
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网


2015-2016学年度第一学期高二期中测试英语试题 (考试时间为120分钟,总分150分,共9页;请按照题号把1至55题的答案规范填涂在答题卡上;剩余部分也写到答题卡上;务必在答题卡上写上班别、姓名和考号。)一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)1. China has a lot of famous writers, one of ________ is Lu Xun. A. them B. whose C. who D. whom2. The theory ________by Einstein ____________ to be true. A. to be put forward; has proved B. being put forward; has been proved C. was put forward; has proved D. put forward; has been proved3. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself _________. A. heard B. to be heard C. hearing D. being heard4. Not only _______ polluted but ________ crowded. A. was the city; were the streets B. the city was; were the streets C. was the city; the streets were D. the city was; the streets were5. _______ from the space, the earth, with water ________ seventy percent of its surface, looks like a blue ball. A. Seen; covered B. Seen; covering C. Seeing; covering D. Seeing; covered6. Hardly had she heard the telephone___________ she rushed up to answer it. A. as soon as B. while C. when D. that 7. Mother went shopping, _________ I did some cleaning in the house. A. meanwhile B. meantime C. and meanwhile D. in the meantime8. The man read the letter from his wife with a ___________expression on his face. A. puzzling B. puzzled C. puzzle D. be puzzled 9._________, I will write a report and give it to your parents. A. If I am necessary B. If it necessary C. If is necessary D. If necessary10.We hope to develop a system ________ waste can be recycled ecologically. A. that B. which C. where D. for which 11. _______, she cleaned the room for the old . A. To her disappointment B. In her credit C. To her credit D. On the credit12. It is reported that many new houses _______ at present in disaster area.A. are being built B. were being built C. was being built D. is being built13. When he finally came to life, he found himself_____on a chair, with his hands____ back. A. seating, tying B. seated, tying C. seated, tied D. seating, tied14. Never before _____ this opportunity---don’t miss it.A. we have had B. have we had C. we had D. did we have15. Simon ____of murdering his former wife by the law officers many years ago.A. accusedB. was accused C. was charged D. being accused二、完形填空 (共15题,每小题2分, 共30分) When I was a little girl, every Sunday my family of six would put on our best clothes and go to Sunday School(主日学校) and then church. One Easter Sunday, with 16 , all the kids shared their stories about what the Easter Bunny (复活节兔子) had brought. One young boy, whom I called Bobby, sat 17 . One of the teachers, 18 this, said to him, “And what did the Easter Bunny bring you?” He replied, “My mom 19 the door by accident so the Easter Bunny couldn’t get inside.”? This sounded like a 20 idea to all of us kids, so we kept on going with the 21 . However, my mom knew the true story. Bobby’s mom was a single 22 , and she just couldn’t 23 the Easter Bunny.? After Sunday School was over, everyone went off to the 24 . My mom announced that we were going home instead. At home, she 25 that if we want to make Bobby feel better, we were going to 26 to be the Easter Bunny,make a basket of presents for him and 27 it at church. We all donated some of our candies to the 28 , and headed back up to church. There, mom hung the basket over the hanger(衣架), and covered it up with the coat and attached a 29 to the coat, reading:Dear Bobby,I'm sorry I 30 your house last night. Happy Easter.Love,The Easter Bunny16. A. hopeB. delightC. anxietyD. anger17. A. excitedlyB. happilyC. silentlyD. calmly18. A. noticingB. watchingC. feelingD. recognizing19. A. brokeB. openedC. fixedD. locked20. A. stupidB. reasonableC. funnyD. reliable21. A. lessonsB. ideasC. storiesD. shows22. A. parentB. teacherC. nurseD. father23. A. applyB. keepC. affordD. borrow24. A. homeB. shopC. schoolD. church25. A. shoutedB. explainedC. informedD. whispered26. A. learnB. dressC. pretendD. assist27. A. forgetB. giveC. bringD. leave28. A. basketB. churchC. homeD. bag29. A. noticeB. bookC. noteD. letter30. A. arrivedB. missedC. leftD. found三、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项(每小题2分,共40分)。AI am a professor of sports and exercise, so I often deal with nervousness in my research with sports people. Actually, most people experience nervousness at some time or another.If you are feeling anxious, my advice is to first find the cause or causes. Make a list of those things that are making you nervous and work out which ones you can do something about. Focus all of your efforts on managing the causes that you can control.Most people cannot tell the difference between controllable(可控制的) and uncontrollable causes, so things they can’s control become a big reason for nervousness. Dealing with this is very important if people want to keep a healthy mind.Simply try to accept the uncontrollable causes of nervousness. You might be worried about the weather on a big day, an accident or an attack on the train, or perhaps just things that other people are doing at work. The results may be very important but there is still no use worrying because you can’t control any of these things. Accept that you can’t control everything. Once you understand this, it becomes easier not to worry.If a situation, such as swimming, is causing you to be anxious, try to face it as often as possible so that you can get used to it.It can often help to think about yourself doing the thing that makes you nervous—then close your eyes and imagine it going well. Imagine how the flight or job interview is going to happen so that you can get used to it. This will help you understand that the thing you fear most is probably not going to happen.31. Who wrote this passage?A. A reporter. B. A sportsman. C. A patient. D. A professor.32. The writer thinks there is no use worrying about some causes of nervousness because____.A. most are not very importantB. they are not the real causes of the problemC. they cannot be controlled by peopleD. it’s better to deal with one cause at a time33. If swimming makes you nervous, what should you do according to the writer?A. Go swimming often to get used to it.B. Avoid going to the swimming pool.C. Find a swimming teacher.D. Imagine watching others swim.34. What is true about nervousness according to the passage?A. It usually has only one cause.B. It is usually caused by people.C. People can easily manage it.D. Most people suffer from it. 35. What is the main purpose of this passage?A. To introduce the writer’s sports experience.B. To advise on how to deal with nervousness.C. To help people remember their fears.D. To explain the dangers of nervousness.BFuturologists(未来学家) predict that life will probably be very different in 2050.TV channels will have disappeared. Instead, people will choose a program from a “menu” and a computer will send the programme directly to the television. Today, we can use the World Wide Web to read newspaper stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away. By 2050, music, films, programs, newspapers, and books will come to us by computer.Cars will run on new, clean fuels and they will go very fast. Cars will have computers to control the speed and there won’t be any accidents. Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are. By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to your广东省邓发纪念中学2015-2016学年高二上学期期中考试(英语)
