
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一学习指导 来源: 高中学习网




1. 不用进行时的词有:

(1) 系动词: feel, sound, smell, taste, look, appear, seem, remain, prove 等。

(2) 表结果的感官动词: see, notice, hear 等。

(3) 非延续性的动词,此动作开始即是结束:enter, accept, receive等。

(4) 表心理状态,存在状态,拥有的动词:love, like, hate, care, dislike, respect, prefer, know, understand, forget, remember, believe, want, wish, hope, mind, agree, belong to, depend on, own, have等。

2. 用进行时的特殊词有系动词get, turn, grow, become, go, come, fall 等表由一种状态转入另一种状态时,用进行时表示渐近。Today, many rivers that were polluted are getting cleaner and cleaner. 当今,许多过去遭污染的河流又变得越来越清澈了。



(1) 现在进行时表近期的,事先已经计划安排好的

-- How are you getting to the airport?

-- By taxi. Bob is coming with me to the airport.

(2) will do 和 shall do

① 表客观将来。shall用于第一人称,will用于第一、

二、三人称。I will / shall finish middle school next month.

② 表有科学根据的预测。The weather report says it will rain tomorrow.

③ 表客观必然。Man will make mistakes.

(3) be going to

① 表现在打算在近期或将来要做某事。I'm going to finish my homework tonight.

② 表根据已有迹象的预测。It's so dark outside, I think it's going to rain.

③ be going to不与come, go连用,而用be coming, be going 形式。Mary is coming here this evening.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/103639.html
