

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

比较级:more readily

最高级:most readily

readily 基本解释

副词乐意地; 快捷地; 轻而易举地; 便利地

readily 相关例句



1. Personal computers are readily available these days.

2. He readily agreed to help us.

3. He readily accepted an invitation to dinner.

4. She answers readily when called on.

readily 网络解释


1. 容易:被鬼附者不是自己来找耶稣,他们都是由至近的亲人带来的,亲人与受害者作息与共了好长一段日子,故不能说很容易(readily)就给辨认出来. 再者,非自愿的鬼附者有些会受非常的苦楚(抽搐、仆倒、吐沫[可九:14 - 29]),但也有些跟患病没明显分别,

2. 乐意地, 欣然, 容易地:slipsole (皮鞋的)内前掌,鞋衬垫(亦作slip tap) | readily 乐意地, 欣然, 容易地 | filling time 装填时间

3. 乐意的:pride自豪 | readily乐意的 | restaurant饭馆

4. 乐意地:readership 读者 | readily 乐意地 | readin 读入

readily 双语例句


1. This may now be readily understood when the law against marriage is maintained by such penalties.

2. However, negating a Key Generator may not be readily apparent.

3. As ionic kosmotropes primarily achieve their increased structuring solely within their hydration shell, they partition into the more dense water where they can obtain this hydration water more readily, whereas the ionic chaotropes, by avoiding interference with water's hydrogen-bonded network, tend to clathrate formation within the less dense environment.

4. Readily of a belle, let me have bit of floating in the air.

5. We can readily give some sentences which are grammatical but not accounted for by our tentative rules

6. Unlike carotenes, it is toxic in large amounts and is readily destroyed by exposure to heat, light, or air.

7. Unlike carotenes, it is toxic in large amounts and is readily destroy ed by exposure to heat, light, or air.


8. A 3100 highways that come more cleavage blue waves, arrive directly at the Gu island on, the tower shadow on the island and setting sun, the mirage by the side of Wan Retian, call is worn you are stepping a stride, along the highway, readily precipitant.


9. He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent incom e.

10. The aim of the invention is to provide a recirculation cooling system that can be positioned in a space-saving manner and is readily accessible for maintenance. To achieve this: the rear wall of the housing is positioned against and fixed to a vertical side panel of, for example, a switchgear cabinet, a machine housing or a wall; the interior of the housing is sub-divided into two sub-chambers by a partition, one sub-chamber being situated between the side panel and the partition and the second sub-chamber being situated between the partition and the front face of the housing; the condenser and the ventilator are located in the sub-chamber allocated to the front face of the housing and the tank and pump are located in the rear sub-chamber; and the respective sub-chambers can be accessed from the respective allocated face of the housing.

11. This may be readily converted to the anhydrous salt by reaction with a readily hydrolysed material, such as acetic anhydride

12. In her capacity as an ironic commentator?one who in a sense observes the household events from the outside?Grandma readily stands in for the absurdist dramaturge.


13. At last, the raingauge data were able to obtain by this collecting system readily.关键词: Bluetooth; J2ME; raingauge; MIDlet

14. No. Gaylas are fairly flat enemies, so it has almost no readily measurable height.
Gaylas 是一种相当扁平的敌人,因此它几乎没有可测量的高度。

15. His sugges- tions were expressed in terms that were readily understood and accepted.

16. However, what I just want to say is: woman who she is, not a princess, nor an attractive seductress, better not to come out with those words readily.


17. Glycogen: A polysaccharide, (C6H 10O 5) n, that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals and occurs primarily in the liver and muscle tissue. It is readily converted to glucose as needed by the body to satisfy its energy needs. Also called animal starch
肝糖:糖原,(C6H 10O 5) n,构成碳水化合物贮存在动物体组织中的主要形式,主要存在于肝和肌肉,可备来转化成葡萄糖以补充身体所需能量也作 animal starch

18. This, plus the fact that Celanex 2000-K crystallizes more readily and rapidly than PET, allows it to be run on high-volume PP spunbond machines rather than needing the specialized equipment and methods called for with PET.
基于这一点,再在加上Celanex 2000-k比PET更容易且更迅速的结晶,从而允许它能在高容量聚丙烯纺粘布设备上进行加工,无须聚酯所要求的专门设备与方法。

19. The signet-ring cell is the charicterestic feature in Krukenberg's tumor which is readily confused with some rare primary ovarian tumors, such as signet-ring stromal tumor, sclerosing stromal tumor, mucinous carcinoid, and clear cell carcinoma.

20. He very readily took up Boris's cause, and went with him to Prince Dolgorukov.

readily 词典解释

1. 乐意地;欣然地
If you do something readily, you do it in a way which shows that you are very willing to do it.

e.g. I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she readily agreed...
e.g. When I was invited to the party, I readily accepted.

2. 迅速地;容易地;轻松地
You also use readily to say that something can be done or obtained quickly and easily. For example, if you say that something can be readily understood, you mean that people can understand it quickly and easily.

e.g. The components are readily available in hardware shops...
e.g. I don't readily make friends.

readily 单语例句

1. Both men readily agreed Congress must act soon to prevent millions of Americans from losing their jobs and homes.

2. Even the man himself readily admits he wouldn't have been surprised to have been ushered out of Stamford Bridge by now.

3. It is understandable that many viewers would readily believe that the dumplings being sold by the roadside contained chopped up cardboard.

4. Still, domestic companies have come in for some criticism for accepting Real Madrid's demands too readily.

5. readily

5. They are rooted in the two nations'domestic economic structures that have not readily come into line with globalization.

6. readily的翻译

6. But the school authorities admitted my daughter readily when they learned of our plight.

7. But he also readily admitted difficulties in managing and integrating the acquired company.

8. readily

8. Influenza viruses also are more contagious and cannot be as readily contained as SARS by isolating people who have the infection.

9. This could be readily accomplished by fine control of the flow of renminbi into and out of the city.

10. readily的近义词

10. It is now more readily visible, conveying a sense of greater accessibility.

readily 英英释义



1. in a punctual manner

e.g. he did his homework promptly

Synonym: promptly pronto

2. without much difficulty

e.g. these snakes can be identified readily

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1279699.html
