
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一学习指导 来源: 高中学习网

(1)have an effect on…对.......有影响

(2)play a role of…扮演......;起.......作用

(3)be friendly to对......友好

(4)depend on依靠;由......决定;取决于

(5)shortage of…缺乏......

(6)be known as…作为.......而著称

(7)in other words换句话说

(8)a variety of不同......;形式多样的......

(9)do experiments做实验

(10)at the right time of the year在一年的适当时机

(11)the spring (autumn) ploughing春(秋)耕

(12)year after year年复一年

(13)from generation to generation一代又一代地

(14)at sunset在日落时

(15)tongue twister绕口令

(16)in the right order以正确的顺序

(17)on the stage在舞台上,在......时期

(18)act as充当......;担任......

(19)make fun of愚弄......;嘲笑......

(20)play on words玩文字游戏

(21)mother tongue母语

(22)have in common with…有......共同之处

(23)have a long tradition of…有......悠久传统

(24)date back to…追溯于......;起源于......

(25)advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事

(26)be satisfied with对......感到满意

(27)add to增加

(28)diving board跳水板

(29)as…as sb. can(could)尽可能地......

(30)drive off赶走;驱赶

(31)enjoy a long life延年益寿;长寿

(32)in great surprise(total silence)非常惊奇地(非常寂静)

(33)get confused感到困惑

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/1120134.html
