
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网


2013学年第一学期联盟学校高一期中联考英语试卷试卷说明:1. 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。卷共页,选择题部分1至页,非选择题部分页。2. 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题上选择题(共分)1. What are the two speakers going to buy? gkstk A. Bread.B. Cheese. C. Eggs.2. How does the woman find the fish? A. Just so-so. B. Bad. C. Quite good.3. What does the woman mean? A. Mark should go on with the game. B. Mark should draw pictures on the computer. C. Mark should review his lessons.4. Where does the conversation take place? A. In the bookstore. B. In the library. C. In the classroom.5. Why doesn’t Jane eat her chocolate cake? A. She doesn’t like chocolate. B. She has trouble with her tooth.  C. She has no tooth.请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题 6. In which department can this conversation most probably take place? A. Shoe Department. B. Clothing Department. C. Jewelry Department.7. What could be the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat? A. The color. B. The size. C. The price.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What can the woman be? A. A waitress at a hotel. B. The secretary of Mr Black.  C. The assistant of Professor Green.9. How could the man get in touch with Mr Green? A. Ask the woman to find the Blackwood Hotel. B. Dial 809. C. Dial 114 to find the telephone number of the Blackwood Hotel.10.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar? A. To pay for the information. B. To make a phone call. C. To go to the hotel by bus.请听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。 11. What is the man doing? A. Selling his house. B. Looking for a house. C. Looking for work.12. How long has the woman lived in the house? A. 19 years. B. 8 years. C. 20 years.13. Why does the woman want to sell the house? A. She wants to move abroad. B. She wants to move to the countryside. C. She hopes to get a lot of money.14. How much does the house cost? A. $6,850. B. $6,815. C. $7,850.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Husband and wife. 16. How did the woman find her stay there? gkstk A. Boring. B. Wonderful. C. Adventurous.17. What does the man advise the woman to do when she gets home? A. Send him an email. B. Write a letter to him. C. Give him a call.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. How old was Rose when she left school? A. 16. B. 17. C. 18. 19. What did Rose learn in the college? A. Computer B. English. C. Typing.20. How much will the office pay Rose in three months if she gets the job? A. $30. B. $27. C. $20.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分分)第一节:单项填空(共1小题;每小题1分,满分1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1.---Have You heard of the nuclear test in that country? ---Yes, _______news came as _________shock to me. A .the; a B. the; the C. a; a D. a; the 22. He all his important thoughts in his diary. A. set down B. set off C. set up D. set on23. After yesterday’s fighting on the border, the situation is now fairly again. A. still B. quietC. silentD. calm24.—Are you still busy? —Yes, I______ my work, and it won’t take long. A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish25.One of my high school friends ________in London ever since she moved there in 1998. A. lived B. is living C. lives D. has been living26. At the end of the concert, a lonely listener began to cheer, and soon the whole crowd . A. joined in B. joined C. took partD. joined up27. Mr. Smith, who was eight-four years old, the Second World War and had a couple of adventures. A. went on B. went afterC. went throughD. went against28. When we visited The Palace again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly ________ it. A. remember B. think about C. believe D. recognize29. He spoke about the country as if he had been there, but he had never. A. fairly B. always C. actuallyD. only30. ---Where did you get to know Ping An? --- It was on the stage of The Good Voice of China ______we got to know him and fell in love with him. gkstk A. that B. which C. when D. where 31. we could afford it, we wouldn’t go abroad for our holidays. A. Since B. As though C. IfD. Even if32. Many questions ________ in today’s maths class, which were more than the new teacher had expected. A. came up B. added up C. set up D. packed up33. The child asked her mother go out to play tennis. A. that he could B. if he could C. whether could he D. that if he could34.—Do you think the project will be good to the environment?—Who knows? Only time will . A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak35.---I’m sorry, I broke the glass. ---Oh, ___________.It wasn’t very expensive. A. You’d better not B. I’m afraid not C. None of your business D. That’s all right第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm. 36 by miles of winding stone walls, the house provided 37 hours of fun for a city kid. I can still remember one 38 when I was eight years old. I’d wanted 39 anything to be allowed to climb the walls surrounding the property. The walls were old; some stones were 40 , others loose. Still, my desire to climb across those walls 41 so strong that finally, one spring weekend, I took all my 42 and entered the living room, where the 43 had gathered after Sunday dinner.“I, I wanna climb the stone walls,” I said hesitantly(迟疑地). 4 a chorus(齐声) went up from the women in the room. “Heavens, no!” they cried. “You’ll hurt yourself!” I wasn’t too ; the response was just as I’d expected. But 46 I could leave the room, I was 47 by my grandfather’s loud voice. “Now 48 just a minute,” I heard him say. “Let the boy climb the stone walls. 49 , he has to learn to do things for himself.”Forthe next two hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life. Later I told my grandfather about my 50 . I’ll never forget what he said. “Fred,” he said, smiling, “you made this day a (an) 51 day just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like 52 ,and I like you exactly as you are.” gkstkMany years have passed since then, and today I 53 the television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, seen by millions of children. There have been 54 over the years, but one thing 55 the same: my suggestion to children at the end of almost every visit. “There’s only one person in this whole world like you,” the kids can hear me say, “and people can like you exactly as you are.”36. A. CoveredB. SurroundedC. DefendedD. Spread37. A. meaninglessB. shortC. endlessD. imaginable38. A. morningB. afternoonC. midnightD. daytime39. A. more thanB. as well as C. rather thanD. less than40. A. remainingB. left C. tightD. missing41. A. builtB. wentC. grewD. turned42. A. troubleB. mindC. courageD. heart43. A. adultsB. relationsC. menD. women44. A. QuicklyB. HurriedlyC. R浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2013-2014学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/250310.html
