

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
bucolic 基本解释


名词牧歌; 田园诗; 农民; 牧人

bucolic 网络解释

1. 牧羊的:671bucklen. 皮带扣 | 672bucolic牧羊的 | 673budgev. 移动,微微一动,让步; n. 羔皮

2. 牧人的:buckwheat 乔麦之种 | bucolic 牧人的 | bucolically 牧歌地

3. 乡村的,牧羊的:buckle 皮带扣环 v. 扣紧 | bucolic 乡村的,牧羊的 | bug 臭虫,虫子

4. 牧人的/乡村的:buckwheat /乔麦/乔麦之种/乔麦粉/荞/ | bucolic /牧人的/乡村的/ | bucolically /牧羊地/牧歌地/乡下风味地/

bucolic 双语例句

1. One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York, a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties, and, until recently, academic credibility.

2. One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York, a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties (it doesn't even have dorms), and, until recently, academic credibility.

3. Between 42 and 37 BCE Virgil composed pastoral poems known as BUCOLIC or Eclogues ('rustic poems'and'selections'), spent years on the GEORGICS (literally, 'pertaining to agriculture'), a didactic work on agriculture, and the cultivation of the olive and vine, the rearing of livestock, and beekeeping.
42和37组成公元前维吉尔诗称为田园牧歌或 Eclogues ('乡村诗'和'选择'),花了数年时间对GEORGICS (字面上看,'有关农业'),一个教学工作的农业和种植橄榄和葡萄,饲养牲畜和养蜂业。

4. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life.

5. It's as if the Golden Gate Bridge had been dropped into some bucolic Middle-earth mountainscape.

6. He was merely serving up the same old reassuring myth, so carefully sustained from generation to generation, of a happy bucolic world untouched by the conflicts and savageries of real life, one more episode in the long-running story of Arcadian shepherds and Bourbon milkmaids, of Soviet tractor drivers and Merrie England.
他只不过是将一个同样是老掉牙的神话搬出来给人压惊罢了。这个神话好不容易熬过了一代又一代:快乐的田园生活里,了无纷扰、残酷的现实生活痕迹,是阿卡迪亚牧羊和波旁挤奶姑娘故事的又一章节,是苏维埃拖拉机手和Merrie England的神话。

7. For instance, we can derive the knowledge about the chronicle of frontier extension of the US, delve in the disintegration in the course of capitalism development of bucolic human relationship at the threshold of the century, and make sense the susceptiblity of change on the neighboral, familial, relationship.

8. When Willem was back on his feet, with a Nike headband on his head covering his scar, and Jake was at preschool, we drove out of the city to the bucolic cemetery on a hillside.

9. Rice, coconut, many grains and a sky made of purple cabbage compose this bucolic " landscape ".

10. The theatrical ads feature bucolic scenes of family farmers and grazing cows enjoying sunshine and roaming freely.

11. After earning degrees from Ivy League universities Cornell and Columbia he secured a comfortable job in a bucolic town in Connecticut.

12. He had entertained no notion, when doomed as he had thought to an unintellectual bucolic life, that such charms as he beheld in this idyllic creature would be found behind the scenes.

13. He had never been one of the modern ladylike young men: rather bucolic even, with his ruddy face and broad shoulders.

14. Zurich in the late summer is a place of bucolic serenity, where birds swoop across the lake, before beginning their migration south over the Alps.


15. There was a charming bucolic print above the fire place.

16. Bucolic, conservative stuff, but nice and solid. Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.

17. The meeting between the European and American leaders is taking place at Camp David, a bucolic retreat outside Washington.

18. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life ? but in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.

19. Duan is seated beside other military leaders and cabinet members in extravagant formal attire and before a somewhat bucolic backdrop of weeping willow trees.

20. Robert Frost And His Bucolic Poems

bucolic 词典解释bucolic

1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. 乡村的;田园的
Bucolic means relating to the countryside.

e.g. ...the bucolic surroundings of Chantilly.

bucolic 单语例句

1. bucolic

1. He pressed the case against her at stop after stop, blunt words set against the bucolic backdrop of his train ride through the Pennsylvania countryside.

2. Though she misses the bucolic lifestyle of old Macao, she feels that her adopted home's recent worldliness is a good thing.

bucolic 英英释义



1. a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life

Synonym: eclogue idyll idyl

2. a country person

Synonym: peasant provincial


1. (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic

e.g. a country life of arcadian contentment
a pleasant bucolic scene
charming in its pastoral setting
rustic tranquility

Synonym: arcadian pastoral

2. relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle

e.g. pastoral seminomadic people
pastoral land
a pastoral economy

Synonym: pastoral

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1269952.html
