

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

2. This peculiarity of character grew with my growth, and in my manhood, I derived from it one of my principal sources of pleasure.

3. It is provided with all social system's peculiarity, and thereinto, the exoteric system is primary.

4. Some peculiarity might now dart forth.

5. The purpose of this paper is to identify the peculiarity of the manifestations of parotid gland、and the relationship with xerostomia.
目的 为了明确舍格伦综合征腮腺表现的特点;以及与其它临床表现之间的关系。

6. The multitask peculiarity of VxWorks and radar are analyzed, a distributed control model of radar are set up. The real-time control of the console over the subsystems with embedded system and the key technology of image displaying under X-Window based on VxWorks are researched.
分析了雷达软件与 VxWorks 实时操作系统的多任务特性,建立了雷达分布式控制系统模型,研究在嵌入式硬件系统条件下基于 VxWorks 实现中央控制台对分系统的实时控制,以及在 VxWorks 上实现 X-Window 窗口图像显示的关键技术。

7. Secondly, analysed the concrete works` peculiarity of narrative content and form.

8. The construction of characters is a process, and the combination of sound, formation and meaning has a diachronic peculiarity.

9. Is a peculiarity of the book, and shows the people to have been in a bad spiritual frame, calculated to give birth to the practical sins enumerated later.

10. This paper discusses five aspects:(1) the fast computation of firing distance and advance point; (2)computing the shooting elements parameters amendment with the characteristic of advance point, position arrangement, aerial target`s flight peculiarity and ambient terrain and physiognomy; (3) investigating the method of shrink shooting scatterance and improving veracity of hitting the target in the process of the antiaircraft artillery company`s position arrangement of shooting in firm position(mainly ground aerial defence and shooting range ball firing) and little stopping shooting on the march (encountering the campaign or enemy`s space and ground attack(4)analyzing the way of shrink cannonball scatterance; (5) having a discussion of system hardware design.

11. A new airlift loop reactor was designed with the typical high viscous character of Xanthan gum fermentation, and the relationships between hydromechnical model and operating conditions were tested, the principle that the reactor`s high shearing zone enhances mass transfer by making use of shear-thinning peculiarity of Xanthan broth was analyzed.

12. One of his peculiarity is to wear sunglasses all the time, even when he is in the house.

13. M: There is one peculiarity about your approach.

14. This points to one of the peculiarity of the nature of leader`s job in organizations.

15. One peculiarity of the author of Job is his taste for play upon words; for example, ch.

16. We saw one peculiarity invariably distinguishing the infancy of society.

17. According to the introduction, the UN WeiYingYing miscalculates purchase has its own peculiarity.

18. A Nazis poke to peculiarity this bargain to their prerogative along with inside recklessness, Toulon commits self-murder.

19. Curing peculiarity and mechanical properties of the NR vulcanizate which filled with unmodified nano SiO_2 (sp1), modified nano SiO_2 (SP1-5703) and microfine SiO_2, were investigated.
研究了溶胶凝胶法和反胶团法制备的超微细 SiO2 填充天然橡胶硫化胶的硫化特性和力学性能,并与未改性纳米SiO2、KH 5 70改性纳米SiO2 进行了比较。

20. Considering the peculiarity of tee pipe coupling, the are well designed for general horizontal winding machine.

peculiarity 词典解释

1. 怪癖;古怪之处
A peculiarity that someone or something has is a strange or unusual characteristic or habit.

e.g. Joe's other peculiarity was that he was constantly munching hard candy.

2. 独特之处;特性;个性
A peculiarity is a characteristic or quality which belongs or relates only to one person or thing.

e.g. Each nation can have its own peculiarities when it comes to doing business.
e.g. ...a peculiarity of our times.

peculiarity 单语例句

1. peculiarity

1. But the great unknown for Britain is the peculiarity of its confrontational political system, which might not be best suited to a coalition style of government.

2. It is already a profound peculiarity that customs duties in a customs union are still administered nationally.

3. peculiarity什么意思

3. A State bureau of civil aviation will be formed under the Ministry of Transport, due to the peculiarity of the civil aviation industry.

4. peculiarity的解释

4. Some folk artists have it, but most folk music dwells on misery and folk tales strong on peculiarity.

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5. The peculiarity here is the'b'is a silent'p'and the'x'is pronounced as's'.

6. This Chinese peculiarity reflects the distinctive makeup of the country's luxury goods market.

7. " To develop the port and achieve success for individuals " would be the cultural theme and peculiarity of Tianjin Port.

8. First, there was no automatic deflationary pressure following from some alleged peculiarity of the adjustment mechanism.

peculiarity 英英释义


1. something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting

Synonym: curio curiosity oddity oddment rarity

2. a distinguishing trait

Synonym: specialness specialty speciality distinctiveness

3. an odd or unusual characteristic

Synonym: distinctive feature distinguishing characteristic

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1286521.html
