

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
distill 基本解释

14. Instead, they are merely, in the name of photography, browsing into different lives of people and try to distill and crystallize those precious moments they can catch, with a hope to get closer to the true meanings of life.

15. We distill the total RNA from the root of the wheat?zhengyin No.6. Then using the RT- PCR method to get the purpose gene segment. Combining it with the pGEM-T Easy vector to let it was cloned. it is was proved that we get the purpose gene segment after PCR, enzyme slice and the sequence-checking.
从郑引一号小麦的根组织中提取总RNA,利用RT-PCR的方法获得目的片段,并将它克隆到了pGEM-T Easy克隆载体中,经PCR、酶切、测序,确定获得了目的基因的片断。

16. More interestingly, the phase transfer is found to be size-dependent, which might help us distill polydisperse nanoparticles.

17. When meeting character sequence that cannot be segmented by dictionary, we first store them as uncut sequence and distill statistic information, and then, as the amount of uncut sequence grows large enough, segment the uncut sequence using the statistic information and slope method.

18. In most jurisdictions, including those which allow unlicensed individuals to make their own beer and wine, it is illegal to distill beverage alcohol without a license - with the notable exception of New Zealand where personal alcohol distillation is legal (although selling still requires an appropriate license).


19. When no more water separates, distill off the solvent and distill the aldimine.


20. The SDS-PAGE analysis of ali proteins of N. bonbjcis Using the polar filament inspiring to distill the total proteins of N. bombycis, and analyze it by SDS-PAGE.

distill 单语例句

1. distill是什么意思

1. They even had to invent the machine to distill the essence out of the ingredients, mostly curative herbs with traditional medicine healing properties.

2. distill什么意思

2. The challenge is to distill the nutritious elements from them and put them to use.

3. China's success has created enormous interest among developing countries to distill China's experiences and share knowledge with China.

distill 英英释义


1. distill

1. give off (a liquid)

e.g. The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound

Synonym: distil


2. undergo the process of distillation

Synonym: distil

3. extract by the process of distillation

e.g. distill the essence of this compound

Synonym: extract distil

4. distill的解释

4. undergo condensation
change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops

e.g. water condenses
The acid distills at a specific temperature

Synonym: condense distil

5. distill的翻译

5. remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation

e.g. purify the water

Synonym: purify sublimate make pure

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1280883.html
