
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网


2012-2013学年度上学期期中模块检测 高一英语试题 2012年11月 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 第一部分 英语知识运用 ( 共两节,满分50分)第一节 语法和词汇知识 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.—Imagine you are outside whenearthquake comes. What should you do? — Go to open space away from buildings or tree. A. the; theB. the; an C. an; theD. an; an 2. —Would you like to go for an outing with us? —, for I have something important to do. A. I willB. I'd rather notC. I don't knowD. I'd love to3. It was their old carmy friend and his father sold to a Mexican last week.A. whenB. whichC. whetherD. that4. There's a big difference between saying you'll do something anddoing it. A. actuallyB. frequentlyC. graduallyD. certainly5. Richard looked at the envelope andJenny's handwriting immediately.A. recognizedB. foundC. realizedD. concerned6.Would you please _______the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes ? A.look around B.look into C.look up D.look through7. — Sorry, I _______to post the letter for you. — Never mind. _________it myself after school. A. forget; I post B. forgot; I was posting C. forgot; I’ll post D. forget; I am posting8. He is a new comer. There is no one _____, so let’s go and help him, shall we? A. who to turn to B. for him to turn C. for whom to turn D. he can turn to 9.— I can’t find Mr. Zhang. Where did you meet him this afternoon? — It was in the classroom _______ he taught. A.that B.which C.where D.the place.The place _________ the bridge is supposed to be built should be ________ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. A.which; where B.at which; which. C.at which; where D.which; in which. Is there anyone in your class _______ family is in the country? A. whoB. who’sC. whoseD. which12. —Peter, please don’t make so much noise. —Pardon? —I _____ make so much noise. A. tell you don’t B. tell you not to C. told you didn’t D. told you not to13. _____ from what he said, he must be an honest man. A. To judge B. Judged C. Judging D. Judge14. As soon as he comes back, I’ tell him when ______and see him.. A. you will comeB. will you come? C. you come D. do you come15. — Do you have any plans for the weekend? —Yes. I _______ for Shenzhen tomorrow. A. am leavingB. would leaveC. leftD. leave16. I would be _________ if you could give me some advice on how to make friends. A. sadB. gratefulC. honestD. fresh17. It’s so nice to receive her letter. _______, we haven’t seen each other for nearly 20 years. A. That’s to sayB. In other words C. Believe it or notD. What’s more18. He prefers _______ indoors _______ out this afternoon. A. to stay; to goB. staying; to goingC. to stay; to goingD. staying; to go19. The boy spent as much time playing video games as he _______ studying. A. doesB. had beenC. wasD. did20.Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane______.A takes off B is taking off C has taken off D took off第二节 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 I’d been proud that I’d never lost my cellphone until my husband Jack got a call one evening.We went to visit a friend in hospital last year. When Jack’s 21 rang, it was my mother calling from my 22 . She asked if I had 23 my mobile. I checked my purse. It was 24 !I used Jack’s phone to call my number. Then a boy, whom I’ll call Rhys, 25 it. “I found your phone!” he said, excitedly. “I have been trying to find you, but 26 it was getting late, I decided to leave.” He gave me the address of a 27 near his home.Later that evening, I went to 28 him there. I didn’t dare to go 29 , worrying this was some cheater. So Jack came along. After 30 10km, we got to the coffee shop which Rhys 31 .My 32 were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. “How did you 33 my mum?” I asked. He 34 that when he found my mobile by the roadside, he started calling people in my list of contacts. But all they 35 was my mobile phone number—which didn’t 36 . He’d called many names, starting with the letter A. Finally he got Adam, one of my friends, who 37 my house.I was 38 to get my phone back with all the contacts, messages and photos I could have lost for ever. I was so 39 to Rhys and offered him some money, but he 40 .As we drove back, we praised Rhys for his honesty.21.A. electric carB. mobile phoneC. radioD. doorbell22.A. hospitalB. companyC. schoolD. home23.A. foundB. changedC. lostD. bought24.A. goneB. newC. busyD. broken25.A. acceptedB. returnedC. gotD. answered26.A. beforeB. becauseC. afterD. if27.A. coffee shopB. post officeC. hotelD. supermarket28.A. followB. meetC. catchD. punish29.A. slowly B. back C. aloneD. finally30.A. drivingB. runningC. walkingD. riding31A. talked aboutB. looked forC. heard of D. knew about32A. difficultiesB. fearsC. diseasesD. hopes33A. rememberB. knowC. tellD. understand34A. realizedB. repeatedC. explainedD. believed35A. hadB. noticed C. expectedD. finished36A. happenB. matterC. helpD. fit37A. calledB. visitedC. sharedD. sold38A. sorryB. gladC. sadD. proud39A. usefulB. strangeC. gratefulD. polite40A. missedB. appearedC. agreed D. refused第三部分 阅读理解 (共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, 和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI was 15. She looked like she was over 70. But on that day. I think she understood me more than anyone else.Walking into the church that Sunday was hard. I had never let anyone see me cry. But I knew I would cry that day .My grandfather was suddenly ill .The doctors said he might not live much longer. Everyone in my family was crying .Grandpa was the sweetest man in the world .Why was he leaving us?There weren't many people at church that day. One of them was an old lady sitting at the end of my row. She was smiling. I closed my eyes and prayed for my grandfather to get better. Soon, my eyes were full of tears. I opened my eyes and saw a hand in front of me. It was giving me a tissue(纸巾)。The old lady was sitting next to me, smiling. She didn't say a word. She just gave me a tissue and a smile. I tried to thank her, but only tears came out. Then she took my hand. I looked into her eyes. They were clear and blue, and they make me feel peaceful. Her smile said to me :I am with you. Everything will be OK. I closed my eyes again. When I opened them, she wasn't there. I left the church but still couldn't find her. I never saw her again.My grandfather died the next week. We all cried a lot. But when I thought of that old lady's warm smile, I felt a little better. How did she know how I was feeling ? I wish I could see her again, to say thank you.41. According to Paragraph 2, what made the whole familgkstk ? A. Grandfather's words B. Grandfather's death. C. The author's cry. D. The doctor's words.42. The author went to church to _____. A. pray for grandfather. B. ask the old lady for help. C. avoid being seen crying. D. thank the old lady.43. Whose hand does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 3 refer to A. Grandfather's B. The old lady's. C. The author's. D. Father's.44. What do we know about the old lady ? A. She knows the author. B. She can't speak. C. She needs understanding. D. She is very kind山东省郯城二中2012-2013学年高一上学期期中模块测试英语试题
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/225562.html
