
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 高中学习网
一般过去将来时1、一般过去将来时的构成一般过去将来时是由“should/would + 动词原形”构成的。He asked me yesterday when I should leave for Paris.昨天他问我什么时候动身去巴黎。2、一般过去将来时的用法一般过去将来时间的出发点是过去,即从过去某一时刻看以后要发生的动作和状态。(1)一般过去将来时常用于间接引语中He said they would arrange a party.他说他们将安排一个晚会。(2)一般过去将来时可用来表示非真实的动作或状态If I had a chance to study abroad, I would study at Cambridge University.如果我有机会出国学习的话,我就会去剑桥大学。3、过去将来时间其他表达法(1) was/were going to +动词原形He said that he was going to live in the country when he retired.他说他退休后要住在农村。(2)was/were +动词的-ing形式Nobody knew whether the guests were coming.没人知道客人们是否要来。(3)was/were +动词不定式She said she was to clean the classroom after school.她说她放学后要打扫教室。【提示】“was/were going to +动词原形”或“was/were+ 动词不定式完成式”可表示未能实现的过去将来时间的动作。Last Sunday we were going to visit the Great Wall, but it rained.上星期天我们本想去游览长城的,但却下雨了。(没有去成)(4)was/were about to do“was/were about to do”表示说话的瞬间就会发生的动作。I felt something terrible was about tohappen.我觉得有可怕的事要发生了。(5)was/were on the point of doingI'm glad you have come. I was on the point of calling you, but you've saved me the trouble now.很高兴你来了。我正准备给你打电话,现在你省去我这个麻烦了。【提示】“be about to do”和“be onthe point of doing”结构一般不与表示将来的时间状语连用,但后面可以接when引导的分句。I was about to start when it suddenly began to rain.我正要动身天突然下雨了。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaokao/1313482.html
