
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网


Unit 1 Great scientists一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:movement, construction, theory, cure, absorb, engine, positive, contribute, characteristic, control1 The new tunnel hasn’t been finished; it is still under _________.2 It is said that this kind of new medicine can _________ people of heart disease.3 _________ are to machines what hearts are to animals.4 As we know, exercise _________ to better health.5 The hotel fire was completely under _________ the moment the firemen arrived.6 The need to communicate is a key _________ of human society.7 I am a witness. I am _________ about what time it happened.8 He seemed totally _________ in that book. When I came in he didn’t notice me at all.9 According to the _________ of relativity, nothing travels faster than light.10 Wearing loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _________.第二组:handle, serve, enthusiastic, scientific, analyse, complete, blame, valuable, spin, conclude11 She is a ________ woman who never smiles.12 They didn’t draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of ________ experiments.13 It came as a _________ surprise to me. I never thought of that.14 This kind of gold watch is really _________. It costs a lot of money to buy one.15 He _________ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home.16 Suddenly the plane was _________ out of control.17 Who is to _________ for this road accident?18 It took us a long time to _________ what went wrong. And eventually we knew the problem.19 She was even less _________ about going to Japan.20 She turned the _________ and opened the door.第三组:cautious, repeat, reject, pump, virus, announce, expose, defeat, instruct, radium21 I _________ three times but he still couldn’t remember it.22 This engine is used for _________ water out of the mine.23 The government _________ yesterday to the media plans to create a million new jobs.24 This is the first time that our team has been _________ at basketball match.25 Madame Curie is always remembered by people as the discoverer of _________.26 You will be _________ where to go as soon as the car is ready.27 Don’t _________ yourself to strong sunlight; it will harm your skin.28 He was seriously ill because of a _________ infection.29 This proposal was firmly _________ at the meeting.30 He is very _________ about committing(承诺) himself to anything.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):put forward draw a conclusion in addition link…to…apart from be strict with lead to make sense point of view1 You must organize your composition well. _________, you should pay attention to your handwriting.2 What he thought and said didn’t ________.3 It was because of his carelessness that _________ his failure.4 My boss _________ me in my new work.5 He was brave enough to _________ objections at the meeting.6 Peter, what’s your __________ on that matter?7 __________ Changjiang and Huanghe there are many other rivers in China.8 After reading the article once again he __________.9 You may _________ your mobile phone __________ a computer.Unit 2 The United Kingdom一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:consistent, communism, clarify, fold, influence, collection, delight, unite, smart, unfair, puzzle, available, construct1 It was Karl Marx who developed ________.2 Please ________ down the blanket and put it into the closet.3 I have a larger ________ of coins than he has.4 Two parties _________ to oppose the government’s plans.5 It was ________ for the mother to treat her five kids unequally.6 The newly-developed software is ________ to all PC users. It is cheap and easy to install.7 The old bridge _________ in the 1950s was washed away during the floods last week.8 The math problem _________ both the teacher and his students.9 Mr. & Mrs. Jones were wearing their _________ clothes for the grand party.10 He won the game easily, to the __________ of all his fans.11 Proper ways of education have positive _________ on children’s growth and development.12 I have _________ my intention of leaving the company.13 The results are entirely _________ with earlier research.第二组:debate, loyal, attraction, project, statue, legal, wedding, error, splendid, uniform, thrill, arrange, convenience14 That plane belongs to British ________ Forces.15 I am occupied in writing a new research _________.16 According to Chinese _________ systems, the suspect must be sentenced to death.17 I think you have made an _________ in calculating the total.18 Students are asked to wear school _________ at school.19 Our _________ marriage came to an end in the year of 2006.20 This flat is equipped with modern __________.21 It gave me a big ________ to meet my favorite author in person.22 They bought a ________ apartment by the sea, which cost them lots of money.23 The old couple got married thirty years ago. Yesterday was their 30th _________ anniversary.24 The _________ of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by France.25 The Window to the World is a famous _________ to visitors from both home and abroad.26 The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly __________by scientists.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):consist of divide..into… break away (from)leave out take the place of break down1 China _________ 23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions.2 Miss Wang _________ Mrs. Liu to give us a lesson.3 __________ sentences which are unnecessary in the essay.4 Mum _________ the apple _________ four parts, so everyone got his share.5 Negotiations between these countries finally __________.6 I persuaded him to _________ the gang and be a good man.Unit 3 Life in the future一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:swift, extraordinary, agency, bend, carriage, constantly, previous, vehicle, press, helmet1 Sun Yat-sen was a truly ________ man in the Chinese history.2 Please mark the pipe where you will ________ it.3 As you know, fashion is ________ changing.4 In front of the hotel are rows of parked ________.5 People are often asked to wear _________ when riding motorbikes.6 The ________ conference is to be held between 9:00 am and 10:00 a.m. next Monday.7 Anyone can do this job. No ________ experience is needed for it.8 This is an express train with 18 ________.9 You may turn to a travel _________ for information about traveling abroad.10 Don’t hesitate; you need to make a _________ decision.第二组:private, tablet, surroundings, mud, flash, skip, require, master, temple, capsule11 The doctor told me to take two ________ with water before meals.12 My car got stuck in the ________ and couldn’t get out.13 Since you have learned this chapter, let us _________ it and begin the next chapter.14 I received my _________ degree for economics in Beijing University.15 Those miners were brought up from the mine in a special _________.16 That old _______ with a history of more than 300 years is visited by lots of people every day.17 The height of the desk ________ adjusting a little lower.18 A neon(霓虹灯) ________ on and off above the door.19 My hometown lies in a small village with nice _________. I enjoy living there.20 The number of Shenzheners who have ________ cars has reached 1 million.第三组:length, herb, switch, impression, mask, lack, optimistic, settlement, lemonade, jet21 I like to drink tea mixed with _______. It smells fragrant.22 If you don’t like this channel, just ________ to another one.23 She succeeded because she had the determination that her brother ________.24 The management and the unions have reached a ________ over new working conditions.25 ?What kind of drink would you like? ?A glass of ________, please.26 The two sides are not too ________ about the result of the negotiation.27 The robbers were wearing stocking ________ when they robbed the bank.28 His words left me the ________ that he didn’t like the plan at all.29 In our school each class is 40 minutes in ________.30 The accident happened as the ________ was about to take off.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):remind…of lose sight of sweep up speed upassist in catch sight of take up1 Wang Ping ran very fast and soon I ________ him.2 Since retirement Old Wang ________ gardening.3 After the train pulled out of the station it soon ________.4 They greatly _________ searching for the missing boy.5 This old photo _________ me ________ my college days.6 We’ll make our bathroom more comfortable if we _______ the mess every day.7 I _________my brother immediately among the crowd, for he was very tall!Unit 4 Making the news一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:edition, process, chief, reporter, guilty, acquire, course, section, occupation, department, approve1 Before he became the ________ editor of the newspaper he was a journalist.2 I often read the electronic _________ of Shenzhen Daily on the internet.3 The judge announced the man not _________ and then he was set free.4 Tomato-egg soup is the last _________ of our dinner.5 The Japanese _________of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.6 The new edition textbook is _________ by the Department for Education.7 Months later I was appointed manager of the sales _________ of our company.8 I glanced over the sports _________ of China Daily.9 From whom did you _________ the latest information?10 Our chief editor is having a friendly talk with those _________ from New York Times.11 I sent three rolls of film away to be ________.第二组:technical, employ, task, appointment, meanwhile, photograph, profession, trade, intention, thorough, accurate12 Learning is the main ________ for us high school students.13 We will offer free _________ support for those buying our software.14 There are 20 minutes to go before the meeting. _________, I want to have a drink of coffee.15 He was an electrician by _________.16 I have no ________ of leaving the city. On the contrary, I do like this city.17 My watch is not ________. I am afraid it needs fixing.18 Miss Wang did a ________ investigation of who broke the classroom windows.19 A few years ago China became a member of the World _________ Organization.20 Shenzhen is a beautiful city. I spent a whole day taking _________ of it.21 In some countries you must make an _________ before going to a doctor.22 Since how long ago have you been _________ in this factory?第三组:deliberately, gifted, normal, recorder, note, colleague, seldom, senior, eager, polish, case, crime23 Lisa is a very _________ girl for music. She can play the piano very well though very young.24 Now when we enjoy music we use DVD but don’t often use the tape ________to play cassettes..25 We are friends and ________ for many years. We are getting on quite well.26 After graduating from a junior middle school I went to a key _________ middle school in our city.27 My article was carefully _________ and checked before release(发表).28 Anyone who commits a ________ shall be punished.29 You probably won’t need to call, but take my number, just in _________.30 After the exam all the students were ________ to know their results.31 I don’t like films, so I ________ go to the cinema.32 Please ________ that the new law will come into effect on July 1st.33 It is ________ to feel tired after such a long trip.34 I have been _________ ignoring her all day, so she is very upset.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):concentrate on accuse …of so as to (do sth)defend against have a nose for be supposed to1 He moved to live with the disabled man _________ take care of him.2 Mike is a reporter who _________ those film and TV stars’ love affairs(诽闻)..3 Johnson was _________ murder by the police and condemned to 10 years in prison.4 He _________ be a college graduate but he knew nothing of history.5 The law allows people to _________ themselves _________ a charge.6 In this chapter I shall _________ the early years of Charlie’s reign(王朝).Unit 5 First aid一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:mild, throat, bandage, jewellry, ceremony, liquid, injury, aid, radiation, present, wounded1 I cannot raise my voice, for I have got a sore ________.2_________is a personal ornament, such as a ring, necklace, bracelet, made from jewels, precious metals or other substances3 Matter has three states?solid, gas and ________.4 With the _________ of my English teacher I have made rapid progress in English.5 The family _________ an ancient sword to the museum.6 Those _________ soldiers were sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.7 It is said that you will be affected by the ________ if you talk on the mobile phone for long.8 Be careful with the knife. Or you will do yourself an ________ .9 Some high officials were invited to the opening _________ of Shenzhen Hi-tech Fair.10 His legs were seriously hurt and were _________ up. He could only stay in bed.11She is a _________ woman who never shouts to others. We all like being with her.第二组:pressure, bleeding, tissue, bravery, choke, symptom, electric, iron, kettle, ankle, towel12 I cut my finger while cutting the apple and it was ________.13 He saved the girl from the burning house. We all admired him for his _________.14 Headache, cough and a running nose are all cold _________.15 I need to _________ the dress before I can wear it.16 While playing football yesterday afternoon I sprained my ________ and it hurt a lot.17 After the bath you’d better dry yourself with a __________.18 She carelessly knocked over a _________ full of boiling water on his legs.19 It was Edison who invented the _________ light.20 The man almost _________ to death in the thick smoke.21 Will you please bring me a box of _________? My nose is running.22 You shouldn’t work under great _________all the time. Try to relax yourself.第三组:treatment, wrist, authentic, essay, swell, sleeve, organ, poison, ambulance, damage, damp23 My _________ aches. I can hardly move my hand.24 Her face ________ up where the bee had stung her.25 Eyes, nose, and ears are the sense _________ of the human body.26 He fell ill and had trouble breathing. So his family called 120 for help and then an __________ arrived immediately.27 The house is very cold and _________. If you live here for long you will probably suffer from rheum arthritis(风湿性关节炎).28 The desk was _________. Who can fix it?29 Some mushrooms contain a deadly _________. Never eat them.30 In summer people usually wear shirts with short ________.31 He wrote an _________ on the causes of the First World War.32 There is a sewage(污水) _________ plant in the west of the city.33 I am interested in collecting valuable paintings, but I don’t know if this one is _________.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):fall ill over and over again in placesqueeze out a number of put one’s hands on1 He __________, so his wife called for first aid.2 When you finish reading my books please put them _________.3 Don’t ask me such silly questions __________.4 __________ middle school students signed up for the English Summer Camp.5 Peter, I cannot ___________ any blank paper for you.6 I took off my wet clothes and _________ water.Keys:必修五Unit 1一 第一组:1 construction 2 cure 3 Engines 4 contributes 5 control 6 characteristic 7 positive 8 absorbed 9 theory 10 movement第二组:11 severe 12 scientific 13 complete 14 valuable 15 concluded 16 spinning 17 blame 18 analyse 19 enthusiastic 20 handle第三组:21 repeated 22 pumping 23 announced 24 defeated 25 radium 26 instructed 27 expose 28 virus 29 rejected 30 cautious二 1 In addition 2 make sense 3 led to 4 is strict with 5 put forward 6 point of view 7 Apart from 8 drew a conclusion 9 link…toUnit 2一 第一组:1 communism 2 fold 3 collection 4 united 5 unfair 6 available 7 constructed 8 puzzles 9 splendid/smart 10 delight 11 influence 12 clarified 13 consistent第二组:14 Loyal 15 project 16 legal 17 error 18 uniforms 19 arranged 20 conveniences 21 thrill 22 splendid 23 wedding 24 Statue 25 attraction 26 debated二 1 consists of 2 took/takes the place of 3 Leave out 4 divided…into 5 broke down 6 break away fromUnit 3一 第一组:raordinary 2 bend 3 constantly 4 vehicles 5 helmets 6 press 7 previous 8 carriages 9 agency 10 swift第二组:blets 12 mud 13 skip 14 master’s 15 capsule 16 temple 17 requires 18 flashed 19 surroundings 20 private第三组:rbs 22 switch 23 lacked 24 settlement 25 lemonade 26 optimistic 27 masks 28 impressions 29 length 30 jet二 1 lost sight of 2 has taken up 3 speeded up 4 assisted in 5 reminds …of6 sweep up 7 caught sight ofUnit 4一 第一组:1 chief 2 edition 3 guilty 4 course 5 occupation 6 approved 7 department 8 section 9 acquire 10 reporters 11 processed第二组:12 task 13 technical 14 Meanwhile 15 profession/trade 16 intention 17 accurate 18 thorough 19 Trade 20 photographs 21 appointment 22 employed第三组:23 gifted 24 recorder 25 colleagues 26 senior 27 polished 28 crime 29 case 30 eager 31 seldom 32 note 33 normal 34 deliberately二 1 so as to 2 has a nose for 3 accused of 4 was supposed to 5 defend…against 6 concentrate onUnit 5一 第一组:1 throat 2 Jewellry 3 liquid 4 aid 5 presented 6 wounded 7 radiation 8 injury 9 ceremony 10 bandaged 11 mild第二组:12 bleeding 13 bravery 14 symptoms 15 iron 16 ankle 17 towel 18 kettle 19 electric 20 choked 21 tissues 22 pressure第三组:23 wrist 24 swelled 25 organs 26 ambulance 27 damp 28 damaged 29 poison 30 sleeves 31 essay 32 treatment 33 authentic二 1 fell ill 2 in place 3 over and over again 4 A number of 5 put my hands on6 squeezed out

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/1168365.html
