高一英语Unit1 Women of achievement课堂练习题

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

高一英语Unit1 Woen of achieveent堂练习题
Unit 1 Woen of achieveent
Waring up,Pre-reading,Reading
1. Nothing can prevent hi fro a his abition.
2. We a with the waiter about the price of the eal.
3. Drivers should o the speed liit so that they will arrive hoe safe. .
4. So far, we have achieved any great __________ (成就).
5. There sees to be no __________ (关系) between the two things.
6. Zhou Yang (激励)great respect in all Chinese people.
7. He had to do an extra job after work, for he had a big faily to s_________.
8. A an with good anners always b__________ well.
9. In our office alost everyone is for the anti-soking c .
10. They c around the teacher to ask questions.
1. The fil I saw yesterday is worthwhile ____________________________.( 再看一遍)
2. Coe on, you will one day.(实现目标)
3. Only when the exa is over __________________________.(只是在考试结束他才能放松自己。)
4. The boy last night.(举止很得体)
5. He hiself the right of the hoeless children. (奉献)
1.The astronoer____the stars all his life and ade great achieveents in astronoy.
A. notice B.observed C.watch D.saw
2. When the dog observed a stranger into his house with two big epty bags, it barked wildly at hi. .
A. to go B.go C.going D.gone
3. All the students were _________ by the headaster’s ________ speech.
A. inspired; inspired B. inspired; inspiring
C. inspiring; inspired D. inspiring; inspiring
4. Hen Nan eseu is well a visit.
A. worthwhile B. worth of C. worthy of D. worthy
5. She argued hi _____ the decision to ove to the countryside.
A. on B. with C. f or D. into
6. He had to do an extra job after work, for he had a big faily to ______.
A. look at B. observe C. support D. struggle for
7. Only when your ideantity has been checked, ______.
A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in
C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in
8. We all feel happy for r. Green when he finally ______ success.
A. copleted B. achieved C. got D. won
9. We went to the concert ______ y son, for he would perfor there.
A. in search of B. in charge of C. in honor of D. in support of
10. Not until all the fish died in the river ______ how serious the pollution was.
A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized
C. the villagers did realize D. didn’t the villagers realize

Learning about Language
1. We each _____ (have )strong points and each of us on the other hand (have)______ weak points.
2. A library with five thousand books ______(be) offered to the nation as a gift.
3. The police _______(be) deterined to bring back the issing boy when his faily ______ (have) alost given up all hope.
4. In this institution a edal together with a prize of certain su of oney _____ (be) given to whoever gains success in science and technology every two years.
5. You should try Larry and kevin's restaurant because theirs _____ (be) the best in the city.
6. Only one of the students who (be) present (be) to speak at the eeting .
7. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ________ (have) not been decided yet.
8. The pilot as well as four of the passengers ______ (have) been escaped death .
9. Either To or Jane did ________(his/her) hoework in the classroo .
A. their B. theirs C. his D.
10. Reading agazines and novels ________ (be) helpful.
1. One and a half bananas _________on the table.
A. are left B. is left C. have left D. has left
2. Soe of the oranges _________ turned bad. Soe of the ilk _________ turned sour (酸).
A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have D. have; is
3. Each student _________ got an English- Chinese dictionary. The students each ________ a dictionary.
A. have; has B. has; have C. have; have D. has; has
4. Either the judge or the lawyers ___________ wrong. Either you or he _________ to blae.
A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is
5. His faily _________ all very well. His faily _________ a “ five good” one.
A. are; is B. is; is C. are; are D. is; are
6. y blue trousers _________ worn out. One pair of trousers ________ not enough.
A. is; are B. are; are C. is; is D. are; is
7. The girl as well as his parents _____ a bike. Not only the students but also the professor ______ surprised at ary’s answer.
A. have; was B. have; were C. has; was D. has; were
8. Every an worker and every woan worker ______ free edical care. At Christas each boy and each girl ______ given a present.
A. enjoy; is B. enjoy; are C. enjoys; is D. enjoys; are
9. This kind of snakes _________ very dangerous. These kinds of etal ________ hard to find.
A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are
10. The news at six o’clock ___________ not true. Those pieces of news ___________ to be broadcasted.
A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is
11. Not only the whole nation, but the whole Europe , indeed the whole huan society ______ to alter its attitude to racial probles.
A. need B. needs C. has a need D. have a need
12. Getting to other planets or to the oon _____ any probles.
A. involve B. involves C. involving D. to involve
13. In that country, the rich ______ richer, the poor, poorer.
A. becoe B. has becoe C. becoes D. is becoing
14. The project requires ore labor than ______ because it is extreely difficult.
A. has been put in B. have been put in C. being put in D. to be put in
15. Not one in one hundred children exposed to the disease ______ likely to develop it.
A. should be B. ust be C. is D. are

Using Language
1. The president of Toyota _________(发表)a speech on TV and apologized for the brake istakes they ade.
2. If what I said hurt you, it was quite without _______(意图).
3. ost people walk at an average ________(速率) of 5 kiloetres an hour.
4. Your teacher will take it into __________(考虑) that you were ill when taking exas.
5. Soe students (选择)to join the ary after graduation.
intend for coe across refer to care for devote... to...
1. I an old friend in Zhengfeng Yuan this onth.
2. What I have to say ________ to all of you.
3. This book young learners.
4. He is good at the anials.
5. He his life the huan progress.
1.We can ______ goods to your door.
A. pass B. cross C. deliver D. release
2. He is so ______ to his English teaching that I adire hi for his ______.
A. devote; devote B. deveting; devotion C. devoted; devotion D. devoted; devote
3. The flowers ______ y other, but y sister thought they were for her and took the.
A. were intended for B. intended for C. intended to give D. intended giving
4. —Would you ______ a cup of tea?
—No. Thanks.
A. care for B. care about C. care of D. take care of
5. It is difficult to ______ the discussion with all this noise around us.
A. carry about B. carry on C. carry off D. carry through
6. I failed in the final exaination last ter and only then ______ the iportant studies.
A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize
7. ______ he knew nothing about this subject.
A. He seeed B. It seeed to be C. He seeed that D. It seeed that
8. Although the working other is very busy, she still ______ a lot of tie to children.
A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides
9. ______ to his research, he spares no tie to spend a weekend.
A. Devoting B. Devoted C. Caught D. Lost
10. The headaster will have the opening speech ______ by a student.
A. deliver B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/50174.html

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