

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


coalition 基本解释

名词联合; 同盟; 结合体; (两党或多党)联合政府

coalition 相关例句


1. During the war Britain was ruled by a coalition.

coalition 网络解释


1. 联合体:上面表格代表一个城市的市民参加AB**EF不同的党派(party)的比例,其中两个党派又会形成一个新的联合体(coalition),而这个联合体的人数比例不超过总人数的1/2,那么问C是不是在这个联合体中?

2. coalition:coal; 借助第三者力量

coalition 双语例句

1. The south is also where opium production has expanded fastest, . In the south, moreover, the American-led coalition forces have devoted their energies to hunting al-Qaeda, neglecting the more prosaic but essential job of making life safer for ordinary people.

2. It would require a massive shift in voter preferences for the SPD to surpass the CDU vote, allowing Mr Steinmeier to supplant Ms Merkel as the head of a grand coalition.

3. After some hard bargaining, it seems likely to produce a new orange coalition government.


4. The Israeli Knesset has rejected three non-confidence motions against the coalition government led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

5. Only one of four critical incident studies found evidence that coalition tactics are effective.

6. I: We will make a coalition with the clergy, we together with the cabinet will place some bottles of brittle rim in front of us to boycott other brutal dealers, if they pass, they will clashed these bottles.

7. Usually the far right has been de-fanged in a ruling coalition.


8. For example, Mycenaean Greece, and legends of ancient Greece and Troy, the coalition commander in chief who is linked to the war, visitors can come here in Homer's epic story of the more vivid understanding.

9. A coalition of US companies, investors and directors will today propose a radical overhaul of executive pay, calling for the elimination of controversial practices including severance payments, tax refunds and the personal use of corporate jets.

10. The analysis shows that the new scheme is secure. By introducing the presented proxy signature scheme, the signing capability of issuing bank can be easily canceled and it avoids some bothersome problems such as member deletion complexity and coalition attacks in the existing e-cash system with multiple banks based on group signature scheme.


11. Media interviews with targeted individuals and/or activists, and local photo opportunities in many areas, may also be arranged, via any of the above-listed coalition contacts.

12. Media interviews with targeted individuals and/ or activists, and local photo opportunities in many areas, may also be arranged, via any of the above-listed coalition contacts.

13. The Obama administration is attempting to stay at the heart of the game by making room for others while preventing the rise either of a coalition that might force its hand on a particular issue, as recently demonstrated by the Singapore climate change declaration, or of a challenger that might take its place.

14. Conversely, it was the deadliest year for coalition forces in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion.

15. Among the commentariat, the world-weary view of Britain's new coalition government is that it cannot last.

16. Since the election, its coalition with two small parties to give it a big parliamentary majority has threatened further to strain the alliance.

17. They considerd their scheme possible to satisfy multed security requirements to resisit coalition attacks.

18. Western Coalition Rank 1: Welding Torch to repair your vehicles, etc.
西部联盟1 :焊枪-修理你的载具。。等。

19. This is the precursor of the modern synthesis, which is an even broader coalition of ideas.


20. Smith said that Iraqi Security and Coalition forces operating in Mosul rescued a kidnapping victim bound in a hole in the Al Intisar neighborhood of Mosul.
Smith说在摩苏尔的伊拉克安全和联合力量在摩苏尔的 Al Intisar 区解救了一个被绑在一个洞穴里的绑架受害者。

coalition 词典解释

1. 联合政府
A coalition is a government consisting of people from two or more political parties.

e.g. Since June the country has had a coalition government...
e.g. It took five months for the coalition to agree on and publish a medium-term economic programme.

2. (政党、社团等的)同盟,联盟
A coalition is a group consisting of people from different political or social groups who are co-operating to achieve a particular aim.

e.g. He had been opposed by a coalition of about 50 civil rights, women's and Latino organizations.

coalition 单语例句

1. The coalition is an international organization that mobilizes business communities to fight diseases such as TB globally.

2. The ceaseless violence and decisions by other coalition members to recall their troops underline the gravity of the US position in Iraq.

3. Up to 90 percent of Iraqi detainees were arrested " by mistake, " according to coalition intelligence officers cited in a Red Cross report disclosed Monday.

4. Jurin said the finished policy document would be sent to coalition partners later Sunday, before being discussed at the first cabinet meeting Tuesday and then submitted to parliament.

5. After that the coalition will then choose Cabinet members and address new government policy to the House.

6. Just days before, coalition forces there found a cache of explosive material drying in the sun.

7. The coalition or core group set up Wednesday by Bush was scheduled to hold another conference call among top officials Thursday night.

8. Efforts to forge a unity government between the two have so far failed, and the violence has prompted Hamas to call off the latest round of coalition talks.

9. Labor leader Shimon Peres said Sharon called him early Friday to invite his party into coalition negotiations.

10. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

coalition 英英释义



1. the union of diverse things into one body or form or group
the growing together of parts

Synonym: coalescence coalescency concretion conglutination

2. an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty

Synonym: alliance alignment alinement

3. coalition的意思

3. the state of being combined into one body

Synonym: fusion

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1268220.html
