
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网


1 I’ll show you a store ___you may buy all___you need.

A in which;that B where ;which C which; that D that; that

2 For all these years I have been working for others. I ’m hoping I’ll __my own business someday. A turn up B fix up C set up D make up

3Though he failed many times in election,he never lost __heart and at last he was elected __president of the USA

A /;a B a; the C his ; the D /;/

4 Old Tom took up the cleaning task of the neighborhood without any___.

A awards B rewards C results D prizes

5His son was put in__prison,He went to__prison to see him once a month.

A /;/ B the ;the C /; the D the ;/

6Only after the second tower of the World Trade Center was hit__people know it was not an accident,but an attak of some kind.

A done B does C do D did

7 The English teacher__most of her time __teaching her students.

A spent ;to B took ;in C cost; on D devoted ;to

8He arrived in New York,__some time later,he became a writer.

A when B where C that D which

9 The management of the company should be open ,fair and just.That is to say,all problem should be dealt with___.

A in general B on principle C with care D for fun

10Look out !Don’t get too close to the house__roof is under repair.

A whose B where C of which D that

11I thought the plan was very practical,so I voted __it.

A against B on C for D to

12The result of the experiment was very good,___we hadn’t expected.

A when B that C which D what

13 With no one to___in such a frightening situation ,she felt very helpless.

A turn on B turn off C turn over D turn to

14The reason___he was late for the meeting is____his car broke down on the road.

A why ; that B why ;because C which ; that D for which ,because

15Fitness is importantin sport,butof at least__importance are skill.

A fair B reasonable C equal D proper

16Carol said the work would be done by October,___personally I doubt very much.

A it B that C when D which

17__is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.

A Which B As C That D It

18Mandela was__to five years’ hard work labour for encouraging violence against the government. A reported B given C realized D sentenced
19We are living in an age___many things are done by computer.

A which B that C whose D when

20 The car which was___in the accident is being repaired in the garage.

A ruined B hurt C damaged D destroyed

21There are several research centers in China ___a certain disease called Bird Flu is being studied A which B where C when D what

22 You can’t imagine___when they received these nice Christmas presents.

A how they were excited B how excited they were

C how excited were they D they were how excited

23. Mary is so crazy __that famous singer that her hairstyle is similar __hers.

A to; about B about; with C about; to D with; to

24Was it in1969 ____the American astronaut Armstrong succeeded in landing on the moon?

A which B what C / D that

25 All the students __laughter when David walked into the classroom like Donald Duck.

A broke up B broke out C burst out D burst into

26. Jack ,as well as his friends who___fond of football games,___traveling with the team.

A is; are B are; are C are; is D is ; is

27 ?I heard you took a trip to Qiaodao last month.___

---It was great . I did have a great time.

A How was it ? B How are you going C Is that right D Cool!

28With the development of China ‘s economy , foreign investors___more and more interested in China ‘s potential(潜在的)market

A become B have become C will become D are becoming

29 Good friends usually share the same interest and agree__most things but sometimes they also disagree __each other___something.

A on; with; to B to; with ;about C on; with; on D with ; with; on

30 All human beings are born__so men and women should be treated___.

A equal; equally B equal ; equal C equally; equally D equally ;equal


Yesterday ,I went to cimema with my classmate Wang Li.We both liked the movie very

much. On the way to home,I asked what she thought of the movie. “ Well,it is an interested

movie.I like them very much. But I don’t think the leading actor did a good job.’’ She

said.She then said anything else about movies.I am surprised. “How do you know so many

about movies?’ I asked. “ I want to be a movie director when I grow up, so I often study

movies at my spare time ,’’ she said. I real admire her. From her I have learnt that if we want

to do something in the future, we should prepare for it from then on.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/1212175.html
