
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网


金山中学2013-2014学年度第一学期中考英 语 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。I 听力(共题;每小题分,满分15分)?听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A?B?C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和独白读两遍。?听第1段材料,回答第1、2题。?1.?What?do?we?know?about?NoraA. She?prefers?a?room?of?own.?B.?She?likes?to?work?with?other?girls.?C.?She?lives?near?the?city?center.?2.What?is?good?about?the?flatA.?It?has?a?large?sitting?room.?B.?It?has?good?furniture.C?It?has?a?big?kitchen.?听第2段材料,回答第3、4题。?3.Where?has?Barbara?beenA.?Milan. B.?Florence. C.?Rome.?4. What?has?Barbara?got?in?her?suitcaseA.?Shoes.? B.?Stones. C.?Books.?听第3段材料,回答第5题。?5.?Who?is?making?the?telephone?callA.?Thomas?Brothers.? B.?Mike?Landon. C.?Jack?Cooper.?6.?What?relation?is?the?woman?to?Mr.?CooperA.?His?wife.? B.?His?boss.? C.?His?secretary.?7.?What?is?the?message?aboutA.?A?meeting.? B.?A?visit?to?France? C.?The?date?for?a?trip听第4段材料,回答第811题。8.?Who?could?the?man?speaker?most?probably?beA.?A?person?who?saw?the?accident.?B.?The?driver?of?the?lorry.?C.?A?police?officer.?9?.?What?was?Mrs.?Franks?doing?when?the?accident?took?placeA.?Walking?along?Churchill?Avenue.?B.?Getting?ready?to?cross?the?road.?C.?Standing?outside?a?bank.?10.?When?did?the?accident?happenA.?At?about?8:00?am.B.?At?about?9:00?am.?C.?At?about?10:00?am.?11.?How?did?the?accident?happenA.A?lorry?hit?a?car.?B.A?car?ran?into?a?lorry.?gkstkC.A?bank?clerk?rushed?into?the?street.?听第5段材料,回答第115题。12.?What?is?the?talk?mainly?aboutA.?The?history?of?the?school.?B.?The?courses?for?the?term.?C.?The?plan?for?the?day.?13.?Where?can?the?visitors?learn?about?the?subjects?for?new?studentA.?In?the?school?hall.?B.?In?the?science?labs.?C.?In?the?classrooms.?14.What?can?students?do?in?the?practical?areasA.?Take?science?courses.?B.?Enjoy?excellent?meals.?C.?Attend?workshops.?15.?When?are?the?visitors?expected?to?ask?questionA.?During?the?lunch?hour.?B.?After?the?welcome?speech.?C.?Before?the?tour?of?labs.II. 单项填空(共26题;每小题0.5分,满分13分)16. I ________ it myself ________ your homework.?A. prefer do; rather than copy B. prefer doing; than copy C. would do; rather than copy D. would rather do; than copy17. I can never forget the days _____ we worked together and the days ______ we spent happily together. A. for which; that B. which; when C. when; which D. on which; when 18. We have to ______ a time to discuss the matter again. A. make B. schedule C. have D. create 19. Even though she has many ______, I _______ any less. A. faults; don’t fond of her B. shortcomings; don’t love her C. errors; don’t like her D. mistakes, am not fond of her 20. It might be very difficult to find the ____ of the information. A. cause B. resource C. source D. course 21. Go about your business your own way. Don’t _____what others think or say. A. care for B. care about C. care with D. care of 22. You have to keep on learning if you want to keep ______ with the development of modern science and technology. A. peace B. touch C. pace D. connect 23. Is it true that light travels in a straight line and never ______ ______ it hits something that reflects it. A. turns; until B. bends; unless C. breaks; when D. changes; until 24. According to your father’s will, you have to ____ a record of every penny you spend, including bus fares. A. make B. keep C. have D. set 25. The hunter insisted that he _____ a tiger and that a searching team ______ to hunt for it.A. had seen; be set up B. had seen; must be set up C. saw; would be set up D. should see; should be set up 26. — Did Jack come back early last night?— Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ______ he got home. gkstkA. before B. when C. that D. until27. To their surprise, they found the lecture given by the famous professor easy ______. A. understanding B. understood C. to be understood D. to understand28. They say your report doesn’t ______ the fact. But I don’t ______ them ______ this point. A. agree to; agree with; at B. agree on; agree to; onC. agree on; agree on; on D. agree with; agree with; on29. There on the shore you can see a steam powered ship covered with dirt _____, waiting to be taken apart. A. lay in ruins B. lying in ruin C. lie in ruins D. laid in ruins30. Steel, brick and cement are all necessary building materials _____ . A. with which to build a dam B. which to build a dam with C. building a dam with D. to build a dam 31.It came to the world _____ that more than 10 prisoners were buried _____ by the terrorists. .A. as shocking; alive B. a shock; living C. shocked; live D. as a shock; alive 32. We should have ourselves _____ if we want to get the work _____ in the given time. A. organize well; finished B. well organized; done C. well organized; to be finished D. to be organized well; to be done 33. ---Will you please help me _____ the exercise books to the students? ---Sorry I have been in a race and my strength has completely _____. A. give out; given out B. give off; given up C. give out; given in D. give up; given up 34. The president _____ a speech to senators _____ a group of armed young people burst into the hall. A. was making; when B. gave, as C. was giving; while D. made; when 35. —Don’t worry, Jim. I can lend you the money. —Thank you very much, Bob. You are always so _____. A. mean B. generousC. peaceful D. active 36. As soon as we heard the boy shouting for help, we rushed to his _____ and pulled him out of the river. A. shelter B. rescueC. disaster D. outline 37. Eco-travel is a form of travel ___ combines normal tourism with learning, _____ a way to find out what can be done to help animals, plants and people .A.what; as well as B.that, as well C.which; as well as D.which; as well38. I’d grown _____ of the city and it was difficult to leave.A. sureB. terrifiedC. tiredD. fond 39. You’d better not eat too much fast food, _____ potato chips and hamburgers, if you don’t want to put on weight. A. such as B. instead of C. because of D. for example 40. Joan hasn’t been seen for four days and there is growing _____ for her safety.A. power B. item C. concern D. series 41. It was in the room ________ the old man is living now ________ Tom was born 20 years ago.A. that; that B. where; whereC. where; that D. that; whereIII、完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Across the world, students are working hard as they prepare for all kinds of exams. Many teenagers complain that while they do well in their homework, they don’t get 42 marks in exams. They are wondering why.In a new study this month, U.S. psychologists (心理学家) think they have found the answer. Researchers report that heavy exam 43 is actually more likely to affect the performance(表现) of very good students than average ones.Worried about whether they can 44 others like 广东省汕头市金山中学2013-2014学年高一上学期期中英语试题
