

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


region 基本解释

名词地区,地域,地带; 行政区,管辖区; (大气,海水等的)层,界,境; (学问等的)范围,领域

region 相关词组

1. in the region of : 在...左右;

region 相关例句



1. I prefer to live in a cold region.

2. I have a pain in the lumbar region.

3. He is an authority in the region of chemistry.

region 网络解释

1. region:reg; 面域

region 双语例句

1. The high diversity of Amazon birds includes resident species, wintering in, migrating birds, or just passing though the region.

2. The results of simulation verified the strain and the slip of the fault in the faultrelated fold. This model can describe the underground features of Dachigan structure and is favorable to analyze the structure pattern and structure evolution in this region.

3. However, it would not be the first time that Ebola has struck the region, known as the Cuvette Ouest.


4. Modelling reflect that their source region is garnet peridotite, and the picrite is produced by 2-7% partial melting.

5. The adhesive film has a central region (12) and a boundary region (14) surrounding the central region.

6. Local officials in Nangarhar province said the victims were part of a wedding party and no militants were in the region.


7. In chap.3, we will extend themodel of the large bipolaron introduced by Verbist et al to arbitrary Ndimensions, calculate the bipolaron characteristics such as the ground-state energy, effective mass, average number of virtual phonons, andradius, and plot the figure of the bipolaron stability region.

8. Our company is professional in the early operation of Route-based transport, support the development of the region as a supplement distribution of transport enterprises.

9. In high cold region northwest of Hebei Province where it is drought and less rainfall. the vegetables were planted by irrigating with the water under ground, so the water level under ground decreased; the research on saving water of Radish and Cabbage under PFM was conducted, in order that the aim at saving water, high yield and good quality of vegetables under PFM could be realized.

10. You can say this region is more developed because it has access to the rivers and to the sea.


11. In the high bias voltage region, the Fano factor is enhanced with increasing the strength of electron-phonon coupling.

12. For the wedge fracture and elliptic fracture, the dimension of influence region by fracture creation increased with th...


13. According to analysis, emergence of the current situation of active rental market there are three factors: First, the center region due to the relocation of municipal progress slowed down the impact of second-hand housing downtown sharp drop in demand.

14. The Han Dynasty carried out the prefectural state counting system which stipulated locality every year and prefectural state every three years submitted a count gathering all kinds of files in this region to central government.


15. In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body.
摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。

16. There is also an unstated mutual interest in containing China's rising influence in the region.


17. Objective To investigate CT and MRI findings of ossifying fibroma of craniofacial region in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy.
目的 探讨颅面部骨化性纤维瘤的CT和MRI表现,提高其诊断准确性。


18. Methods CT and MRT data of 15 cases with ossifying fibroma of craniofacial region confirmed pathologically were analyzed retrospectively.

19. This model can be descriped as a system of partial differential equations which has infinite space region.

20. In this dissertation, we propose two region-based segmentation algorithms and two edge-based segmentation algorithms for echocardiographic images. The first proposed algorithm of region-based segmentation scheme is fuzzy Hopfield neural network with fixed weight approach. This approach incorporated the global gray-level information and local gray-level information to construct a fuzzy Hopfield neural network. When the network converges to a stable state, the segmentation result will be obtained. A new approach using alpha-shape points is another proposed algorithm of region-based category. The region of interest corresponds to one of the clusters under a properly selected alpha. We identify the heart chamber in the ultrasound image by comparing the similarity between the alpha-connected components against the heart chamber obtained from the AQ image.

region 词典解释

1. 地区;地带;行政区域
A region is a large area of land that is different from other areas of land, for example because it is one of the different parts of a country with its own customs and characteristics, or because it has a particular geographical feature.

e.g. ...Barcelona, capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia.
e.g. ...a remote mountain region.

2. (首都以外的)各地区,外省
The regions are the parts of a country that are not the capital city and its surrounding area.

e.g. ...London and the regions...
e.g. Tax incentives would be used to attract firms to the regions, away from the South-East.


3. (身体的)部位,区域
You can refer to a part of your body as a region.

e.g. ...the pelvic region.
e.g. ...the frontal region of the brain.

4. (指数量)差不多,在…左右,大约
You say in the region of to indicate that an amount that you are stating is approximate.

e.g. The scheme will cost in the region of six million pounds.

region 单语例句

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1. All major Asian stock markets in the region tumbled across the board, succumbing to heightened fears of a broader global financial crisis.

2. region在线翻译

2. But of course this huge business opportunity isn't uniformly spread across the region.

3. Now, clients for his business software are several wineries in the region.

4. Security officers in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region busted a terrorist plot to hijack a plane bound for Beijing this March.

5. The farmers in the subtropical region are entering the busy farming season in January.

6. region

6. And they have kindled a gleam of hope for the establishment of a multilateral security system in the region.

7. And the European debt crisis is widely seen as an opportunity to buy up assets in the developed region.

8. The buzz of activity associated with growing global investments in the region is slowly abating as foreign real estate acquisitions in 2008 have declined sharply.


9. The first batch of 100 tents will be transported by air to Jordan from Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

10. Xinjiang is the largest region by landmass in China, and travel by air is the most common means of getting around.

region 英英释义


1. region什么意思

1. a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve

e.g. in the abdominal region

Synonym: area

2. a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about

e.g. it was a limited realm of discourse
here we enter the region of opinion
the realm of the occult

Synonym: realm

3. the extended spatial location of something

e.g. the farming regions of France
religions in all parts of the world
regions of outer space

Synonym: part

4. a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth

e.g. penguins inhabit the polar regions

5. the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of')

e.g. it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job
the price is in the neighborhood of $100

Synonym: neighborhood

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1268157.html
