
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一学习指导 来源: 高中学习网




① Have a good day / time!

② Have a good journey / trip!

③ Good luck!

④ Enjoy yourself!

⑤ Best wishes to you!

⑥ Happy New Year!

⑦ Happy birthday!

⑧ Merry Christmas!


① Thank you.

② You, too.

③ The same to you.

【考点3】Describing emotions 描述人物的情感


-- I'm afraid I can't finish the book within this week.

-- ____.

A. Please go ahead B. That's all right

C. Not at all D. Take your time

[答案与解析]D 本题考查时表示遗憾情感的应答。A项表示“请吧,说吧”,用于回答许可或让对方先行。B、C两项是感谢或道歉的答语,D项表示“别着急,慢慢来”,符合语境。


① (恐惧) Help! / How terrible! / I'm afraid of... / I'm afraid to... / You scared me! / It scares me!

② (高兴) (It's) well done! / How wonderful! / That's great! / I'm pleased to...

③ (惊奇) Really! / Oh dear! / Is that so? / What a surprise! / How surprising!

④ (忧虑) What's wrong? / what's the matter? / Anything wrong? / What should we do?

⑤ (安慰)There, there. / Don't be afraid. /Don't worry. / It's (quite) all right. / It'll be OK / all right.

⑥ (满意) Good! / Well done! / Perfect! / That's fine. / That's better.

⑦ (遗憾) I'm so sorry! / It's a great pity! / What a shame! / That's too bad!

⑧ (同情) I'm so sorry! / I'm so sorry (about your illness). / I'm sorry to hear that.

⑨ (愤怒) Damn! / How annoying!

⑩ (鼓励) Well done! / Come on! / Keep trying. / You can do it!


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/112807.html
