
as usual是什么意思_as usual在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
as usual  
as usual 基本解释

9. Xin City Diaomangongzhu sweet, slipped out as usual watch and evil punished outside of a small filling rape.

10. David Crystal编的The Cambri dge Encyclopedia of L anguage(1987:74)对有关问题的解释是:Three cases are usual y recognized, involving t he repetition of initial consonants(alliteration, as i n f i ne, f rien d), vowels(assonance, as i n roll/moan), and final syl ables(rhy me, e. g. gladness, m adness).
和friend;(2)重复元音(协音,如rol和moan);(3)重复词末的音节(尾韵,如gladness,madness)。英语头韵的种类 1。

11. Yesterday he arriwed, as usual, after everybody had sat down.

12. If/when I get more I`ll be sure to offer them up here as usual.

as usual的翻译

13. In either case, for most of us the mood lifts and we continue with our life as usual.

14. I was very sleepy in the morning, so i didn't go running as usual.

15. You just have to carry on your life as usual, Nothing have change, it was me that have to change.

16. Shredders are as usual as drinking machine and filing cabinets in most companys.

17. After keep working more than 48 hours with full load under normal temperature, the charger should work as usual and no deviation upon the characteristics.

18. As usual, I did have a little doze at the beginning of the film, the film was good, so soon after, I was involved.

19. As usual your third hatch follows with the gas.

as usual是什么意思

20. They are also much narrower than the usual width of the other banners, and both edges are hemmed with a strip of silk binding, instead of being merely painted with a dark brown pigment as is commonly seen.

as usual 单语例句

1. " Business is Ok and as usual, " said a Uygur fruits peddler.

2. The canteen operates as usual busy with teachers and students lining up for noodles and fried rice.


3. Casual observation of a passing bullet train in the area reveals that it's not yet back to business as usual.

4. The sparkling reds are made the same way as champagne, but red base wines are used instead of the usual Chardonnay and Pinot blends.


5. The ads will cover the usual topics of environmental protection as well as modern Chinese cultural values and civism.

6. A man who identified himself as Jama Aden and spoke by satellite phone yesterday is not the usual spokesman for the pirates.


7. Integrations and mergers are usual in the beer industry as the concentration ratio of the sector has been intensified.

8. Cover it with a plastic cap for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse and style as usual.

9. But as usual, anticipation runs high over the crosstalk and comic short plays.

10. Li said he had only been playing with the dog as usual when it attacked him.

as usual 英英释义


1. in the usual manner

e.g. as usual, she arrived late

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1285072.html
