
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

j 英语:模块综合检测2(人教版必修1)
第一部分 (共两节,满分30分)
1.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At hoe.  B.In the street.  C.In an office.
2.Why has Jonathan been called to the teacher’s office?
A.He was late for the exa.
B.He failed the exa.
C.He cheated in the exa.
3.Where is the pot?
A.On the back of the truck.
B.In front of the well.
C.On the r oad.
4.What tie is it now?
A.10∶15. B.10∶00. C.9∶45.
5.How should they receive the visitors,according to the woan?
A.Give the a hand.
B.ake the feel at hoe.
C.Treat the at hoe.
6.What would the woan like to drink?
A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Water.
7.Who went on the trip to the seaside last weekend?
C.Soe old people.
8.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.Buy ing a dog.
B.Exercising dogs.
C.Exercising in the orning.
9.How did the an nae his dog?
A.He naed it after a car brand.
B.He naed it after his nae.
C.He naed it after a faous star.
10.What is the an going to do?
A.Buy a new car.
B.Look at new cars.
C.Show his new car.
11.Why doesn’t the woan go with the an to the car show?
A.She doesn’t want to see it no
B.She wants to go by herself.
C.She never buys cars.
12.How uch is the cheapest car in the show?
A.6,500 dollars.
B.6,000 dollars.
C.500 dollars.
13.What will the an do?
A.Stay at hoe.
B.Have an exaination.
C.Learn diving.
14.What are the two speakers?
A.Teachers. B.Students. C.Workers.
15.Why won’t the woan take diving classes?
A.She doesn’t ha ve enough oney.
B.She wants to put on weight.
C.She wants to ake oney.
16.What does the an suggest the woan do?
A.Go out.
B.Stay at hoe.
C.Learn driving.
17.When was the oldest Chinatown built?
A.About 100 years ago.
B.Less than 100 years ago.
C.ore than 200 years ago.
18.Where are Chinatowns the least coon?
A.In South Aerica.
B.In North Aerica.
C.In Asia.
19.Who are often attracted to the Chinatowns now?
A.Businessen and researchers.
B.Businessen and travellers.
C.Travellers and farers.
20.In the past,what did Chinatowns look like?
A.Rich and odern.
B.Poor and crowded.
C.Rich and crowded.
(Text 1)
W:Hello,r.Lin.I’ Jane Stevens.I’ glad I’ll be working with you.
:Welcoe,Jane.Now,we’ve got soe paperwork for you to fill out.
(Text 2)
W:I hear that Jonathan has been called to the teacher’s office again.
:It’s true.He was caught cheating in his exa.
(Text 3)
W:Where can we get soe ore water,Dad?
:There’s a well down the road.Take the pot tied on the back of the truck with you.
(Text 4)
:Why are you in such a hurry,Rose?
W:I’ going to r.Lee’s house.I have to return this book to hi before ten o’clock.I only have 15 inutes left.
(Text 5)
W:A lot of visitors coe to our country.We should receive the with open ars and ake the feel cofortable when they are here.Right?
:Yes.We should ake the feel at hoe.
(Text 6)
:Hi ary.Do ake yourself at hoe.Would you like soe coffee or tea?
W:Thanks,David.Coffee,please.I’ve just dropped in to thank you for organizing last weekend’s trip to the seaside for the old people.
:That’s very kind of you.They all seeed to enjoy it,and soe old ladies even played in the water.
W:They certainly did.In fact,I don’t think you could have done it better.
(Text 7)
W:You’re out exercising your dog,I see. He looks happy and excited.
:Yes,dogs have to be exercised daily,otherwise they get out of shape.y neighbor’s dog is as fat as a pig because of lack of exercise.
W:What’s his nae?
:Rover.I naed hi after the car brand Rover.I love cars very uch.
W:That’s a good nae for a dog.Why is he wagging his tail?
:Can’t you see?He wants one of us to throw that stick as far as we can for hi to fetch.
W:I won’t disappoint hi.Coe on boy,go fetch!
(Text 8)
W:Long tie no see,Harry.How are you doing?
:I a very well.Are you OK?
W:Just so?so.Where are you going?
:I a going to look at new cars.There is a car show at the Exhibition Center today.I heard that there are any new types of cars on sho
W:Well,that sounds good.I wish I could get one.I a also a car fan.
:Really?Why don’t you coe along with e to the car show?
W:I’d like to but I don’t want to see it no
:Coe on!I a sure you could get a good deal.It is reported that there are soe special cars of good quality at low prices.The cheapest one costs only 6,000 dollars,about 500 dollars lower than the usual price.
W:No,buying a new car is out of the question for e right no
(Text 9)
:The suer holidays are coing.I a looking forward to the.
W:It will be really wonderful.
:Yes.I can’t wait.
W:Do you have any plans for the holidays?
:I’ thinking of learning diving.What about you?
W:That sounds interesting,but which center are you planning to go to?I don’t know of any.
:There is a diving school set up by soeone who used to be a student at our school.It’s soewhere in New Jersey.
W:I hear that diving classes are expensive.
:Yes,but I’ve saved soe oney for this.
W:Then you go ahead.I don’t think I can afford it.I ay just stay at hoe,getting fatter and fatter.
:Do go out,or you will not recognize yourself.You have already gained a lot of weight.
W:aybe you are right.
(Text 10)
W:Professor Wang,I heard that you are doing research on Chinatowns.Can you tell e soething about it?
:Yes.A Chinatown is an area in a city with a large nuber of Chinese,usually outside of China.Chinatowns are present throughout the world,including those in East Asia,Southeast Asia,the Aericas,Australia,and Europe.Chinatowns can be found across the world,but are ost coon in North Aerica,Asia,Australia and Europe.Soe Chinatowns have a long history.The oldest Chinatown was founded by Chinese traders ore than 200 years ago.In the past,Chinatowns were seen as poor and crowded places of traditional culture.Nowadays,any old and new Chinatowns are attracting a lot of businessen and travellers.Chinatowns now have both traditional areas and odern sites of recent developent.In soe Chinatowns,recent business activities have turned the into rich centers of econoic and social activity.
答案:1~5.CCACB 6~10.BCBAB 11~15.ABCBA
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
第一节 单项(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.—How about putting soe pictures into the report?
—    A picture is worth a thousand words.
A.No way.      B.Why not?
C.All right. D.No atter.
22.Led by Lincoln,the Aerican blacks fought bravely    their rights and anaged to be    slavery.
A.with;free fro B.for;against
C.for;free fro D.against;for
解析:选C。fight against的意思是“同……作斗争”;fight for的意思是“为……而斗争”;fight with的意思是“和……打仗,和……并肩作战”。be free fro的意思是“摆脱……的束缚”,从这些短语的意思可以看出答案为C。
23.The fil brought the hours back to e    I was taken good care of in that faraway village.
A.until B.that
C.when D.where
解析:选C。when引导定语从句,修饰先行词the hours。
24.A special expert tea has already been    to ake close research on the wildlife and its protection.
A.built up B.picked up
C.set up D.taken up
解析:选C。build up“逐步建立;增进;增强”;pick up“捡起;拾起”;set up“建立;创立”;take up“开始从事;占据”。根据句意,C为正确答案。
25.To refused to tell Jack the right answers in the exa,because it’s against his    .
A.rules B.orders
C.principles D.laws
解析:选C。从To refused to...可知他不愿意做违背原则的事。be against one’s principles违背某人的原则,符合句意。
26.The traffic accidents this year in this city ay    last year’s record of 385.
A.escape B.attack
C.equal D.found
27.Last Saturday,they arrived at the far    they had never paid a visit before.
A.that B.which
C.to which D.for which
解析:选C。分析句子结构可知,空格后面是 定语从句修饰先行词far;又根据词组pay a visit to(参观,访问)可知应选to which。
28.Lots of praise has coe fro those    prisoners’ relatives because the prisoners are getting better after hearing the lecture.
A.peaceful B.hopeful
C.active D.grateful
解析:选D。根据because the prisoners are getting better after hearing the lecture可知囚犯的亲属们都非常感激,故用grateful(感激的)。peaceful和平的;hopeful有希望的;active活跃的。
29.—Why do you put up these English cards on the wall?
—Only in this way    the English words.
A.I can reeber B.can I reeber
C.I reeber D.reeber I
30.Philip isn’t    at all;he always pays the bill when we eat in a restaurant.
A.generous B.unfair
C.selfish D.ean
解析:选D。根据he always pays the bill可知Philip不是一个吝啬的人,故选ean。generous慷慨的;unfair不公平的;selfish自私的。
31.Since this is the first tie you have broken the law,you ay be given a light    .
A.judge B.prison
C.sentence D.blae
解析:选C。句意为:因为这是你第一次犯法,你可能会得到轻判。a light sentence“轻判”。
32.—How clever Eliza is!
—Oh!She reebers every poe in the book    she wrote it.
A.in order that B.as if
C.even if D.so that
解析:选B。句意为:“Eliza真聪明!”“嗯!她记得书上的每首诗,就好像是她写的一样。”此处as if意思是“好像;仿佛”,后跟虚拟语气。
33.It is the fifth tie that the students in Trinity College     our school.
A.have visited B.visited
C.were visiting D.had visited
解析:选A。It is the first(second/third...)tie...that...是固定句型,意为“是第一(二/三……)次……”。该句型中that从句用现在完成时。
34.If we want to have a bright future,we ust learn to act in ways    do not har other living things.
A.in which B.that
C./ D.how
35.Nowadays,any parents fro the countryside cannot afford to educate their children,because the school    are too high.
A.fares B.charges
C.fees D.bills
第二节 完形(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Lena Horne was born in Brooklyn,New York in 1917.Her other was away for uch of her 36 .So her grandother helped raise her.
At the age of sixteen,Lena 37 work as a dancer at the faous Cotton Club in New York City.After 38  voice lessons,she soon began perforing there as a singer too.At the age of nineteen,Lena oved to Pittsburgh and  39 Louis Jones,who was an actor. 40 ,their life together did not last long.But they had two 41 ,Gail and Edwin.
In 1940,Lena Horne becae the first African?Aerican to travel and 42 with an all?white jazz band.She 43 ade records and perfored at New York City’s Café Society jazz club.This was the first nightclub in the United States 44 racial barriers (隔阂).any jazz clubs during this period had 45  perforers,but few allowed the to watch the 46 as part of the audience.
Lena Horne becae very 47 .After perforing at a club in Hollywood,California,she 48 filakers.So with the help of soe filakers,she soon 49 aking ovies.Lena Horne said that she was able to ake ovies 50 she was the kind of black person that white people could accept.But she said this was the 51 kind of acceptance.It was because of the way she 52 ,not because of how good she was or how hard she worked.
However,through her hard work,she helped 53 racial barriers.During her sixty?year career as a perforer,Lena Horne earned people’s 54 and respect.She used her fae to 55 social injustices(不公正)toward African?Aericans.
【解题导语】 本向我们介绍了黑人女歌手、电影演员Lena Horne。
36.A.drea B.perforance
C.life D.childhood
解析:选D。根据So her grandother helped raise her的语境,可知Lena Horne小的时候,她妈妈常不在她身边,故选D
37.A.disliked B.found
C.lost D.wanted
解析:选B。这里是指Lena Horne十六岁的时候找了份跳舞的工作。
38.A.taking B.giving
C.aking D.designing
解析:选A。根据voice lessons以及后的语境,可知这里是指Lena Horne上了一些发音练习的,故选A。
39.A.saw B.changed
C.surprised D.arried
解析:选D。根据后他们生了孩子的语境,可知这里是指Lena Horne跟Louis Jones结婚了。
40.A.Excitingly B.Aazingly
C.Unfortunately D.Happily
解析:选C。根据their life together did not last long可知不幸的是,Lena Horne跟Louis Jones在一起生活的时间并没有持续多久,故选C。
41.A.relatives B.parents
C.friends D.children
42.A.perfor B.play
C.stay D.counicate
解析:选A。根据后语境,可知Lena Horne是跟着乐队去各地演出,故选A。
43.A.always B.hardly
C.never D.also
解析:选D。Lena Horne不仅跟着乐队演出,她还发表专辑,还在纽约市的Café Society爵士酒吧表演。
44.A.without B.on
C.for D.with
解析:选A。Lena Horne是个黑人女人,她能够在那家酒吧表演,说明那家酒吧没有种族隔阂。
45.A.yellow B.black
C.brown D.white
46.A.activities B.dances
C.shows D.people
47.A.popular B.hard?working
C.happy D.interesting
解析:选A。根据后语境,可知Lena Horne很受欢迎。
48.A.took care of B.looked down upon
C.got away fro D.caught the attention of
解析:选D。Lena Horne很受欢迎,吸引了一些电影制片人的注意。
49.A.stopped B.preferred
C.enjoyed D.began
解析:选D。Lena Horne吸引了一些电影制片人的注意,所以不久之后就开始去拍电影了。
50.A.if B.because
C.though D.so
51.A.worst B.fastest
C.best D.biggest
解析:选A。根据But的语境,可知Lena Horne并不喜欢这种原因,故选A。
52.A.served B.sang
C.looked D.acted
解析:选C。Lena Horne之所以被选中拍电影,是因为她的样子,而不是因为她优秀或者工作努力。
53.A.protect B.break
C.exchange D.show
解析:选B。根据后语境,可知Lena Horne通过自己的努力,打破了种族隔阂。
54.A.hate B.service
C.pity D.love
解析:选D。根据and respect的语境,可知Lena Horne赢得了观众的喜爱和尊敬。
55.A.hide B.ake
C.fight D.experience
解析:选C。Lena Horne成名后,利用自己的名声反抗社会对黑人美国人的不公正对待,故选C。
第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
y other loves flowers.As soon as war weather coes around,you will find her planting,watering and weeding over everything.For any years we lived next door to each other,and she spent as uch tie in y garden as she did her own.After the flowers becae plentiful each suer,she would cut colorful bouquets(花束)to enjoy inside the house-both hers and ine.I would often coe hoe fro work and find a beautiful arrangeent(布置) of fresh flowers on y coffee table.
Shortly before Christas one year,a local flower shop offered a bouquet?a?onth special.It seeed to be a great way to thank her for all of the flowers she had given e through the years.
After the holidays,in early January,I drove her to the flower shop to pick up her first onth’s bouquet.The sall fresh colorful bouquet would hardly fill a sall vase(花瓶).
I was so ebarrassed(尴尬的).However,after we returned hoe,she began to arrange the flowers she had received.“o,I’ sorry,”I told her.“I can’t believe how skipy that bouquet is.”She looked at e and siled.“It’s okay,”she said.“It allows e to better enjoy the beauty of each one.”
o’s words helped e to realize soething bigger and ore iportant-when we have too any good things,we often fail to enjoy the beauty of each one.
Thanks,o,for helping e understand that less is soeties ore.
【解题导语】 作者给妈妈买了一束鲜花,可是数量太少,连一个小花瓶都装不满,但妈妈却很喜欢。
56.According to Paragraph 1,which of the following is TRUE?
A.The author’s other put fresh flowers on the author’s coffee table.
B.The author used to buy soe fresh flowers on her way hoe.
C.The author’s other usually bought flowers for her daughter.
D.The author and her other shared a beautiful garden.
57.The author bought her other flowers to    .
A.celebrate the coing Christas
B.express thanks for all her other’s done
C.bring ore flowers to her other’s garden
D.arrange her other’s new house
解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的a great way to thank her for all of the flowers she had given e through the years可知。
58.The underlined word “skipy” in Paragraph 4 eans    .
A.beautiful B.colorful
C.cheap D.sall
解析:选D。词义猜测题。由第三段的The sall fresh colorful bouquet would hardly fill a sall vase.可知,那束花连一个小花瓶都装不满,可见花束很小。
59.What did the author learn fro her other?
A.How to grow flowers.
B.How to arrange flowers.
C.Enjoying life if possible.
D.Considering things in other ways.
In 2016,athletes fro around the world will copete(竞争)for gold edals in the Suer Olypics.Even though the gaes are seven years away,Brazil’s residents(居民)already feel like winners.
The nation was recently naed to host this iportant sporting event.It will be the first Olypics held in South Aerica.
The gaes will take place in Rio de Janeiro.The city beat out thre e other sites,adrid,Tokyo and Chicago,to host the event.When the International Olypic Coittee chose Rio de Janeiro,cheering people flooded the city’s streets.“This is huge for Rio and for the whole country,”says resident Sueli Ferreira.
The Olypics are expected to attract tens of thousands of people.Brazilian officials have already started to prepare for the crowds.“We knohat we need to do,”explains Brazil’s president,Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.“The words fro now on are work,work and work.”
Officials want to fix up local sports centers before Rio de Janeiro steps into the spotlight.They also want to reduce the aount of crie(犯罪).
They hope hosting the gaes will iprove life in Brazil.About 30 percent of people there live in poverty,or poor conditions.Touris during the Olypics is expected to create ore than 2 illion jobs.
“It’s going to be good for the econoy(经济),good for the people,” Ferreira says.“This gives us hope that things will be better here.”
【解题导语】 本是一则新闻。2016年夏季奥运会将在巴西的里约热内卢举办。
60.According to the passage,the 2016 Olypics will be held in    .
A.Europe B.Asia
C.North Aerica D.South Aerica
解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段以及第二段It will be the first Olypics held in South Aerica可知,2016年夏季奥运会将在南美举办。主办城市是巴西的里约热内卢。
61.The feeling of Brazilians can be described as    .
A.proud B.surprised
C.worried D.nervous
解析:选A。细 节理解题。根据第一段Brazil’s residents already feel like winners可推断巴西人民为申奥成功而感到自豪。第三段的cheering people也是提示。
62.The underlined word “flooded” in Paragraph 3 eans    .
A.crossed B.filled
C.visited D.cleaned
63.According to Brazil’s president,we can know    .
A.the governent needs help fro the Brazilian public
B.the governent will begin to prepare for the Olypics soon
C.Brazilian officials will try hard to prepare for the Olypics
D.Brazilian officials are now too busy to prepare for the Olypics
Hoould you like to learn ore without having to study ore?Here’s how:
1.Get to bed and go to sleep.Your perforance,attention,and the ability to concentrate are daaged by lack of sleep.Teenagers need nine to ten hours of sleep a night for best perforance.
2.Feed your head.The brain runs badly if it doesn’t get enough fuel.That eans protein(蛋白质)and coplex carbs (复合碳水化合物)-eggs and wheat bread for breakfast,say,rather than sugary cereal(含糖的麦片粥)and orange juice.The biggest istake teens ake is not to have breakfast or to go for sugar,which raises blood sugar levels.
3.Body exercise is brain exercise.Body exercise really iproves brain perforance,perhaps because it increases blood flow,or perhaps because it reduces stress and anxiety(焦虑).Twenty inutes of activity a day that raises your heart rate will do great good.
4.Learn nohat you want to reeber for the rest of your life.Teenage brains are uch better at reebering things than the brains of young children or adults.Scientists aren’t sure why.Whatever the reason,the teenage years are the tie to learn new languages and aster other lifelong skills.
5.Learn the power of risk?taking.Adults are always worried about the downside of teenage risk?taking,and it’s true that teenagers are ore likely than adults to get theselves in trouble by drinking and driving.But the fact that the parts of the brain that drive people to try new,risky,and exciting things appear to be ore developed in teenagers can be a huge advantage.Pick certain challenges-difficult sports,a hard job,astering a perforance art,traveling overseas-and the teenage brain is able to deal with the.They have this power they’re given to go out and do it without fear.
6.Learn what you love.Because eotional(情感的)systes develop fast in teenager brains,teenagers learn things they’re interested in quickly and well.Their brains give the tools like attention on the project.
【解题导语】 本介绍如何充分利用时间,提高学习效率
64.According to the passage,teenagers should have    for breakfast.
A.sugar and bread
B.sugar and orange juice
C.wheat bread and eggs
D.wheat bread and orange juice
解析:选C。细节理解题。由第三段中的That eans protein and coplex carbs-eggs and wheat bread for breakfast,say,rather than sugary cereal and orange juice.可知。
65.Body exercise plays a part in all the following EXCEPT    .
A.reducing blood pressure
B.raising heart rate
C.aking people less anxious
D.reducing stress
66.The underlined word “downside” in the passage probably eans    .
A.exciteent B.power
C.benefit D.disadvantage
解析:选D。词义猜测题。由后半句it’s true that teenagers are ore likely than adults to get theselves in trouble可以推断,downside是“不利因素”的意思 。
67.It can be learned fro the passage that    .
A.teenagers need less sleep than adults
B.teenagers should be forbidden to drive
C.scientists knohy teenagers have a good eory
D.teenagers learn quickly when they are fond of soething
解析:选D。推理。由最后一段中的teenagers learn things they’re interested in quickly and well可知。
Recent studies show that rickets(软骨病) is increasing.ore than 20 new cases are discovered every year in the northern England city of Newcastle alone.
Professor Pearce said:“Kids tend to stay indoors ore these days and play on their coputers instead of enjoying the fresh air.This eans their vitain D levels are worse than in previous years.”Dr.Cheatha added:“I a disappointed with the increasing nubers of children we are treating with this entirely preventable condition.Fifty years ago any children would have been given cod?liver oil(鱼肝油)regularly,but this practice has all but died out.”Vitain D is produced naturally when the skin is under the sunlight,and is also found in a sall nuber of foods,including oily fish,liver and eggs.
Half of all adults in Britain are reported not to have enough vitain D in the winter and spring,with the proble worse in Scotland and the North of England.Asian populations,who cover uch of their skin for religious(宗教的)reasons,are also at increased risk.
Professor Pearce added:“We believe that andatory(强制的)food suppleentation(补充)with vitain D,for exaple in ilk,is needed in the UK,as it has already been introduced successfully in any other countries of the world.”The Food Standards Agency has refused calls for andatory suppleentation,insisting that “ost people should be able to get all the vitain D they need fro their diet and by getting a little sun”.It advises pregnant(怀孕的)woen,and people over 60 to take 10 icrogras (0.01 g) of vitain D each day.
【解题导语】 青少年热衷玩电脑游戏而缺少户外活动,造成维生素D缺乏导致软骨病又“卷土重”。
68.According to Professor Pearce,ore British people are having rickets ainly because they    .
A.don’t have enough food
B.have less outdoor activities
C.dislike food high in vitain D
D.have been given cod?liver oil
解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Kids tend to stay indoors ore these days and play on their coputers instead of enjoying the fresh air.This eans their vitain D levels are worse than in previous years可知,Pearce 认为儿童热衷玩电脑游戏而缺少户外活动,造成维生素D缺乏导致软骨病。
69.The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 4 refers to    .
A.andatory food suppleentation with vitain D
B.ilk produced in the UK
C.food short of vitain D
D.vitain D
70.Pearce suggests that one way to prevent rickets is to    .
A.call on parents to buy ilk for kids every day
B.ake it a law to add vitain D to food
C.build ore playgrounds for kids to exercise
D.persuade people not to cover their skin all the tie
解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的We believe that andatory food suppleentation with vitain D,for exaple in ilk,is needed in the UK可知,Pearce建议在人们的食物中强制添加维生素D。
71.What is the Food Standards Agency’s attitude towards Pearce’s suggestion?
A.They feel it is worth a try.
B.They are very fond of it.
C.They are against it.
D.They think it is no use at all.
解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的The Food Standards Agency has refused calls for andatory suppleentation,insisting...可以看出,英国食品标准署反对在食物中强制添加维生素D的建议。
icrosoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give away alost all of his fortune,largely to the cause of global health,during the course of his lifetie.With an estiated(估计)worth of ore than $40 billion,according to Forbes,the project will be no sall fate(功绩) for Gates.Having already provided the Bill ≈ elinda Gates Fou ndation with $24 billion to address global health issues,Gates said that finally his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids”.
So what has ade the richest an in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest?Gates believes that “the equality of opportunity”in which Aericans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world.Iproving the heal th of the populations,he says,has proven to be an essential ethod in helping poor countries to be financially successful.“National borders allow inequalities,”said Gates.“We all need to take a ore global view,rather than just saying y country is doing well.We have to step up these health issues,knowing how few resources are going into the.”
Gates said that both his parents set up an exaple for hi as a child.His father,Willia H.Gates,was the head of the local Planned Parenthood,and his other,ary,volunteered for the United Way.As he gathered his fortune,Gates knew he would finally want to give back as well,but he didn’t expect to devote hiself whole?heartedly to one project until he was about 60.
However,Gates,47,began to question his ability to wait that long.“It seeed there was a real tie urgency,”Gates said.“I started to think how any lives I could save before then.”
72.Bill Gates will give away his vast fortune to    .
A.iprove the health of population in Aerica alone
B.iprove the health of population all over the world
C.avoid leaving his children too uch oney
D.spare the Aerican governent the burden of health care
73.Bill Gates believes that one iportant way of developing poor countries is    .
A.to set up ore foundations for the
B.to help the with natural resources
C.to put ore efforts into the health issues in the
D.to help the take a ore global view
解析:选C。细节考查题。从第二段的第三句“Iproving the health of the populations,he says,has proven to be an essential ethod in helping poor countries to be financially successful.‘National borders allow inequalities’...”可以看出Bill Gates的观点。
74.It can be learned fro the passage that Bill Gates thinks    .
A.Aericans should care about people in other countries
B.Aericans should treat fellow citizens well
C.Aericans should devote theselves to certain projects
D.Aericans can be world?faous by giving away vast fortune
解析:选A。从第二段倒数第二句“We all need to take a ore global view,rather than just saying y country is doing well.”可以得出正确答案。
75.Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of    .
A.his weakening health condition
B.his parents’ suggestion
C.his great success in business
D.his concerns for suffering people
解析:选D。细节考查题。从最后一段可以得出导致Bill Gates提前捐赠财产的原因。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Wang Peng sat in his epty restaurant feeling very
frustrated for people going to a     newly?opened restaurant76.      
which only provided    (生)vegetables and fruit.What77.      
aazed hi was    the food there cost ore than that in his78.      
own restaurant.After doing soe r    ,he wrote his own sign79.      
to win custoers    to his restaurant.The next day Wang80.      
Peng’s restaurant was nearly full,which     Young Hui very81.      
angry.Having had a good talk,they both    (意识到)the82.      
strength and w    of their own restaurants and did what they83.      
could to    (结合)their enus and provide a balanced84.      
enu.Finally they got    ,working and living together happily ever after.85.      
答案:76.another 77.raw 78.that 79.research 80.back
81.ade 82.realized 83.weekness 84.cobine 85.arried
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
参考词汇:革命家revolutionist中国现代学odern Chinese literature
One possible version:
Born in 1881 in Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province,Lu Xun began to study edicine in 1904 but later he becae interested in literature.ost of his works were written fro 1918 to 1936 ,which was an iportant period to hi.In 1936,the faous writer died in Shanghai.
Lu Xun was not only a great writer,a thinker and a revolutionist but also a translator and one of the ost iportant founders of odern Chinese literature.He ade a great contribution to the developent of literature in history.He is so faous that soe of his works have been translated into any languages and enjoyed by any foreigners.Nowadays soe have been ade into fils and soe have been collected in school textbooks,which have a good influence on young people.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/39494.html

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