
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 高中学习网



Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trams, or even cars can be a terrible trouble ? especially when they are insects. As for this, there is a great 1 between human beings; and insects. The former 2 every possible effort to avoid being discovered, while the latter quickly 3 attention to themselves.

We can only show mercy to the 4 man who had to slop his car soon after 5 from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the 6 of the car, he naturally got out to 7 the wheels carefully, but he found nothing wrong, so he 8 his way. Again the noise began, 9 and became even louder. Quickly 10 his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great 11 cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees 12 .

On learning this, the man drove away .as quickly as possible. After an hour's 13 driving, he arrived safely in London, where he parked his car outside a 14 and went in- It was not long 15 a customer who had seen him arrive 16 in to inform him that his car was 17 with bees. The poor driver was 18 that the best way should be to call a 19 . In a short time the man arrived. He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back. of the car. Very thankful to the driver for this 20 gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousand of followers home in a large box.

1. A. connection B. difference C. communication D. similarity

2. A. do B. take C. make D. try

3. A. give B. keep C. pay D. draw

4. A. unfortunate B. careless C. unpleasant D. hopeless

5. A. passing by B. leaving out C. setting out D. getting up

6. A. front B. back C. left D. right

7. A. clean B. change C. test D. examine

8. A. drove B. continued C. pushed D. forced

9. A. normally B. gently C. actually D. immediately

10. A. hiding B. turning C. shaking D. raising

11. A. black B. beautiful C. white D. colorful

12. A. below B. ahead C. nearby D. behind

13. A. boring B. careful C. exciting D. hard

14. A. hotel B. museum C. hospital D. school

15. A. when B. after C. until D. before

16. A. broke B. moved C. hurried D. dropped

17. A. crowded B. covered C. filled D. equipped

18. A. advised B. required C. ordered D. requested

19. A. bee-keeper B. policeman C. waiter D. repairman

20. A. unfamiliar B. unknown C. unexpected D. uncertain



1~5 BCDAC 6~10 BDBDB 11~15 ACDAD 16~20 CBAAC

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaokao/1334825.html

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