
jump the queue是什么意思_jump the queue在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
jump the queue  
jump the queue 基本解释

动词插队,获得优惠待遇; 插队抢先

jump the queue 网络解释

1. 插队:同时,乘客们在车站都会自觉地站成一队等待,绝对没有插队(jump the queue)的现象发生. 另外,英国有一项规定:公共汽车里站立的乘客数量不许超过12人. 当一辆非常热门的公交车已经上满规定数额的乘客(即无空座+已经站立12人),

2. 不按次序排队;加塞:jump sb. out 叱责某人 | jump the queue 不按次序排队;加塞 | just about 差不多,几乎

3. 不按次序排队:just then 正在那时 | jump the queue 不按次序排队 | laugh at 因......而发笑,嘲笑

4. (不按循序排队)插队:join in 参加;加入 | jump the queue (不按循序排队)插队 | just a minute 等一下

jump the queue 双语例句

1. On the other hand, if you're interested in a home and you want to wait till the stated holdback date to put in your offer, rest assured I'll be in contact with the Seller's agent to find out who's interested in the house and whether anyone else is trying to jump the queue.

2. Equipment from the horse pack, elevation from 3200m up to 4000m at camp, along the way through the pot Zhuang Ping, jump the queue package and watch alpine meadow, is the concept of Siguniangshan the best viewing places for camping at night in the camp (presumably to reach the camp at 15:00 this day along a path which is relatively hard, there are 18 - 20 km.
装备由马驮,海拔从 3200m 上升到 4000m 处扎营,沿途经过锅庄坪、打尖包,观高山草甸,是观四姑娘山的最佳观景点,晚上在大本营露营(大概在下午3点到达营地);这一天所走的路相对比较辛苦,有18--20公里左右。

jump the queue的近义词

3. If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased.

4. If you jump the queue people will not be pleased.

jump the queue什么意思

5. If you jump a queue, the people will not be pleased.

6. If you jump a queue, the people will not be pleased

7. One of the people said to me, You must not jump the queue, girl.

jump the queue的解释

8. In public places, you should never jump the queue in Britain.

9. Demographic composition of the Heilongjiang more immigrants, and the United States, immigrants accounted for 85% of Heilongjiang, mainly Liaoning, Shandong; New York, only 25%, to New York are excellent, Heilongjiang, here are the soldiers, The educated youth to jump the queue, flee from famine victims, mining, the bandits fled, the allocation of officers and their families, speculative traders, what the descendants of these people, go back to the good, most of the Pianan corner here.

jump the queue的近义词

10. Leisure time, the educated youth about the old friends, then returned to the place to jump the queue to see changes in the development of rural areas, 找找was feeling and see Mailang the wind drift and listen to the voice of the growth of corn jointing, pure taste of green Farm vegetables, can also stay inverted Guardia, the smell of melon-picking optimistic about that, um, lightly.

11. You can also, at any time, choose a secondary radial menu by pressing the right trigger, which pulls up a more general menu with 12 different options, including build orders for infantry or vehicles. Choosing one of these options will jump to the specific radial menu for that action, such as creating infantry or vehicles, and will automatically queue them up at any barracks or factories that you control, anywhere on the map.

jump the queue什么意思

12. The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.

13. My aunt is never happy with people who try to jump the queue.

14. Someone jump the queue at once, I become to go against the tide.

15. Why is it that so many Indians try to jump the queue?

16. If you jump the queue other people will not be pleased.

17. Don't jump the queue when you buy something.

18. Don't jump the queue when you wait for a bus.

19. On hearing these words, I felt ashamed of my behaviour and I made up mind that I will never jump the queue again.

20. Many people try to jump the queue for the tickets.

jump the queue 单语例句

1. jump the queue是什么意思

1. NHS waiting lists for operations can be very long, so people can jump the queue by paying for their operation.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1282215.html
