
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网


a. 单词拼写
1. i’ve a only half of what i’d hoped to do.
2. you can go out on c that you wear an overcoat.
3. she d all her efforts to her task.
4. the police o the man enter the bank.
5. we a with the waiter about the price of the meal.
6. will you (支持) me in my campaign for election?
7. he’s involved in the (组织)of a new club.
8. she was ashamed of her children’s bad (举止).
9. he fell in the water, much to the (开心) of the children.
10. did you (传递) my message to my father?
b. 句型转换
根据a句句义,用适当的句型或短语完成b 句,使其句义相同或相近。
11. a: it occurred to me that i had left my dictionary at home.
b: it_______me that i had left my dictionary at home.
12. a: mother seemed to know that.
b: it_______that mother________ that.
13. a: a teacher observed her climb over the gate.
b: she was observed ________ ________ over the gate by the teacher.
14. a: he was able to return home only when the war was over in 1945.
b: only when the war was over in 1945______ ________ ________ to return home.
15. a: he decided to study hard this term.
a. 单词拼写
1. achieved 2. condition 3. devoted 4. observed 5. argued 6. support 7. organization 8. behavior 9. entertainment 10. deliver

b. 句型转换
11. struck 12. seemed, knew 13. to climb 14. was he able 15. was determined
c. 完成句子
16. fought with / against, fighting for 17. devoted his life to 18. determined to 19. communicated with 20. caught my eye / attention

b: he _______ _______ to study hard this term.

c. 完成句子
16. britain _______ _______(作战) the us in the war of independence; the americans were _______ ________ (作战) their freedom.
17. he h

has ________ _______ _______ ______(献身于)helping blind people.
18. i am _______ ________ (决心) go and nothing will stop me.
19. has the minister of foreign affairs __________ _________ (联络) the american president yet?
20. the beautiful picture _______ _______ _______ (吸引了我的注意).

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/1231241.html
