
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网




1.The driver was at loss when word cae that he was not allowed to drive

for speeding.





2.Joe, the usic. Why you dance like crazy at 2 o’clock in the orning?

A.turn up; could

B.turn on; should

C.turn down; ust

D.turn off; would

3. is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.





4.——Jenny, I’d like soe coffee for a change.

—— . It’s in the cupboard.

A.With pleasure

B.Help yourself

C.Never ind

D.Change it, please

5.Nathalia suggested the proble worth paying attention at the eeting.

A.to be discussed

B.to been discussed

C.being discussed

D.be discussed

6.ore and ore trees should be planted in spring to sandstors happening frequently.





7.Our teacher looked here and there on our playground looking for soething.

A.even though

B.even if

C.as if

D.only if

8.This is a place where children can play without , but if you are really ,

please call the nuber 9919919.

A.in danger; dangerous

B.danger; in danger

C.dangerous; dangerous

D.in danger; in danger

9.——Is it that our tea will win?

——Yes,that is for .



C.ade sure;certain

D.ade certain;sure

10.Was it in 1969 the Aerican astronaut succeeded landing on the oon?

A.when; on

B.that; on

C.when; in

D.that; in

11.After graduation fro college,he began to wander fro city to city, a suitable job.

A.hunting for

B.getting to

C.looking after

D.bringing up

12.——Can I borrow your car for a while?

——Sorry, y car was daaged yesterday and it now?

A.is repaired

B.is being repairing

C.is being repaired

D.is repairing

13.On the graduation day, he received fro his father a nice present a note was

attached, saying “I’ proud of you.”

A.on which

B.to which

C.with which

D.in which

14.It is a pity that none of the stopped the poor an lying there, begging.

A.passer-bys; to help

B.passers-by; helping

C.passer-bys; helping

D.passers-by; to help

15.——Why is r. Li so happy this orning?

——Because he was honoured with a(n) for excellence in teaching.





16.It is a good habit to , or people will always believe in you.

A.keeping your word

B.keep your word

C.keeping your words

D.keep your words

17.A sall car arrived, cae a an, a woan and five children of different ages.

A.out of that

B.out of it

C.out of which

D.whose car

18.The police tried to the crowd to let the traffic ove on.

A.break down

B.break up

C.break away

D.break into

19.John, get up! I’ afraid you won’t have tie to before going out.

A.get to change

B.get changing

C.get change

D.get changed

20.Have you ade an apology hi breaking his window?

A.for; to

B.to; to

C.for; for

D.to; for



The Power of Fresh Starts

Thirty years ago, I began y first year of teaching in Grade 2. One of the ost 21

students was a little boy who had a serious ADD(多动症). I had no 22 in dealing with such a case, and I 23 the year studying how to help hi becoe a successful 24 . There were any disappointing oents, but there was soething 25 about the boy who oved excitedly around y classroo.

26 the end of the school year cae near, I heard a talk. The Grade 3 teachers were

27 of having Stephen the following year. I considered it a lot, and I 28 that I would be the best person to 29 Stephen into Grade 3. y headaster looked at e in

30 , but he agreed to y plan.

I will never forget that day when Stephen cae to ask 31 he was in y class again. I looked hi in the eye and said, “Well, Stephen, you’re in y 32 because I asked for you.” The little boy looked surprised. “You did? Why? ” he asked. “Because I like you and want to keep 33 with you,” I answered.

Stephen just 34 at e. After a few oents, he 35 and walked back to his seat. We never spoke of it again, but the two of us had any 36 learning breakthroughs(突破)that year. I believe those 37 were ore of a result of Stephen’s knowing that I had put his previous year’s istakes behind hi.

Now I coe to know that when I 38 for one, I can iprove his soul. Each season is a new beginning, a neay of thinking. any students 39 a new start and are deterined to act upon it. We need to pay attention to even the sallest 40 that students are looking for help.



C. coon






































































39.A.dislike at

B.hope for


D.avoid in








The Internet has becoe part of teenage life. There’s report on 3,375 students aged fro 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities. It says that 38 percent of the believe they use the Internet often. While ost of the get useful inforation and use the Internet to help in their studies, soe are not using it in a good way. any are playing online gaes too uch. A few even visit Web sites they should not look at. Bad things can happen if young people spend too uch tie on the Internet.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in soe Shanghai iddle schools this ter. It uses real exaples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. It gives useful advice such as it’s good to read news or find helpful inforation to study. Soe students also ake online friends. But if you are eeting a friend offline, let your parents kno

Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. It will teach students how to be a good person in the online world. It will be a guide for teens to use the Internet and keep students away fro bad sites.

41.The underlined word “it” eans .

A.the book


C.the Internet

D.useful inforation

42.Fro the report, about students between 10~18 years old in the seven cities use

the Internet often.





43.What do ost of the students do on the Internet?

A.To ake online friends.

B.To play online gaes.

C.To get useful inforation to help in their studies.

D.To visit Web sites they should not look at.

44.Why do teachers and parents think the book is a good idea?

A.Because it helps with the students’ studies.

B.Because it gives useful inforation for studying.

C.Because it is used in Shanghai iddle schools.

D.Because it teaches students how to be a good person in the online world.

45.Choose the best title for the passage()。

A.The Internet has becoe part of teenage life.

B.Students can’t use the Internet.

C.Be careful when using the Internet.

D.How to be a good person.


When you are talking to soebody at a party, do you focus entirely on the person you are speaking with or does your attention keep juping around the roo to all the other people there? General1y, if the person is soeone you really want to talk to, you will focus on hi. ost other people will only get about half of your attention.

You ay think that this is OK, because if you don’t really want to talk to hi, then what does it atter if you don’t give hi your full attention? Consider two things. First, you ay just not realize the iportance of that conversation. If you are at a networking eeting and you hope to eet the CEO of Copany X, but you end up talking to soeone who has a low-level job at a different copany, then you ay let your attention wander(走神)as you speak to hi. But aybe you don’t realize that this person has already et the CEO and could introduce you. Do you think he will do that if he feels you don’t really care about speaking to hi? This doesn’t ean you need to spend the whole tie talking to hi. Five or ten inutes of real attentive(专心的)conversation can be worth 30 inutes to an hour of partial attention.

Second, whether you want to speak to soeone is based on the situation. You can love your wife, but if she tries to talk to you while you are watching soething you like on TV, where is your attention going? ake your own decision, but if you want her to feel valued, give her your 100% attention. The nice thing is that in any cases you can give her your attention for a few inutes and then return to what you were doing. You iss very little, she feels valued, and all is good.

46.The author’s opinion is ade believable ainly by .

A.giving exaples

B.using figures

C.asking questions


47.The second paragraph ainly tells you that .

A.you should focus on whoever you are talking to

B.you should be interested in everyone at a party

C.you can refuse to talk to soeone you don’t like at a party

D.you should be patient with everyone at a party

48.A person who has a low-level job probably .

A.would like to talk to you

B.is the one you’re looking for

C.wants to ake friends with you

D.is well worth focusing on

49.If your wife wants to talk to you when you are busy, you should .

A.go on with what you are doing

B.stop doing anything iediately

C.decide what to do according to the situation

D.finish what you are doing with her

50.What is the ain idea of this passage?

A.Always be friendly to others at a party.

B.Iprove your counication skills by focusing on others.

C.It is iportant for you to be active at a party.

D.You should respect your wife at any tie.


Baboo is one of nature’s ost surprising plants. any people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass.

Like other kinds of grass, a baboo plant ay be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist reported one baboo plant which grew 1.5 etres(4 feet)in 24 hours! Baboo grows alost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are ore than 1, 000 kinds of baboo.

Not all baboo looks the sae. Soe baboo plants are very thin. They ay only grow to be a few centieters wide while others ay grow to ore than 30 centietres(1 foot)across. This plant also coes in different colors, fro yellow to black to green.

Baboo has been used to ake any things such as hats and kitchen tools(厨房用具). Because it is strong, baboo is also used to build buildings.

any Asian countries have used baboo for hundreds of years. They often use baboo for buildings and supporting(支撑)new buildings and bridges while they are being built.

In Africa, poor farers are taught how to find water using baboo. These African countries need cheap way to find water because they have no oney, and their fields often die fro no rain and no water. Baboo pipes(管子)help poor farers bring water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of oney.

51.How is baboo like grass?

A.It grows quickly.

B.It’s wood.

C.it is easy to cut.

D.It is very thin.

52.Though you can see baboo everywhere, it doesn’t grow .

A.in China

B.in Europe

C.on ountains

D.in Africa

53.Why is baboo used by African poor farers? Because .

A.it is cheap

B.it has different colours

C.it is strong

D.it has been used by Asians

54.Baboo pipes can .

A.ake oney

B.be trees

C.grow quickly

D.carry water

55.In Asia, baboo has been used for .

A.a short tie

B.any thousands of years

C.any hundreds of years

D.about 100 years


The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, faily ebers get together and have big eals. Their favourite dish on this day is duplings.

Days before the Spring Festival, failies will clean their hoes. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It akes the house ready for good luck.

The colour red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy colour and will bring the a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate their hoes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of "hong bao". It is a red paper bag with oney in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They think it brings good luck.

The Spring Festival is the tie to ake everybody happy. So don't say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.

For instance, you'd better not say any bad words like "death". Don't break anything. People think that it eans your luck is running out.

Also, don't borrow or lend oney on these days. If you have borrowed oney, return it before the Spring Festival.

56.What do ost people do on the eve of the Spring Festival?

A.Faily ebers gather for a big eal.

B.Friends eat duplings together.

C.They borrow oney fro friends.

D.They give each other hong bao.

57.Why do people clean their houses days before the Spring Festival?

A.Because they enjoy being clean.

B.Because it is believed that cleaning will sweep away bad luck.

C.Because they think it will bring happiness to others.

D.Because it is thought that cleaning brings in oney.

58.Which of the following things is not supposed to happen during the Spring Festival?

A.Returning oney before the Spring Festival.

B.Saying words that have to do with death.

C.Wearing red clothes.

D.Decorating houses with red paper.

59.The underlined phrase "running out" probably eans " ".





60.We can tell fro the story that the Spring Festival is .

A.a tie of harvest and fun

B.celebrated for one whole onth

C.only celebrated in China

D.a tie for failies to get together


Are you happy with your teeth? Becca, a 15-year-old girl fro the US is not. She decided her teeth needed to be whiter. “They weren't that bad, but I wanted to ake the all the sae colour”, she said.

In the last five years, teeth whitening has becoe very popular aong young Aericans. Now the trend(潮流)has coe to China. If you turn on the TV you can see the Hong Kong pop star Karen ok showing her bright white teeth, saying, "want to be like e? Use white teeth strips (牙贴)!" You ay even have decided to buy one.

But wait a inute. Dentists have soething to say. They think that kids should not use whitening products until they are 16 or even older.

"We don't knohat will happen yet," says Dr. Nasrin Azi, a dentist in Chicago. "Studies have not been done on young people. I wouldn't do teeth whitening on anyone under 18."

The proble with whitening lies in the pulp(牙髓), the innerost(最深处的)part of the tooth. It has the tooth's nerve(神经)ending. When we eat very hot or cold things, it's the pulp that hurts. Kids have larger pulps. The larger pulp ight ake teeth ore sensitive(敏感的)to whitening and get hurt.

Another proble is that the gus around the teeth usually change shape(形状)with age. So, if soeone whitens his or her teeth during childhood, the darker, natural colour ight show later around the gu line. At that tie, your teeth will show two colours. And the darker colour is difficult to whiten.

So, wait another few years before you ake your teeth whiter. Or if you really want to do it, ask your dentist. They'll give you useful advice.

61.This passage ainly talks about .

A.how to whiten your teeth

B.the new trend of whitening teeth

C.Aericans with white teeth

D.dentists' advice on tooth whitening

62.The show done by Karen ok is probably a(n) .




D.talk show

63.When we eat hot or cold food, the pulp hurts because .

A.it is inside the teeth

B.it is sick

C.it is rich in nerves

D.it is not used to this kind of food

64.What ay happen if children do tooth whitening according to dentists?

A.Their teeth ay show two colours later.

B.Their gus ay change shape with age.

C.Their teeth ay get darker.

D.They ay lose their teeth.

65.We can infer fro the passage that .

A.dentists like very uch the idea of tooth whitening.

B.ore and ore people in China will get their teeth whitened.

C.it's necessary for children to whiten their teeth.

D.tooth whitening will certainly bring good results for people.


66.To is a boy who is now in Grade 9. He wants to study in a suer school which will offer students a good beginning in study and relationship.

67.Elizabeth will graduate fro a junior high school this year. Her achieveents are very good. She hopes that her senior high school will give her the opportunity to fully develop herself.

68.ichael is a 15-year-old boy. He is very clever. He wants a high school that can offer soe difficult courses at college level.

69.John failed the College Entrance Exaination in 2007 and his faily is poor, so he decided to attend a continuation high school to study soe skills in building.

70.Peter is now in Grade 8. He was born in Christian faily and he is interested in Christianity, so he wants a new high school that will offer hi soething about conteporary Christianity.

A.Alta Vista High School

Alta Vista High School is a district continuation high school that offers a progra focused on building acadeic and functional skills, as well as basic work habits. As a continuation high school, Alta Vista offers students a second chance to school.

B.East Palo Alto High

Now in its sixth year, all teachers in East Palo Alto High have National board certification. This school is a professional developent school.


C.ountain View High School

ountain View High School’s acadeic progra is designed to eet the needs of a diverse student body. It offers counity college classes and advanced progras that allow students to take college-level classes while still in high school.


D.Castilleja School

Castilleja School fosters(培养)intellectual, physical, creative and eotional growth through a college preparatory experience within a diverse and supportive counity. The students are all girls in senior high school.

Call:650-940-4600; fax: 650-961-6349

E.Polo Alto Prep school

The school’s purpose is to offer a fresh start toward acadeic and social success. Suer school offers all subjects and it is for boys and girls in Grades 8-12.

Call:650-493-7071, fax: 650-493-7073.


F.ountain View Acadey

ountain view Acadey is a Christian high school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is for boys and girls in Grades 9-12.ountain View Acadey offers quality, personalized education in a conteporary Christian environent.

Call:650-967-2324; fax: 650-967-6886.








I live in a very old town which is surrounding by beautiful woods. It is a faous beauty spot. In Sundays, hundreds of people coe fro cities to see our town and to walk through the woods. Visitors have asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. Litter baskets are placed under the trees, and people still throw their rubbish everywhere. Last Wednesday, I go for a walk in the woods. That I saw ade e very sad. I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators. The litter basket were epty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, epty bottles or rusty tins. Aong the rubbish, I found a sign which was said, “Anyone who leave litter in these woods will be punished!”



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3.形式多样,还可自己设计。 4.有利于保护环境。



参考词汇:电子贺卡:electronic card;动画:aniation



I live in a very old town which is surrounding by beautiful woods. It is a faous beauty spot. In Sundays, hundreds of people coe fro cities to see our town and to walk through the woods. Visitors have asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. Litter baskets are placed under the trees, and people still throw their rubbish everywhere. Last Wednesday, I go for a walk in the woods. That I saw ade e very sad. I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators. The litter basket were epty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, epty bottles or rusty tins. Aong the rubbish, I found a sign which was said, “Anyone who leave litter in these woods will be punished!”




1. surrounding—surrounded 2. In—On 3. have asked—have ∧been asked 4. and—but

5. go—went 6. That—What 7.basket—baskets 8. or—and 9. 去掉was 10. leave—leaves


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/34764.html

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