

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


elm 基本解释


elm 相关例句


1. An elm is a type of large tall broad-leaved tree.

elm 网络解释


1. 榆木:遇到困难可以迎刃而解,前途可说一片光明. 要使事业发展顺,必须贯彻始终,改掉半途而废的恶习,加上理性的坚持,这样才会得到别人的支持和信任. 花箴言 : 您需要送花给情人来传达您的心意. 9月5日 榆木 (Elm) 花语 : 信赖花

2. 榆木树:teak 柚木树 | elm 榆木树 | oak 橡树

3. 榆树;榆木:Ellipse Shape椭圆形 | Elm榆树;榆木 | Emit Start发射开始时

4. elm:the elaboration likelihood model; 精细加工可能性模型

5. elm:extended lunar module; 延伸登月舱

6. elm:endpoint lifecycle management; 终端生命周期

7. elm:emulsion liquid membrane; 乳状液膜

elm 双语例句

1. Common veneer color from shallow to deep, with cherry, maple, white elm, red elm, ash, white oak, red oak, teak, pear, safflower pear, walnut, white shadow wood, red shadow of the wood, red sandalwood, ebony, etc.; two synthetic veneer.

2. Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf

3. They have lopped away the biggest of the branches of that elm the road.

4. They have lopped away the biggest of the branches of that elm overhanging the road.

5. I can go a bit a few further, circle that crooked elm in river bay to fall, fold one cut withe, the light green that visits stubble office knows it has life more, can flourishing situation

6. North American elm having rough leaves that are red when opening; yields a hard wood.

7. Echinacea combined with Elderberry, Slippery Elm Bark, Marshmallow Root, Zinc and Vitamin C in a great-tasting, natural orange-flavored drink mix.

8. Elm trees, low hills, a thin church steeple —that gray-blue wisp—or is it?


9. When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm, you hang a left.
当你走到broadway 与elm大街交界的地方,向左转。

10. His business is on the corner of broadway and elm street.

11. I need an ambulance to Southwest Vista and Elm.

12. For the avoidance of doubt IB will not be the IB of ELM and
受到怀疑的IB 将不会成为ELM 的IB,并没有任何权利通过任何


13. In addition, the attention of the timber and its products pre-sales promotion and after-sales service, so that timber sales smoother, higher average price level, with Manchurian ash, oak, elm, linden, Betula and other broad-leaved timber sales better, especially the large Catalpa Drive, high-quality wood, color wood prices high, the average per cubic meter in the 150 yuan year-on-year increase from top to bottom.

14. SR - 100 structural adhesive for wood was used for manufacture of glued laminated timber from spruce, Siberian elm, Manchurian ash mongolian oak.

15. There are more than 300 Forest tree kinds, main seeds of trees such as Korean pine, ground hemlock, ceasing pine, poplar, ashtree, walnut autumn, oak tree, color tree, elm, birch, willow etc

16. Beijiao Beijiao second kindergarten is a government-sponsored large-scale model town kindergarten, which is located 79 Beijiao West Elm Road, covers an area of 8737 square meters, construction area of 9248 square m.

17. To put it more precisely, is it politically reprehensible, while we are all groaning, or at any rate ought to be groaning, under the shackles of the capitalist system, to point out that life is frequently more worth living because of a blackbird's song, a yellow elm tree in October, or some other natural phenomenon which does not cost money and does not have what the editors of left-wing newspapers call a class angle?

18. Experiments of optimization of the key parameters for fast pyrolysis of elm sawdust were conducted in a self manufactured fluidized bed biomass fast pyrolysis reactor according to orthogonal experiment design, and the composition of bio-oil produced was analyzed with GC-MS.

19. Home remodeled in December 2008 features new elm wood floors, bathrooms, plumbing, and wiring.

20. Major tree species found here include conifers, such as Korean pine, larch and Olga Bay larch, and coniferous-broadleaf trees such as white birch, oak, willow, elm and Northeast China ash.

elm 词典解释

1. 榆树
An elm is a tree that has broad leaves which it loses in winter.

elm 单语例句

1. And Depp later landed his movie debut in horror movie Nightmare On Elm Street in 1984.

2. elm的反义词

2. The trees'ages range from 70 years to over 500 years and most are willows, pines or elm.

3. The fungus is being spread by the elm bark beetle which flourishes in hot dry weather.

elm 英英释义




1. any of various trees of the genus Ulmus: important timber or shade trees

Synonym: elm tree

2. hard tough wood of an elm tree
used for e.g. implements and furniture

Synonym: elmwood

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1276388.html
