

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


fossil 基本解释


名词化石; 僵化的事物; 老顽固,食古不化的人; 习语中保存的旧词

形容词化石的; 陈腐的,守旧的

fossil 相关例句


1. Coal is a fossil fuel.


1. She is an old fossil.

fossil 网络解释


1. 化石 ","化石:矿石分析仪 什么是化石 化石(Fossil)是存留在岩石中的动物或植物遗骸. 通常如肌肉或表皮等柔软部分在保存前就已腐蚀殆尽,而只留下抵抗性较大的部分,如骨头或外壳. 它们接着就被周遭沉积物的矿物质所渗入取代.

2. 工程地质及勘察化石:2. 工程地质及勘察滑坡landslide | 2. 工程地质及勘察化石fossil | 2. 工程地质及勘察化学沉积岩chemical sedimentary rock

3. 化石;陈旧事物;化石的:fossil wood 木化石 | fossil 化石;陈旧事物;化石的 | fossil-carbon 化石碳

fossil 双语例句

1. The conodont study indicates that the thick carbonate rock strata belongs to the Majiagou Formation of the Middle Ordovician. The Upper part of the formation has the conodont fossil Erraticodon tangshanensis, the lower part is represented by Tangshanodus tangshanensis.
牙形石研究表明这套厚层质纯的碳酸盐岩地层属于中奥陶统的马家沟组,含有上部以Erraticodon tangshanensis为主,下部以Tangshanodus tangshanensis为特征的牙形石。

2. That four, can not the coal vein mistake as is leaf and the xylon fossil.


3. As a result of this dirty multikinetic bakeout, a fossil.

4. Article 23 For any organization or person engaging in scientific research, teaching and internship, specimen and fossil collection, or travel, approval shall be obtained from the administrative institutions of the geological relics protection zones or other institutions that are vested with protective and administrative functions, and such activities shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the approval.


5. Studying fossil pterosaur skulls is extremely difficult because they are so delicate, but Lawrence Witmer at Ohio University in Athens and his colleagues used X -ray CT scans to build up 3D images of the brains of two species.


6. One person working on this idea is Stephen Salter, a marine engineer at the University of Edinburgh best known for seeking to replace fossil fuels with Salter`s duck, a device for turning ocean waves into electricity.

7. The changes to our society would have to be extensive and complete, with the complete replacement of our use of fossil fuels for energy and a total reevaluation of our daily lifestyles.

8. I find that it is easy to dig out a fossil. `Mum, Oh!

9. In this article the research of pinaceous fossil cones from the Creaceous to the Oligocene in the Tertiary is reviewed and summarized systematically.

10. According to lithology, color, size of grain, sedimentary structure, and fossil types, the Matuo Formation vertical lithofacies are grouped into four types, represented tidal flat circumstance dominated by tide and shoreface circumstance dominated by wave, respectively.

11. We believe that this partnership will be an important element in our drive to provide PV cells and modules with'grid parity'capability - producing electricity at comparable cost to fossil fuels - into more areas of the world.

12. I am living fossil of New Age.

13. It is said that folk art is a living fossil of the national culture, there is wisdom in it.

14. I am a really living fossil in the new time.


15. I am a living fossil of the time.


16. Yes, completely is the living fossil.

17. In this classic ancient fossil forest in front, I am just a small and fragile insects.

18. The amounts of fixed carbon and made oxygen from urban vegetation were respectively 1.7 and 1.9 time of those from human breath, but they were much less than those from burning of fossil fuel.

19. Combining Combined with our goal to produce at least 15 percent of our energy from alternativesources, we can make huge strides in reducing our dependence on fossil fuel.


20. Based on the relative abundance of PAH rings, fuoranthene/prene ratio and prene/bnzo pyrene ratio, the main possible sources of PAHs were identified as anthropogenic release of oil and oil products and uncompleted combustion of fossil fuels.

fossil 词典解释

1. 化石
A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock.

fossil 单语例句

1. The Cambrian Explosion - the apparently abrupt appearance of complex animals in the fossil record in the Cambrian Period troubled Charles Darwin.


2. The fossil record dates the nautilus's ancestors to the late Cambrian period, 500 million years ago.

3. fossil的解释

3. The UK government also hopes that by using nuclear power it can trim the country's exposure to higher fossil fuel prices and thereby carbon emissions.

4. fossil是什么意思

4. Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is the leading greenhouse gas, trapping the sun's heat in the atmosphere.

5. But for decades the technology did not go very far commercially because fossil fuel hydrocarbon was a far cheaper carbon source.

6. Though Chinese anthropologists have always cast doubts about it, they failed to uncover enough and intact fossil specimen to argue with the hypothesis.

7. fossil在线翻译

7. The one sign of progress in climate change discussions was on phasing out subsidies for fossil fuels.

8. He is a technician in charge of fossil specimen repair at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

9. Chinese coal enterprises are experiencing an extraordinarily chilly winter this year as coal prices dive along with the country's demand for the fossil fuel.

10. Nearly all the city's electrical power and gas supplies come from fossil fuels coal and oil which have to be imported.

fossil 英英释义


1. fossil的翻译

1. the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil

2. someone whose style is out of fashion

Synonym: dodo fogy fogey



1. characteristic of a fossil

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1278639.html
