

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
colloid 基本解释

名词& 形容词胶体(的)

colloid 网络解释


1. 胶质:滤泡大小不等、呈圆形、椭圆形或不规则形,由单层的滤泡上皮细胞(follicular epithelial cell)围成,滤泡腔内充满胶质(colloid),它是滤泡上皮细胞的分泌物在腔内的储存形式,即磺化的甲状腺球蛋白,在切片上呈均质嗜酸性.

2. 胶体 <单词词性>胶体的:chromosome matrix 染色体基质 | colloid 胶体 <单词词性>胶体的 | epoophorectomy 卵巢冠切除术

3. 胶质,胶体:collodion film 火棉胶软片 | colloid 胶质,胶体 | colloidal solution 胶体液

colloid 双语例句


1. A cluster of droplets separated out of a lyophilic colloid.

2. Given that the reduction process of gold chloride to gold colloid must take place in microseconds, the accomplishment of this in volumes of 100 liters or more requires very sophisticated techniques that do not follow the same rules as small-volume production.

3. Hao stars companies combine their own technological superiority and customer needs, to create a simple and easy to use and rugged durability of the JM multifunctional colloid mill grinding machine Colloid Mill (Vertical Colloid Mill, Colloid Mill split, horizontal colloid mill, closed-colloid mill, pipeline-type colloidal) series, colloid pump ZB series, the emulsifying homogenizer SRH series, single-screw pump GS series, the emulsifying dispersion machine WRL series, the mixer THJ series, automatic suction powder dispersed emulsion mixer SSC series products.
温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司综合了自己的技术优势和客户需求,制造出了简单易用和坚固耐久的JM多功能研磨机colloid mill胶体磨(立式胶体磨、分体式胶体磨、卧式胶体磨、封闭式胶体磨、管线式胶体磨)系列、胶体泵ZB系列、乳化均质机SRH系列、单螺杆泵GS系列、乳化分散机WRL系列、混合机THJ系列、自动吸粉式分散乳化混合机SSC系列等产品。

4. A theoretical analysis was performed on a double extrapolation method to determin the intrinsic ionization constant of the amphoteric surface of colloid particles possessing the permanent charges.

5. Thyroidization of kidney reminiscent of thyroid follicles with accumulation of inspissated colloid-like material in renal tubules is a hallmark of chronic pyelonephritis.

6. The invention discloses a preparing method of sphere-like zirconium phosphate with grain size between 10 and 100um, which comprises the following steps: adopting reflux method to synthesize layered raw material of zirconium phosphate; stripping the layer of the zirconium phosphate powder sample; obtaining mono-layered zirconium phosphate colloid; using rotary spray drier to mould; obtaining the product under peculiar condition, simple operation and mild synthetic condition; using the moulded zirconium phosphate material as catalyst, catalyst carrier, adsorbent and ion exchange agent.


7. Changing pH of solution can adjust the colloid surface of charge regulation.

8. OBJECTIVE, To study the direction, route and num- ber of SLCs and their relationship with SLN after subareolar injection of methylene blue and technetium 99m sulfur colloid (^99m Tc-SC), and to explore the mechanism of sentinel lymph node biopsies produce false negative results in breast cancer patients and the method to improve the detectable rate, METHODS: ^99m Tc-SC was injected preoperatively, and methylene blue was injected by the same subareo-lar route just after anesthetic induction, and then SLNB was carried out according to SLCs in 93 breast cancer patients.
目的:通过乳晕下联合注射^99m Tc-SC和亚甲蓝,研究前哨淋巴通道的行走方向、途径、数量及其与前哨淋巴结之间的关系,以探讨乳腺癌SLNB出现假阴性的机制,并提出提高其检出率、减少假阴性的方法。

9. Fourty of them were injected with 1.0 mCi of technetium^99 sulfur colloid at preoperation and 2ml methylene blue dye was injected inoperation in subareolar; radioactive SLNs were identified using a hand-held gamma detector probe, all blue stained SLNs were removed during operation.

10. In the research of the Silver Carboxylate conductive ink, the silver citrate emulsion was synthesized through the reaction of silver nitrate with sodium citrate in the presence of Polyvinylpyrrolidone as a protected agent in water, then the silver citrate emulsion was deoxidized by aqueous ascorbic acid to get the nano-silver colloid.

11. To investigate the applications of nano-silver colloid in conductive silver film, the nano-silver colloid was synthesized using ascorbic acid reduce silver citrate nano-emulsion in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone as a protected agent.

12. Specializes in colloidal hydrophilic colloid production, research and applications.

13. Its most important feature is that it and agar, Denmark agar, carrageenan and xanthan gum, such as hydrophilic colloid a good gel synergies will enable the use of a very low level and improve the organizational structure of gel.

14. KMH-3002 quality dumpling skin conditioner is a variety of natural hydrophilic colloid is made for the improvement of dumpling skin, small round children's performance and quality.

15. Absorbent: a high-quality flax linen lac for the production of natural polymer materials hydrophilic colloid, a strong-absorbent.

16. Bsorbent: a high-quality flax linen lac for the production of natural polymer materials hydrophilic colloid, a strong-absorbent.

17. Study on total hydrophilic soluble colloid in sugar-making

18. The particle size of colloid and powder was charactered by PCS and TEM.
以 PCS、TEM详细研究了二氧化锡胶体和粉体的粒子形貌、大小及分布。

19. Due to surface effect of nanometer particle, the colloid from wet process, namely the precursor of nanometer particles, cannot be dried by conventional techniques.

20. 60Fullerene aqueous colloid solution with particle size of 8 nm covered with hydrated shell is able to obtained using 800 W outer power of ultrasonic.

colloid 英英释义



1. a mixture with properties between those of a solution and fine suspension

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1283697.html
