
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 高中学习网
  Like many sisters, Abby and Eliza Davis couldn't be more different. Twelve-year-old Eliza is full of 1 , and always has something to say. Nine-year-old Abby is 2 . She’s happiest when she has a good book to read. Eliza 3 to be a lawyer or a clothes designer one day. She just can’t 4 to grow up and to away to college. Abby wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She works hard at math and science, her 5 subjects.

  Eliza is in the seventh grade. She gets up every day at 5:30, to 6 and blow-dry her hair. She’s ready to leave the house at 6:50, to 7 her friends by the store for breakfast. The children have a mile and a half to 8 to school, and the bell rings at 7:30.

  At 11:20, the children have their 9 . Some eat the hot dog, chicken pot pie, 10 other food that the school prepares for them, but Eliza would like to bring her own lunch in a lunchbox. At 2:15, classes are 11 and it’s time for sports. Eliza usually has tennis practice 12 4:30. She’s tired by the time her mother comes to get her in the car, but she still has two or three hours of 13 to do before she goes to bed.

  Abby is in the fourth grade at Broken Ground School. She’s lucky. Her school has big modern 14 , first-class teacher, and an excellent library. The playground is surrounded by beautiful 15 , where Indians once camped.

  Like many American school children, Abby starts the day by saluting the American 16 hanging in her classroom. Then work begins. Today, She's writing a composition about her summer holidays. Her pencil 17 busily across the paper.

  Abby will finish her story at home this evening, 18 Eliza does her homework. Will they work together 19 , or will they fight?

  “Well,” says Abby, “We have arguments, but we get along pretty well. About fifty-fifty,” I’d say. “That’s not 20 for two such different sisters, is it?”

  1. A. power B. energy C. strength D. courage

  2. A. quieter B. younger C. noisier D. harder

  3. A. needs B. has C. agrees D. wants

  4. A. refuse B. accept C. wait D. wish

  5. A. best B. lovely C. fortunate D. favourite

  6. A. wash B. clean C. brush D. comb

  7. A. welcome B. meet C. see D. receive

  8. A. drive B. move C. walk D. travel

  9. A. lunch B. cooking C. game D. supper

  10. A. besides B. except C. without D. or

  11. A. given B. prepared C. finished D. started

  12. A. at B. by C. after D. until

  13. A. housework B. homework C. cleaning D. washing

  14. A. offices B. blackboards C. classrooms D. windows

  15. A. buildings B. pools C. forest D. woods

  16. A. flag B. map C. history D. people

  17. A. jumps B. leans C. lies D. moves

  18. A. while B. and C. if D. then

  19. A. happily B. constantly C. peacefully D. carefully

  20. A. bad B. fair C. equal D. usual


  1~5 BADCD 6~10 ABCAD 11~15 CDBCD 16~20 ADACA

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaokao/1322437.html
