

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
nonspecific 基本解释



nonspecific 网络解释


1. 非特异性的:non-screen X-ray film 无增感屏X射线胶片 | nonspecific 非特异性的 | non-uniformly loaded radiumneedle 差量镭针

2. 虚指[陈:non-linguistic context 非?言?境[?23 125] | nonspecific ?指[?119] | norm ??[?105]

3. 非特定的;非定指的;任指的:non-significance ????著的?值 | nonspecific 非特定的;非定指的;任指的 | nonspeech sound 非言??音

nonspecific 双语例句

1. The indications for the initial CT were the staging of small-bowel tumor and colon cancer, nonspecific abdominal discomfort, lier abscess, confirmation of the residual stone after open cholecystectomy and choledocholithotomy, and common bile duct stone and lier abscess.

2. Lysozyme as one of nonspecific immunity of the body, is of special meaming for renal patients.


3. The results demonstrated that they can increase the organic immune function and are good nonspecific immunity activators.

4. The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of cysteamine hydrochloride on growth performance and nonspecific immunity of Chinese soft-shelled turtle.

5. Supplement of am oderate amount of selenium can strengthen the cellular immunity, humoral immunity and nonspecific immunity.

6. The functions of nonspecific immunity, cell immunity and humoral immunity were observed.

7. These results show that two lectins can be used as a kind of immunity-stimulants to activate immunity system and strengthen the nonspecific immunity function of Cyprinus caarpio.

8. Considering a similar WBC, we supposed that nonspecific immunity of triploids and diploids of Caspian salmon are the same.

9. In this study, we found no effect of nonspecific physical exercise on recoery from LBP in men and women.


10. Results 1 case contained melanin origined from skin of the back, both the primary and metastatic lesions appeared to be specific hyperintense in T1WI and hypointense in T2WI, but there was no specific feature in CT images. 1 postoperative case from the cunnus which non melanin contained, matastatic lesions were shown isointense in T1WI and T2WI, heterogeneously enhanced in the contrast, we see no specific feature in this case. Another case from the eye globe was nonspecific, in which postoperative multiple metastatic lesions were shown low to medium density in CT plain scans and heterogeneously enhanced in CE images.
结果 1例后背部皮肤含黑色素的恶性黑色素瘤患者,原发灶和转移灶于MRI均表现为特征性的短T1短T2信号,CT不具备特征性;1例是不含黑色素的外阴恶性黑色素瘤清扫术后患者,MRI呈等T1等T2信号,增强后不均匀强化,不具备特征性;另一例眼球恶性黑色素瘤术后多发转移的患者,CT检查平扫呈等低密度,增强后不均匀环形强化,不具备特征性。

11. In fact, the nonspecific capacity of dsRNA to activate the interferon response, thereby leading to the general inhibition of cellular translation, was widely perceived to preclude substantial roles for endogenous RNAi in vertebrates.

12. Results: Siheyi Oral Liquid could inhance the specific and nonspecific immunologic function, induce the IFN and IL- 2, and have the use of inhibiting the pathogem of respiratory viruses, streptococcus pheumoniae, beta streptococcus and so on.
结果 四合一口服液能提高实验性小鼠特异及非特异免疫功能,诱生干扰素及白细胞介素-2,并有抑制病毒、肺炎链球菌、乙型链球菌等呼吸道病原体的作用,对油酸所致兔呼吸窘迫综合征的肺部病理改变及呼吸道合胞病毒感染BALB/C小鼠有一定保护作用。

13. Neural recording of the activity of individual taste cells reveals that they are relatively nonspecific.

14. Conditions such as congestive heart failure, pulmonary infarct, Dressler syndrome, parapneumonic effusion, tuberculous effusion, and nonspecific pleurisy can precede its formation.

15. Conditions such as congestie heart failure, pulmonary infarct, Dressler syndrome, parapneumonic effusion, tuberculous effusion, and nonspecific pleurisy can precede its formation.

16. The results indicate that the socalled functional psychotic states are probably associated with nonspecific brain abnormalities in ventricular size and sulcal prominence.

17. In contrast it is characterised with multi-channels and nonspecific disorder in the hypertrophied myocardium in the acquired heart disease.

18. Using briquette as cooking fuel could improve function of anti-oxidation and nonspecific immune system and reduce DNA damage of cells.

19. Nonspecific immune system may play a greater role than specific immune system in anti-disease action of aquatic animals.

20. It appears that the nonspecific enzymatic system that releases these oxidizing products degrades many cyclic, aromatic, and chlorinated compounds related to lignins.

nonspecific 英英释义


1. not caused by a specific agent
used also of staining in making microscope slides

e.g. nonspecific enteritis

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1270024.html

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