

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
custody 基本解释

名词监管; 拘留,羁押; 抚养权,监护权

custody 相关词组


1. in custody : 被拘留;

custody 相关例句



1. He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.

2. The stolen car is now in police custody.

3. The criminal was taken into custody by the police.

4. The father was given custody of the children.

5. A father has the custody of his children when they are young.

custody 网络解释

1. 保管:JASDEC通过股息支付银行和股东服务代理银行(都由挂牌的外国企业指定)为外国企业的股东提供保管(custody)服务. 大阪证券交易所成立于1949年4月,2001年3月合并京都(Kyoto)证券交易所,现有100家交易会员(其中外国证券公司12家),

2. ???:美国的离婚官司是离婚,子女监护权(custody),赡养费(alimony)分开不同的Count来打的,耗时耗金钱,一场离婚官司打下来,少则一年,拖上几年的也是有的. 离婚最大的赢家就是律师. 你拖得越久,他赚得越多. 每隔一段时间,

3. 监管:第二部分特殊关系存在的衡量标准 一、信义关系(fiduciary relation) 二、商业利益(economic benefit) 三、一方使另一方置于自己的监管(custody)之下,而剥夺了对方保护自己人身安全的 正常机会.

custody 双语例句

1. It has been no secret since the beginning of their relatinship that if it did fail, that Kevin Federline would fight to get sole custody of his two kids with the pop tart star.

2. He also thanked the superiors of the Custody, the archaeologist Fr Eugenio Alliata and the architect Fr. Alberto Prodomo who, with their respective technicians and workers and with competence and love, have dedicated energy and time to the study and the restoration of the sanctuary.
他也感谢主管机关、考古学家Fr Eugenio Alliata和建筑师Fr Alberto Prodomo,因著他们自己的专业和爱与所有工作同仁完全付出的精力和时间来研究整建至圣所。

3. For example, South Africa must have a securities borrowing and lending banks on behalf of custody of money or securities as collateral, and in accordance with the day-to-day mark-to-market system, which requires the value of collateral is higher than the value of securities lending.

4. The customs office shall make examination on the person under custody within the legal detention period.


5. Custody secure is the first need of detention house and the precondition and foundation of doing other work well.


6. Later, all of us reached an agreement to hang the system at the house of detention, so that fellow practicers in custody could hear new teachings and enhance their confidence.


7. If the person against whom no prosecution is to be initiated is still kept in custody, he shall be promptly released.


8. We have no accommodation to keep them in custody.

9. I will not be here, however Chandan will monitor and meanwhile you may keep the sample in your safe custody.

10. Will they keep me in prison/custody.

11. And preservation The purpose of maintaining custody, is to keep the valve in the custody of the damage, or lower quality.

12. A: Why did the police keep her in custody?

13. And he directed the centurion to keep him in custody, and that he should have some liberty and that no one should prevent his own people from attending to him.
24:23 于是吩咐百夫长看守保罗,并且宽待他,也不拦阻他自己的人来供给他。

14. So far, of the 55 most wanted former Iraqi leaders, 42 are dead or in custody.


15. A wide range of applications, with mechanized handling equipment can be used for the transport, handling loading and unloading, storage, and many other aspects of custody.

16. Indian police say they have in custody one of the gunmen, a 21-year-old Pakistani, Ajmal Amir Kasab, and detailed accounts of an alleged confession given by him have been played out in the Indian media.

17. Other duties and responsibilities as provided for by the state or stipulated in the custody agreement.

18. Mike: You remember how nice I was about our custody agreement?

19. Any other prohibited act as provided for by the state or stipulated in the custody agreement.

20. That was the custody agreement that we had.

custody 词典解释

1. (尤指父母离异后孩子的)监护权
Custody is the legal right to keep and look after a child, especially the right given to a child's mother or father when they get divorced.

e.g. I'm going to go to court to get custody of the children...
e.g. Child custody is normally granted to the mother.

2. 被拘留;在拘禁中
Someone who is in custody or has been taken into custody has been arrested and is being kept in prison until they can be tried in a court.

e.g. Three people appeared in court and two of them were remanded in custody...
e.g. She was taken into custody later that day.

3. (类似监狱的)监禁,关押
If someone is being held in a particular type of custody, they are being kept in a place that is similar to a prison.

e.g. The youngster got nine months' youth custody...
e.g. Barrett was taken into protective custody.

custody 单语例句

1. The High Court hears civil cases including divorce, custody proceedings and business law.

2. Fund sales and custody have become a major source of intermediary business income for banks, which are shifting focus from the traditional lending and savings businesses.

3. custody

3. If there's no custody agreement or she won't abide by it you have little choice but to pay her.


4. Police confiscated 19 stolen cars in the raid on his cab company of June 20, and on Tuesday took the man into custody for further questioning.

5. custody

5. If true, under Californian law Debbie is the person who will likely get custody.

6. The pair are " devastated " about their separation and are waiting for the situation to calm down before they discuss custody arrangements and divorce.

7. Sanlitun police officers took both men into custody after they refused to calm down, authorities said.

8. custody什么意思

8. Although Huang is still in police custody for alleged economic crimes, he has been quite active in the equity market.

9. Baltimore County police said that they are investigating the case and holding a suspect in custody.


10. The private mine's owner is in police custody, and the case remains under investigation.

custody 英英释义


1. (with `in') guardianship over
in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child

e.g. my fate is in your hands
too much power in the president's hands
your guests are now in my custody
the mother was awarded custody of the children

Synonym: hands

2. custody的近义词

2. holding by the police

e.g. the suspect is in custody

3. custody

3. a state of being confined (usually for a short time)

e.g. his detention was politically motivated
the prisoner is on hold
he is in the custody of police

Synonym: detention detainment hold

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1268276.html
