunteers keep coming back to put Buddhism into action.

3. I keep a tool [repair] kit in the back of my car.

keep back的意思

4. The old man is used to sleeping without a pillow in order to keep his back from bending.

keep back什么意思

5. My tunnels go further than you think, and I've several back doors at the edge of the wood-although I keep them secret from most people.

6. The other rider rushed over while I was struggling to keep the bike from flopping completely off the road, and together we managed to stand it back up again.

7. I will keep waiting, until you come back.

8. However to be sure this is safe seek medical advice if you fit either category; Without support the back can spasm so people with weak backs may want to do only the gentle versions; If you have any neck issues do not drop head back - keep the chin to the chest.
然而 为确保这是安全的寻求医生的建议是否是你适合的范围;没有支撑背部会痉挛所以背部不好的应该只做简易的变体;如果你有任何颈部的问题不要让头后仰--让下巴靠近胸部保持。

9. If he wants to keep the car, then you could sell it back to him for the unpaid balance plus the cost of repairs.

keep back的近义词

10. I keep imaging what I'd say to you if somehow you came back.

keep back的意思

11. I keep imaging what I`d say to you if somehow you came back.

12. I will be soon back to my university in ChangSha, mabye I won't be often online, but I will be glad to keep in touch with me and be your penpal, you can teach me english as well

13. So I make sure I still keep a back-up copy on my office PC

14. Bank loans to raise the threshold of real estate projects in the policy as an example, since the introduction of these policies has been part of the progress of real estate sales can not keep up, paying back the principal slow recovery, coupled with the pockets of banks to tighten lending, leading to the construction schedule can not be schedule, had no choice but to postpone the time submitted to.

keep back

15. I took another way to come back than that I went, thinking I could easily keep all the island so much in my view, that I could not miss finding my first dwelling by viewing the country

16. I took another Way to come back than that I went, thinking I could easily keep all the Island so much in my View, that I could not miss finding my first Dwelling by viewing the Country; but I found my self mistaken; for being come about two or three Miles, I found my self descended into a very large Valley; but so surrounded with Hills, and those Hills cover'd with Wood, that I could not see which was my Way by any Direction but that of the Sun, nor even then, unless I knew very well the Position of the Sun at that Time of the Day.

17. Although it`s more challenging than the stuff i have been dealing with before, but it`s acctually not as hard as i thought it would be. i m even less nervous then whatching the TV since speed of speaking was more slow down, and i haven`t ran into any vocabulary, only feel embarrass about the pronuciation`s and the grammer`s error i have maken, evey time i look back, i saw there was too much to improve--make me want to take thousand times effort than before. but you never see the big improvement in the short time.
虽然干这个比我原来干过的傻事更有挑战性一点点,但其实也没有想像中那么困难,甚至还不如看电视紧张,电视可比这个语速快多了,到也没遇到过什么生词,只是自己为自己的的语法发音错误感到丢人,感觉自己还差得很远,有太多需要改进了,还要比以前付出百倍的努力。不过据我的经验一个月之内根本不会看到什么进步,每个月只能艰难的迈上一小节台阶,keep walking。

keep back的解释

18. Don't know to still keep up with back yes, arrive 8:00 thundered much.

19. Will he be able to keep back his soul from the underworld?

20. We'll see if DiLeo can keep the Sixers playing fast and winning with Brand and his offensive-touch requirements back in uniform.

keep back 词典解释keep back的意思

1. 留存,保留(…的一部分)
If you keep back part of something, you do not use or give away all of it, so that you still have some to use at a later time.

e.g. Roughly chop the vegetables, and keep back a little to chop finely and serve as a garnish.

2. 隐瞒;保密
If you keep some information back, you do not tell all that you know about something.

e.g. Neither of them is telling the whole truth. Invariably, they keep something back.

keep back 单语例句

1. We cannot afford to keep losing players every game and I hope we get them back soon.


2. She said the needles of real trees fall off easily and it's hard to keep a clean room once they are bought back home.

3. keep back的近义词

3. The market is likely to keep following that pattern of quickly giving back gains until investors have a sense that an economic recovery is coalescing.

4. Madrid's constant pressure also helped keep Messi neutralized as the Argentine was pinned back.

5. Also popular are contentious or scandalous books, as New Yorkers seek to keep up with books that have relatives back home talking.

6. keep back什么意思

6. So back in the olden days this process could only be done in dank, dark rooms because they need the high humidity to keep the printing process good.

7. The Italians tried to fight back in the second half but Edwin van der Sar put up several saves to keep the goal safe.

8. keep back

8. Now Obama will likely turn his attention to a big push on measures to help the economy and keep it from dipping back into recession.

9. The money spent on this meal is paid back in full by needing a walk afterwards just to keep your waistline from expanding further.

10. A spike in domestic oil is inevitable as international prices keep hitting new records, and show no sign of dropping back in the near future.

keep back 英英释义

keep back什么意思


1. keep back什么意思

1. hold back
refuse to hand over or share

e.g. The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room

Synonym: withhold

2. secure and keep for possible future use or application

e.g. The landlord retained the security deposit
I reserve the right to disagree

Synonym: retain hold hold back


3. keep under control
keep in check

e.g. suppress a smile
Keep your temper
keep your cool

Synonym: restrain keep hold back

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1266546.html
