高一英语下册Unit 2基础训练题

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网
Unit 2 Healthy Eating
1.—__________I return the dictionary within three days?
—No, you __________.You _________keep it for five days.
A. May; needn't; will B. Can; mustn't; would
C. Must; don't have to; can D. Shall; can't; should
2. Sir, you ______ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only.
A. oughtn’t to B. can’t C. won’t D. needn’t
3. She is already two hours late. What _________to her?
A. can have happened B. must have happened
C. should have happened D. must happen
4. Mary __________ the job he offered to her, but she didn’t.
A. can’t take B. ought to have taken C. should take D. must have taken
5. He sat at the desk, __________ a novel.
A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads
6. If you cheat in the exam, you could hardly _________ it.
A. throw away B. get away C. get away from D. get away with
7. I know he hasn’t finished the work, but _________, he has done his best.
A. at all B. in all C. after all D. above all
8. Which food is called ________ food, milk, sugar or beans?
A. energy-given B. body-building C. energetic D. protection
9. ? How well did John do in the match?
--Wonderful. I think we can’t have a ______ player in our football team.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
10. I’m really tired _______ Tom. He had me _________ for two hours in the rain.
A. of, waiting B. with; wait C. of; waited D. with; waited
11. The old machine is _________.
A. of useless B. of not use C. no use D. of no use
12. She _________ down her book and ________ in bed.
A. lay; laid B. laid; lay C. lay; lay D. laid; laid
13. No potatoes for me—I’m _______ a diet.
A. at B. in C. on D. with
14. The speed of cars and trucks is _____ to 30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China.
A. limited B. limiting C. limiting to D. limited to
15. Smoking is a bad habit. You should _________ it.
A. throw away B. get away with C. get rid of D. throw
Everyone needs water and a diet 16 healthy foods. These foods should 17 some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.
People need energy to live. They eat all kinds of foods 18 change into energy. Our bodies use different 19 of energy. The energy is measured in calories(卡路里). The more 20 we take, the more calories we burn. Even when you are 21 , you are using energy---about 65 calories an hour. While you are at school, or walking home, your body is 22 up 100 calories an hour. When playing football or basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour. On 23 Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as 24 as 650 calories an hour.
The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is 25 in fiber and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many 26 countries in the world. That is 27 lots of people in China have white teeth.
People in the Western world do not eat 28 healthy foods. They eat too much fat and sugar and don’t take 29 exercise. Because of this, they 30 very easily. In order to 31 with the quick pace(步伐) of their life and work, they eat a lot of fast food. They eat a lot of sweets, soft drinks, potato crisps, chocolate, butter and ice cream and so on, 32 are called 33 food by some epicureans(美食家). The result is that many of them become fat. In order to avoid 34__ fat and 35 it is advisable(明智的) to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating.
16. A. aboveB. ofC. at D. over
17. A. include B. holdC. containD. make up
18. A. whichB. whatC. where D. it
19. A. numbersB. amountsC. plenty D. deal
20. A. exercise B. exercisesC. sportD. game
21. A. sleepy B. runningC. workingD. asleep
22. A. running B. adding C. burningD. wasting
23. A. ChildrenB. WorkC. Sports D. Sport
24. A. muchB. manyC. fewD. little
25. A. poorB. lowC. richD. plenty
26. A. moreB. otherC. restD. others
27. A. WhyB. becauseC. because of D. since
28. A. so B. veryC. muchD. such
29. A. a number of B. too muchC. masses ofD. enough
30. A. lose weight B. put on weightC. dieD. stay healthy
31. A. keep up B. carry onC. keep onD. go on
32. A. as B. theseC. which D. they
33. A. badB. diseasedC. healthyD. junk
34. A. to getB. becomingC. to become D. get
35. A. keep thinB. keep fitC. stay calmD. fall ill
Son’s Help
1. Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.
A. he was a driver
B. he worked in a factory
C. he had a lot of work to do
D. he had worked there for a long time
2. Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.
A. she couldn’t find any work
B. she thought her husband was tired
C. her husband spent all time in gambling
D. she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling
3. _______, so he was put into lockup.
A. Mr. Lang often gambled
B. Mr. Lang was late for work
C. Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home
D. Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police
4. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.
A. he didn’t love her any longer
B. he wouldn’t stop gambling
C. he had been put into lockup
D. he was hardly sent away by the factory
5. Which of the following is right?
A. The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again.
B. The boy thought his father needed some policemen.
C. The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon.
D. The boy hoped his mother to come back.
Good health is the most valuable thing a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food ,get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
Proper nutrition (营养) is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”(燃料).Don't eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein (蛋白质) ,like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins (维他命) and minerals. However, don't overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.
Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don't get enough sleep, you feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little a amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality (人的个性).Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp.
Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your life-span (寿命).Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shapes: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too.
If everybody, were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser.
41. According to the passage,_________.
A .we should always keep fit
B. if we were healthy, we could spend our days in doing things with less sleep
C. one can eat a lot to stay in good shape
D. one needn't take any exercise if he is healthy
42.In order to keep good health, ___________ .
A. we should eat a lot of sweets
B. one needs a large amount of fat
C. people should eat according to the foods nutrition
D. we must try to sleep now and then
43. Eating more and sleeping less________.
A. can keep healthy B. is no good for you
C. gets you more energy D. will keep your personality
44.The writer explains ________in this passage.
A. how to eat B. the importance of doing exercise
C. how to keep healthy D. what to eat
45.The title of the article should be___________ .
A. Eating and Exercising B. How Vitamins Work in Man's Body
C. Staying Healthy D. Sleeping Well
1. To succeed, we must _________________(结合) talent with working hard.
2. He has been working for a long time, but he is still full of e_____________.
3. The boy lifted the stone with all his ____________(力量).
4. You should do some r______________ before making the final decision.
5. “You did a bad job!” She _____________(叹息).
6. She is not s_____________ enough to wear these tight trousers.
7. Children are always full of c____________; they want to know everything.
8. What will happen if you do not eat a b_____________ diet?
9. We need both competition and _________________(合作).
10. Please find out the foods that give fibre for ______________(消化) and health.
1. 我宁愿步行也不愿乘公共汽车。
I prefer to walk __________ _______________ ______________ a bus.
2. Tom曾经靠送牛奶谋生。
Tom used to ___________ __________ __________ _________ delivering milk.
3. 他们昨天把旧报纸扔掉了。
They ________ ___________ the old newspapers yesterdays.
4. 她欠我50块钱。
She __________ __________ __________ to me for 50 yuan RMB.
5. 他从劳动中收益非浅。
He _________________ a lot __________ working.
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该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。
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Dan was the doorman of a club in a big city.Every1.
day, thousands of people passed his door, but a lot of 2.
them stopped and asking him, "What's the time, please?" 3.
After few months, Dan said to himself, "I'm not4.
going to answer all those stupid people no more.I'm5.
going to buy a big clock and put them upon the wall 6.
here." Then he does so.7.
"Now people are going to stop to ask me the time," 8.
he thought happy.But after that, a lot of people stopped, 9.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/55151.html

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