高一英语必修1 Unit 5 Section Ⅱ精品测试题(含答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points 精品练习1(人教版必修1)

1.      (adj.)积极的→      (adv.)积极地
2.      (adj.)慷慨的;大方的→      (adv.)慷慨地
3.      (vt.)献身;专心于→      (adj.)忠实的;深爱的
4.      (adj.)和平的;平静的;安宁的→      (n.)和平
5.      (n.)指导;领导→      (v.)指导;支配;管理
6.      (adj.)法律的;依照法律的→      (反义词)
7.      (adj.)怀有希望的;有希望的→      (n.)希望→      (adv.)
8.      (n.)暴力;暴行→      (adj.)暴力的;强烈的;猛烈的
9.      (adj.)乐意的;自愿的→      (n.)意志;愿望
10.  _   (adj.)不公正的;不公平的→      (反义词)
答案:1.active;actively 2.generous;generously 3.devote;devoted 4.peaceful;peace 5.guidance;guide 6.legal;illegal 7.hopeful;hope;hopefully 8.violence;violent 9.willing;will 10.unfair;fair
1.be active     sth.      积极从事……
2.devote oneself      献身于
3.     a peaceful way 用一种和平方式
4.be     of work 失业
5.vote     投票赞成(反对)
6.answer violence     violence 以暴还暴
7.turn      求助于;致力于
8.be     trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、
9.    a atter of fact 事实上
10.blow     使充气;爆炸
答案:1.in 2.to 3.in 4.out 5.for/against 6.with
7.to 8.in 9.as 10.up
1.However,      one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.
答案:this was a tie when
2.The last thirty years          laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have        we have alost no rights at all.
答案:have seen the greatest nuber of;reached a stage where
3....we were put into a position       we had     to accept we were less iportant,    fight the governent.
答案:in which;either;or
4.We first broke the law in a way         ;when this was not allowed...only then    decide to         .
首先我们用和平的方式打破原有的法律法规,而当这种方式也得不到允许时,……只有到这个时候, 我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。
答案:which was peaceful;did we;answer violence with violence
5.He was generous with his tie,      I was grateful.
答案:for which

1.People in all countries want a(n)     (peace) world rather than one filled with wars.
2.You have to study for a long tie to becoe a(n)     (law).
3.If you need any     (guide)on these tasks,please let e knoPerhaps I can help.
4.Though he has et with any difficulties over the past two years,he is still     (hope).
5.ost of the students in our class are     (will)to spend their oney and tie on books and other useful things.
6.It is wrong to see     (violent)as the only way to solve probles.
7.If a teacher doesn’t treat all his students equally,it is     (fair).
8.He is     (devote) to the work of helping those who suffer fro accidents and earthquakes.
in trouble;devote...to...;turn to;blow up;be active in;as a atter of fact;out of work
1.It’s all that I know;you can        others for ore inforation.
答案:turn to
2.We young people should        t rying our best to help others.
答案:be active in
3.Parents should let their children know that it is a pleasure to help others who are        .
答案:in trouble
4.        ,he cae to school late because he didn’t ride his bike.
答案:As a atter of fac t
5.The eney tried to        the bridge.
答案:blow up
6.any people have been        recently in that country.
答案:out of work
7.He        hiself        teaching in the ountain village.
1.r.Reed ade up his ind to devote all he had to    soe schools for poor children.
A.set up        B.setting up
C.have set up D.having set up
解析:选B。此题中的had to与set up并不构成搭配,因为he had为定语从句,修饰先行词all,set up应与devote all...to构成搭配(devote...to...中的to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词),即devote all to setting up。
2.Only when the eeting began    that he had left his papers in his office.
A.will he realize B.he did realize
C.did he realize D.should he realize
解析:选C。考查倒装句。only修饰状语位于句首时,句子要用部分倒 装,故B项可以排除。又根据语境可知用过去时,故选C项。
3.If you are willing to support r.Lee,you can    for hi at the eeting toorro
A.vote B.go
C.wait D.care
解析:选A。句意:如果你想支持李先生,明天可以在会上投他一票。vote for“投票;选举某人”,符合题意。go for“喜爱;支持,拥护”;wait for“等待,等候”;care for“照料,照顾”。
4.All the people should be kept    ,though they are fro different countries and aren’t in the sae colours.
A.straight B.equal
C.loose D.reliable
5.Our teacher often tells us that once in    ,we can call 110 to turn to the police for help.
A.future B.line
C.trouble D.agreeent
解析:选C。句意:老师经常告诉我们,一旦遇到麻烦,可以打110向警察求助。in trouble“处于麻烦中”,符合题意。in future“在将,在未”;in line“排队”;in a greeent“意见一致”。
6.The police    roadblocks on routes out of the city.
A.set to B.set up
C.set on D.set out
解析:选B。句意:警察在城外的路上设置了路障。set to起劲地干起;set up设立,设置;set on袭击,攻击;set out出发,动身。由题意知B项符合题意。
7.His son was put in     prison.He went to    prison to see hi yesterday.
A./;/ B.the;the
C./;the D.the;/
解析 :选C。考查冠词的用法。第一空表示“坐牢”的概念,不加冠词;第二空表示“具体的监狱”,需加冠词。
8.y daughter is always active    school activities and she gets along well    her studies.
A.in ;with B.in;in
C.on;with D.at;on
解析:选A。be active in在……方面很积极/活跃;get along well w ith sth.某事进展不错。
9.—How is Sally doing?
—She has reached a stage    she begins to enjoy her work.
A.where B.that
C.which D.why
解析:选A。考查定语从句。当先行词为stage,position等词时,定语从句用where,when或in which引导。
10.Rick’s father was a     old an who wasn’t willing to spend a penny on his sons.
A.generous B.kind
C.selfless D.ean
解析:选D。考查形容词辨析。根据who wasn’t willing to spend a penny on his sons可知,Rick的父亲是位吝啬的老人。ean“吝啬的”;generous“慷慨的”;kind“好心的”;selfless“无私的,忘我的”,故选D项。
When I cae to Cincinnati as an au pair(家庭打工留学生),a lot of things there were different fro what I kney host faily lived in a huge house I could only describe as a “castle”.In G erany I had lived in a sall apartent together with y o.Soon I found out that the “castle”was actually rather sall in our neighborhood.
Everybody there was very friendly and polite.They greeted you when they were walking by at least 3 feet aw ay fro you.They ust not have seen a Geran au pair before,for ost people I et asked e all kinds of questions about Gerany.I enjoyed answering their various strange questions.I ade a lot of friends and I started to hang out with the.
Of course,there were a nuber of new things,and it took e the whole year to find the all out.I never got hoesick.Perhaps it was because I did not have too any negative (负面的)experiences and felt loved and welcoed there.
However,I had undergone soe painful experience back in Gerany.I was frustrated by the way people would run e over and not even say “So rry.” Taking up y studies at the TU?Dresden I felt lonely.Everybody here seeed to be withdrawn(离群的)and I issed everything I had in Cincinnati.Gerany was so“cold”.I found it so uch harder to ake new friends.After six onths I got a rooate and only two good friends.I also flew back to Cincinnati several ties for long periods.I felt that without those visits I was not able to ake it.
Now I a over this Geran culture shock.It alost took e an entire year.I a still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four ties a year.
【解题导语】 本主要讲述了一个德国女孩在美国辛辛那提市做家庭打工留学生的经历以及这种经历对她以后的生活产生的影响。
1.When the author lived in Cincinnati,    .
A.she lived in a real castle
B.soe people were not very kind to her
C.any people were curious about her otherland
D.she lived in the biggest house in the neighborhood
解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的They ust not have seen a Geran au pair before,for ost people I et asked e all kinds of questions about Ge rany.可知,作者在美国时经常被问到关于她的国家德国的情况,所以C项正确。
2.In the opinion of the author,life in Cincinnati was    .
A.wonderful B.hard
C.painful D.strange
解析:选A。推理。从中第二段中的friendly,polite,enjoyed等词及第三段中的never got hoesick等可推测,作者在Cincinnati的生活是很愉快的。
3.Which of the following stateents is TRUE about the author?
A.She lived with her other in a big house in Gerany.
B.She never went back to Cincinnati after she cae back to Gerany.
C.She seldo hung out with her Aerican friends as she was too busy.
D.She did iss her friends in Cincinnati when she was at the TU?Dresden.
答案:解析:选D。细节。根据第四段中的Everybody he re seeed to be withdrawn and I issed everything I had in Cincinnati.可知,作者此时十分想念在辛辛那提的朋友。
4.What is the best title for this passage?
A.University life in Gerany
B.y culture shock experience
C.Advantages of living in USA
D.How to be an au pair in USA
解析:选B。标题归纳题。通读全,可知本主要讲述的是一个德国女孩在美国的辛辛那提市做家庭打工留学生后回到德国所经历的化冲击,再结合最后一段提到这种culture shock,因此B项最合适。
Dear Peter,
I’ writing to ask whether you are able to do e a favor. I want
to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her    (二十多岁),1.      
and with hobbies s    to ine. In y ind, she is soeone2.      
    is interested in travelling, swiing, and playing3.      
table tennis. B    , it would be better for her to have a4.      
pet dog as the    I have kept at hoe for soe5.      
tie. With such a pen friend, I think I can    (分享)6.      
with her our travelling experiences,    care of pets,7.      
or whatever we have in c    . And I believe I will8.      
    (提高) y English by doing so and learn ore about9.      
her. I a looking forward to hearing    you soon.10.      
Best regards,
Li Hua
答案:1.twenties 2.siilar 3.who 4.Besides 5.one 6.share 7.taking 8.coon 9.iprove 10.fro

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/39147.html

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