
have contact with是什么意思_have contact with在线翻译_双语例

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
have contact with  
have contact with 基本解释接触到,和…有联系;
have contact with 网络解释

1. 和...接触:be out of contact with与...失去联系 | have contact with和...接触 | lose contact with与...失去联系

2. 与......联系:Gentile 非犹太人 | have contact with 与......联系 | count out 数出

3. 接触到...,和...有联系:6. masses of... 大量的 | 7. have contact with...接触到...,和...有联系 | 8. in exchange for... 交换

4. 与......有联系:from side to side 左右(摇摆) | have contact with 与......有联系 | live to be 活至

have contact with 双语例句

1. Records sincerely with the customer contact in does. 2nd, thought win-win the customer thought that seeks the benefit sincerely and honestly for the customer, at the same time enables us to have the progress enhancement.

2. With the high-speed development of computer technology, internet technology and virtual reality technology, modern society is entering digital information times, a series of new changes have taken place in our ways of action and contact in society.

3. Increase cards and membership cards produced by the speed business card printing and membership card making speed declined after the inks on the inks with contact time, this is a low-speed business card printing and membership card when significant anti-overprinter, and in high speed business card printing and membership card-making basic does not have anti-overprinter.

4. If you have any other questions, please make contact with me when you wish, my Email address is

5. With approval from The Education and Manpower Bureau, the total amount of annual school fee will have a rise remains unchanged. The new monthly payment will be $1313 /$2679. Should you have any query regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

6. B Contact should be made only with people who have seen the True State of the Nature.

7. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons, without their consent and often without their knowledge.
Live and Die,此文章版权归原作者所有!

8. Yesterday afternoon my mother-in-law started the beginning of diarrhea, go to the hospital after inspection is infectious diarrhea, should pay attention to segregation, but I only baby birth at home confinement, it will inevitably come into contact with mother-in-law used such things, but the total can not be sick because the mother-in-law let her move out to live it, then the baby would have been inadvertently infected with it?

9. In a bid to tempt more declarations, the amnesty does not require that taxpayers have any contact with tax officials, and payments can be made directly into a special Federal Tax Service bank account.

have contact with的意思

10. Due to the high velocity jet of water, they form a negative pressure around the room so have a vacuum device, and as a result of the second steam jet flow with the direct contact heat exchange, the vast majority of steam condensing into water, not a small amount of steam and condensate non-condensing gas is also due to high-speed jet of water and friction with each other, mixed and extruded through the diffuser tube to be excluded, so that the formation of higher browser indoor vacuum.

11. So, if he really wants you to believe on what he is saying, have eye contact with him.

have contact with在线翻译

12. Many countries in the mid-Asian region have contact with China.

13. As a result, firstly they have more sols with the content of 69~85% and lower gel crosslinking density with the swelling degree of 2700~5200%; secondly they own many hydroxyl groups in the chains which promote the formation of strong hydrogen bonding; thirdly they display micro-phase separation structure originating from crystal and non-crystal regions; fourthly by controlling the molar ratio of monomers, adjustable mechanical properties(tensile strength of 0.1~0.7MPa, elastic modulus of 0.05~0.7MPa, elongation at break of 12~115%), good hydrophilicity(water contact angle of 45~57°) and low water-uptake(3~8%) can be gained; fifthly after 7.5 day degradation, their mass loss can reach above 30%, and the rate of degradation is influenced by the sol content, crosslinking density, branching degree of sols, hydrogen bonding between gels and sols etc.; finally they are desired to be used as drug delivery carrier, hemostasis agent, bone wax, scaffold material, anti-adhesion film after operation etc.
研究发现,该弹性体溶胶含量在69~85%之间,交联密度较小(凝胶质量溶胀度在2700~5200%之间);材料结构中含有大量的羟基,分子链段间存在较强的氢键作用;材料具有结晶区域和非晶区域共存的微相分离结构;通过单体摩尔配比的控制,材料具有可调的力学性能(拉伸强度0.1~0.7MPa、弹性模量0.05~0.7 MPa、伸长率12~115%)、较好的亲水性能(水接触角45~57°)和较低的吸水率(3~8%);材料经过7.5天的降解,其失重可达到30%以上,材料的降解速率受材料的溶胶含量、交联密度的大小、溶胶的支化程度、以及溶胶和凝胶间氢键作用强弱的影响;该材料以期用作药物缓释载体、止血剂、骨蜡、组织工程支架和外科手术防粘连膜等方面。

14. As a result, firstly they have more sols with the content of 61~63% and lower gel crosslinking density with the swelling degree of 2000~2600%; secondly they own many hydroxyl groups in the chains which promote the formation of strong hydrogen bonding; thirdly they display micro-phase separation structure originating from crystal and non-crystal regions; fourthly by controlling the molecular weight of prepolymers, adjustable mechanical properties(tensile strength of 0.4~0.7MPa, elastic modulus of 0.3~0.7MPa, elongation at break of 100~260%), good hydrophilicity(water contact angle of 34~44°) and low water-uptake(1~9%) can be gained; fifthly, after 28 day degradation, their mass loss can reach above 30%, and the rate of degradation is influenced by the sol content and molecular weight, crosslinking density, hydrophilicity and water-uptake, hydrogen bonding between gels and sols etc.; finally they are desired to be used as drug delivery carrier, hemostasis agent, bone wax, scaffold material, anti-adhesion film after operation etc.

15. It has been some time since we have had contact you when back home with your precious adopted child.

16. Eighth, get along well with each other. Marketing position requires that you must come into contact with a variety of people. So you should learn interpersonal relationship, learn to get along with others, make friends with persons who have ever met you. They can be your spreader of your personal morality and be your strengthener.

17. Recent studies by the author have shown that cholestyramine has the characteristics of a mucoadhesive when in contact with isolated gastric mucosa.

18. When negotiating with the Japanese, I have learned to use intermittent eye contact across the bargaining table rather than staring directly.

have contact with在线翻译

19. However, RCF materials have for some time been placed in EU Risk Class 2 as they are irritants and can be harmful if inhaled. Therefore, to protect installation workers from any risk of inhalation or direct contact with the ceramic fibre used on the kiln walls and roof, Sacmi Forni has introduced a series of'total safety'systems that prevent environmental contamination and any material-related illnesses.

have contact with的翻译

20. About September 1998, he told us that Ji Fung would be sent to shipyard for repair and the workers would take her leave water; he believed that it was a good time to take photo with Ji Fung and suggested us to contact him if we have such intention.

have contact with 单语例句

1. have contact with在线翻译

1. But it does not allow for ad hoc arbitration, in which the parties have more direct contact with arbitrators.

2. have contact with的近义词

2. Since then we have had very close contact with the CGA to help them with the development of this center.

3. Health departments from the two provinces were tracing those in close contact with the patients and have been quarantined.


4. Carefully clean up their vomit and properly disinfect anything that might have come in contact with the virus.

5. All cases reported among humans thus far have come from direct contact with infected birds.

6. People who had come into close contact with the victim have undergone medical tests, the Shandong provincial government said.

7. Shi Yingying and Erik Nilsson examine the impact these marine mammals have on the children they come into contact with.


8. This means only very small numbers of New Zealand cows could have come into contact with DCD in very limited time frames.

9. The local government has asked all those who have come into contact with Lu to be under medical observation.

10. Although the criminals have no direct contact with each other inside the penitentiary, they managed to have a communication channel through visitors.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1292856.html
