

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

14. A bed supported on massive pillars of mahogany, hung with curtains of deep red damask, stood out like a tabernacle in the centre, the two large windows, with their blinds always drawn down, were half shrouded in festoons and falls of similar drapery; the carpet was red; the table at the foot of the bed was covered with a crimson cloth; the walls were a soft fawn colour, with a blush of pink in it; the wardrobe, the toilet-table, the chairs, were of darkly- polished old mahogany.

15. Do you want to flush it down the toilet because you made a bad move?

16. According to experience of going in for water supply and sewerage speciality project design many years, the author states fitting problems need attention in drawing countersignature, profession matching, arrangement of kitchen and toilet and installation of pipeline well for water supply and sewerage speciality and bu...

17. Now I'm a pulil and I'm trying my best to be a good guard of protecting environment, for example, to take off the TV lightscomputer on time, to clean the toilet with the water after washing clothes, to draft on the black page of exercise book, to try not to use the plastic bag, to send e-cards to my classmates, not to play games on the internet, not to eat the wild animals and to tell my friends to do so, not to freely feed the mokeys and tigers in the zoo and so on.
偶是1名小学生,我正在努力做一名环保小卫士,比如,及时关闭电视,电灯,计算机,不上网玩游戏,用洗过衣服地水拖地,(clean the toilet,用作业薄的背面演草,尽量不使用塑料袋,给同学们发电子贺卡等等,不吃并且告诉周围的淖朋朋友不吃铱诎旺动物,在动物园里不随便给可爱的猴子老虎等投食物等等当然,我知道要想保护自然环境还有好多方面,还需要先进的技术和管理经验,所以我长大了要报环保专业,(for a living planet而永远努力(希望用到take off the light /take off the TV/power source/plastic


18. After removal it is advised to either flush the tick down the toilet or put it in a container full of isopropyl alcohol to both kill it and preserve it just in case an illness befalls the host shortly after.

19. Remove the OPP paper on the back before use and paste it on the toilet seat or ground. Both installation and remove are very easy.

20. Sucre jumps off the top bunk and taps a small mirror against the toilet to signal Michael to return immediately.
Sucre 从上铺跳了下来,用小镜子敲击着马桶,给 Michael 发信号叫他快回来。

toilet 词典解释u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

1. 抽水马桶;便池
A toilet is a large bowl with a seat, or a platform with a hole, which is connected to a water system and which you use when you want to get rid of urine or faeces from your body.

e.g. She made Tina flush the pills down the toilet.

2. toilet

2. 厕所;卫生间;洗手间
A toilet is a room in a house or public building that contains a toilet.

e.g. Annette ran and locked herself in the toilet...
e.g. Fred never uses public toilets.

in AM, use 美国英语用 bathroom, rest room

3. toilet的反义词

3. 上厕所;上洗手间
You can say that someone goes to the toilet to mean that they get rid of waste substances from their body, especially when you want to avoid using words that you think may offend people.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 go to the bathroom
toilet 单语例句

1. A gang that targeted public toilet users was recently busted in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province.

2. The move is to call on the government to provide more public toilet cubicles for women.

3. When she was cleaning a toilet in Zhenfeng Hall, she found the canvas bag and waited for half an hour until the owner came.

4. toilet的翻译

4. To his chagrin, the police caught up with him half an hour after he left the toilet.

5. toilet的翻译

5. Sprinkle a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the toilet such as peppermint, lavender or citrus scents.

6. That graduates have been forced to work as toilet cleaners shows how difficult it has become to a find a suitable job.

7. Xiu Xiaoliang expressed satisfaction with the cleanliness of his newly built toilet.

8. Furthermore, dedicated housekeeping staff is stationed inside the toilet to maintain cleanness.


9. The sample from the toilet was clean, probably because the toilets are doused with cleansing chemicals daily.

10. The pieces got stuck in the sewage pipe, clogging the toilet of the elderly woman living below.

toilet 英英释义


1. the act of dressing and preparing yourself

e.g. he made his morning toilet and went to breakfast

Synonym: toilette

2. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

Synonym: lavatory lav can john privy bathroom

3. a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

Synonym: can commode crapper pot potty stool throne

4. misfortune resulting in lost effort or money

e.g. his career was in the gutter
all that work went down the sewer
pensions are in the toilet

Synonym: gutter sewer

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1285120.html
