高一英语下册Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Lang

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language ≈ Using Language
1.Once new difficulties________in our new job,we should learn to use our brains to solve the.
A.rise            B.cause
C.raise D.arise
解析: 句意为:一旦在我们新工作中出现新的问题,我们应当开动脑筋想办法解决。arise“出现”为不及物动词,相当于coe up。
答案: D
2.________the help of the Internet,we can finally understand the eaning of these phrases.
A.Under B.With
C.After D.By
解析: 考查固定搭配。with the help of在……的帮助下。句意为:通过互联网,我们最终可以弄明白这些短语的意思。
答案: B
3.The loss has not yet been________accurately,but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred illion dollars.
A.calculated B.considered
C.copleted D.controlled
解析: 考查动词辨析。根据“人们相信(损失)要超过一亿美元”,可见这里表示损失还没有精确地“计算”出,用calculate表示“计算”。
答案: A
4.Zhang Tao and his classates have________up to 20,000 yuan for the Hope Project since last ter.
A.risen B.raised
C.arisen D.increased
解析: 考查动词辨析。raise筹集,符合题意:张涛和他的同学从上学期以已为希望工程筹集了两万元人民币。
答案: B
5.—What did our teacher do?
—He raised his ar as a(n)________for us to stop.
A.signal B.reality
C.application D.goal
解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:他抬起手臂示意我们停下。signal信号,手势。
答案: A
6.The________of the new technology has greatly increased the production.
A.usage B.application
C.knowledge D.research
解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:这项新技术的应用使得生产大大提高。usage用途;application应用。
答案: B
7.—I’ sorry for what I said.
—Forget it,I can’t reeber________.
A.personally B.however
C.anyhow D.totally
解析: 考查副词辨析。anyhow意为“不管怎样,反正”,相当于anyway,可以放在句首或句末。
答案: C
8.You shouldn’t be rude to her.________,she is your sister.
A.After all B.All in all
C.First of all D.Above all
解析: 句意为:你不应该对她太粗鲁。毕竟,她是你妹妹。after all意为“毕竟;终究”;all in all意为“总而言之”;first of all意为“首先”;above all意为“最重要的是”。
答案: A
9.________ore and ore forests destroyed,any anials are facing the danger of dying out.
A.Because B.As
C.With D.Since
解析: 句意为:随着越越多的森林被破坏,许多动物面临灭绝的危险。forests与destroy之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作宾语补足语,若选B项destroyed前应加are。
答案: C
10.Although Li Liliang is in his sixties,he is still working on the ountain,________the trees to stop the stealers fro cutting the.
A.watching out B.looking for
C.looking out D.watching over
解析: 句意为:虽然李立梁今年60多岁了,但是,他仍旧在上劳动,看守着树林,阻止盗窃者伐树。watch over意为“看守;监视”,符合题意。watch out小心;look for寻找;look out留神。
答案: D
11.—I think the Internet is useful to the pupils.
—I agree with you________,but soeties it is harful to the.
A.in the way B.on the way
C.by the way D.in a way
解析: 句意为:“我认为因特网对学生说是有用的。”“在某种程度上,我同意你说的,但有时也是有害的。” in a way意为“在某种程度上”,符合题意。on the way在途中;接近;by the way顺便;in the way挡道。
答案: D
12.While we were swiing in the river,a strange situation________where soe fish,whose head looked like a snake,were coing to us.
A.arose B.rose
C.raised D.rushed
解析: 句意为:当我们在河里游泳的时候,一个奇怪的现象出现了,一些头部看上去像蛇的鱼向我们游。arise意为“出现;发生”,尤其指问题和困境的出现,符合题意。rise “(日、月)升起;(河水、价格)上涨”;raise提高,饲养;rush冲;奔。
答案: A
13.Coputers have been ade________clever that they can________probles like huans________.
A.such;deal with;in a way B.so;do with;in the way
C.such;do with;in the way D.so;deal with;in a way
解析: 根据句意,D正确。第一个空的so后面的that构成so...that...句型;deal with处理;in a way从某种意义上讲。
答案: D
14.I know these flowers are not natural,but the________ones look ore beautiful and can last long.
A.fresh B.new
C.true D.artificial
解析: 考查形容词辨析。从题干的前半句“我知道这些花儿不是天然的”可推知,说话者认为假花(artificial ones)看起更漂亮,更持久。
答案: D
15.—It is not enough for you just to tell e your decision.________.
—The only reason is that I’ interested in it.
A.I don’t agree B.Let’s have a discussion
C.Give e your reason D.I don’t think so
解析: 考查交际用语。由答语“The only reason is...”可推知,C项符合语境。
答案: C
Do you like texting others? Last August,y sister and I were__1__to our friend Elizabeth’s party.I hadn’t seen y friends uch over the suer and I__2__to talk with the.At the party,y friend Ada was sitting at y table.
“Hey,Ada,” I said.“Hey,hold up.I’__3__,” he said.I asked hi what he was__4__and he told e he was texting a girl.He just sat there texting for__5__of the party.He__6__didn’t eat.I was disappointed__7__I hadn’t seen hi for several weeks and he didn’t even talk to e.y friends and I tried to get hi to__8__texting and start counicating with other people,but he didn’t ove.We asked hi to dance,and he said,“__9__.” When I hang out with y friends and they’re texting,it__10__e because I feel like I’ not that__11__to the.
Technology akes it easier for us to__12__others.I get y grades through e­ail fro y__13__and y o can call e on y cellphone to say that she’ll pick e up ten inutes late.But soeties we__14__control of how to use technology.Soeties I think a lot of y friends would rather interact (互动) with sall__15__instead of real people.
There are ties when it’s OK to text,such as to__16__or ask a friend about soething,or if I’ really bored and there’s__17__to do and no one to talk to.I used to text a lot.Whenever it was hard for e to__18__,I would pick up y phone and start texting y friends until it was well after idnight.But I don’ t think texting frequently is__19__ when I’ with y friends,in class,at a faily dinner,at church or at the ovies.So change your__20__if you act like this.
[语篇解读] 在一次派对上,作者发现身边的朋友在不停地发短信,而不是与人交谈。这引起了作者的思考。
1.A.expected B.led
C.refused D.invited
解析: 根据后作者去了那个派对的语境,可知他被“邀请”去参加一个派对。
答案: D
2.A.begged B.wanted
C.pretended D.disliked
解析: 作者暑假里并没有怎么见这些朋友,所以很“想”和他们聊会天。
答案: B
3.A.busy B.angry
C.sad D.lonely
解析: 根据hold up的语境,可知Ada说自己“忙”。
答案: A
4.A.writing B.repeating
C.doing D.showing
解析: Ada说自己忙,故作者问他在“做”什么。
答案: C
5.A.ost B.soe
C.little D.none
解析: 根据语境,可知Ada“大部分”时间都在给别人发短信。
答案: A
6.A.soeties B.usually
C.still D.even
解析: Ada大部分时间都在给别人发短信,“甚至”都没吃东西。
答案: D
7.A.though B.because
C.unless D.if
解析: “因为”作者好几个星期没有见到Ada了,而Ada只顾发短信,甚至都不跟他说话,所以作者很失望。
答案: B
8.A.begin B.consider
C.stop D.need
解析: 作者和他的另外一些朋友希望Ada “停止”发短信。
答案: C
9.A.Sure B.No
C.Perhaps D.OK
解析: 根据but的语境,可知Ada说了声“不”。
答案: B
10.A.interests B.cheers
C.scares D.annoys
解析: 跟朋友一起出去时,朋友只顾着发短信,这让作者很反感,故选D。
答案: D
11.A.kind B.friendly
C.iportant D.helpful
解析: 跟朋友出去时,如果朋友老是发短信,这会让作者认为他对他的朋友而言不“重要”。
答案: C
12.A.get in touch with B.look down upon
C.think highly of D.take the place of
解析: 根据后所举的例子,可知作者是说现在的科学技术让我们与别人更容易“联系”上。
答案: A
13.A.friends B.teachers
C.faily D.fans
解析: 根据get y grades,可知是从“老师”那里得到成绩。
答案: B
14.A.destroy B.doubt
C.lose D.regain
解析: 根据语境,可知作者是说有时候我们不能控制好对这种技术的使用,故选C。
答案: C
15.A.pictures B.achines
C.persons D.things
解析: 这里是在与后面的人做对比,表示有些人更愿意和一些小“机器”打交道,而不是人。
答案: B
16.A.reind B.scold
C.frighten D.serve
解析: 这里是指利用短信做一些有利的事情,就像“提醒”某人某事,或向某人询问某事。
答案: A
17.A.everything B.anything
C.soething D.nothing
解析: 根据if I’ really bored可知这里是指“无事”可做,很无聊的时候。
答案: D
18.A.fall asleep B.cheer up
C.show up D.show off
解析: 根据until it was well after idnight的语境,可知是指作者无法“入睡”的时候。
答案: A
19.A.necessary B.strange
C.surprising D.good
解析: 根据when I’ with y friends的语境,可知这里是指当朋友在一起的这种时候,频繁发短信是不好的,故选D。
答案: D
20.A.desire B.habit
C.place D.phone
解析: 作者是在建议我们改变在那些场合频繁发短信的“习惯”。
答案: B
Personal coputers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their tie.
Soe ay use this freedo to share less tie with certain friends or faily ebers,but new technology will also let the stay in closer touch with those they care ost about.I know this fro personal experience.
E­ail akes it easy to work at hoe,which is where I now spend ost weekends and evenings.y working hours aren’t necessarily uch shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of the at the office.This lets e share ore tie with y young daughter than I ight have if she’d been born before electronic ail becae such a practical tool.
The Internet also akes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends.Say you do soething fun (see a great ovie perhaps) and there are four or five friends who ight want to hear about it.If you call each one,you ay be tired of telling the story.
With e­ail,you just write one note about your experience at your convenience,and address it to all the friends who you think ight be interested.They can read your essage when they have tie,and read only as uch as they want to.They can reply at their convenience,and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.
E­ail is also an inexpensive way to stay in close touch with people who live far away.ore than a few parents use e­ail to keep in touch,even daily touch,with their children off at college.
We just have to keep in ind that coputers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch.They don’t take the place of any of the old ways.
1.The purpose of this passage is to________.
A.explain how to use the Internet
B.describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology
C.tell the erits (价值) and usefulness of the Internet
D.introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal coputers and the Internet
解析: 短第一句是主旨句,接下几段通过对E­ail的便利应用的介绍,让我们了解了互联网的用途及使用价值。
答案: C
2.The use of e­ail has ade it possible for the writer to______.
A.spend less tie working
B.have ore free tie with his child
C.work at hoe on weekends
D.work at a speed cofortable to hi
解析: 据第三段“This lets e share ore tie with y young daughter...”判断。
答案: B
3.According to the writer,e­ail has an obvious advantage over the telephone because the forer helps one________.
A.reach a group of people at one tie conveniently
B.keep one’s counication as personal as possible
C.pass on uch ore inforation than the later
D.get in touch with one’s friends faster than the later
解析: 根据第四段第一句“The Internet also akes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends.”确定。
答案: A
4.The best title for this passage is________.
A.Coputer:New Technological Advances
B.Internet:New Tool to aintain Good Friendship
C.Coputers:Have ade Life Easier
D.Internet:A Convenient Tool for Counication
解析: 全主要介绍互联网在通讯中的用途。只有D项最符合题意。
答案: D

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/34316.html

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