
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

民乐一中2012-2013学年第二学期期中考试高一英语第一卷第一部分听力(共两节满分)第一节{共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)How long will the woman be away?For less than a month. For about two months.For more than two months.What does the man mean?He needn't buy anything for his wife.He never buys clothes for his wife.His wife has a good taste for clothes.What are the speakers talking about?The Americans' habits.A basketball match.An NBA team.Where does the conversation probably take place ?.At the officeAt the station.At a hotel.What is the price of the yellow one?10 dollars. B. 40 dollars. C. 60 dollars.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题 6. What are the speakers talking about?The party to be held.The weekend plan.Their friends.7.What will the speakers do on Sunday afternoon?Go to the cinema.Go to the park.Go to the museum.听第7段材料,回答第8-10题.8.Why did the man's car cost so much?It is collectors' favorite.It is in very good shape.It was made in New York.9.How will the man deal with the car?Repair the car. B. Paint the car.C. Clean the car.10.What will the man use the car for?Driving to workJoining in auto shows.Studying its engine.听第8材料,回答第11至13题。11.Why does Tom call Linda?To ask Linda to find a job for him.To ask advice from Linda.To learn about Linda 's first day at work,. 12.What happened to Linda the first day she worked?She worked overtime.She was late for work.She didn't have lunch.13.What do the other people think of the boss?He is kind to new workers.He likes those who work hard.He is always hard to get along with.听第9段材料;回答第14至17题14. Why did the father send an e-mail on the internet?To tell others his poor life.To remind others to help each other.To save his son.15.How did Mary Anne help the family?She sought help for the boy.She gave lots of money to the family.She provided useful information.16.Which reply to the message is mentioned?A school raised money for the boy.Some experts offered to treat the boy for free.An actress sang a song for the boy.17.How did the father feel finally?A. Grateful,B. Worried.C. Cautious.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题..18.How often do the students have the class?A. Once a week. B. Twice a week.C.Three times a week.19.When can the students get the books?A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow.C.The day after tomorrow.20.What may not influence the students' grades?The research project.The midterm test.Homework.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分)共:每小题,满分)’ll been chosen as an exchange student to Australia.—You can make good use of the chance to learn more about the country.A .Congratulations B .cheer upC .It’s very kind of you. D .I’m sorry to hear that.It’ s _____great pleasure to help those in trouble.-I can’t agree more. Sometimes a little help can make ________difference to their life.A . /;a B./;/ C .a ; a D .a;/You ______play on the road. A car may hit you.A .need’t B .mustn’t C .cannot D .shouldn’t_ You should make good preparations before you _____for Beijing next Monday._Yes. I willA .set down B .set about C .set off D .set upI can’t find my cellphone anywhere. I ______have lost it on the bus.A .would B .will C .Should D .mustIt is strange that she ______have broken her promise.A .should B .could C .might D .wouldIf you listen to me ,you ______get some sweets.A .can B .will C .shall D .may______our team won the game excited every of us.A . What B .That C ./ D .Which______wants to get this job can come to my office tomorrow.Who B .Anyone C .Whoever D .The oneCould you please tell me ______I can do to improve my Spoken English??t ’s easy. Speak more and it will be better.A .how B .what C .that D .whichWhat was Marry doing when you visited her??he was ______herself in the mirror.A .enjoying B .admiring C .devoting D .seeingBy the time he arrived at the station, the train_______.A .left B .had already leftC .has already left D .would leaveI’d rather he _____to the cinema with me,but he is too busy to spare any time.A .went B. go C. goes D. had goneI’m ______glad to help you.better than B.no more than C. more than D. less thanThough she knows that she may not win the game. She want to take a _____.A. picture B. taxi C. chance D. tour 第二节、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)A tired, poor traveler arrived in a small village. He had no food or money and had not 36 for days. The 37 thing he had was a cooking pot that he used on those few occasions (场合) when he had something to 38 . He built a small cooking 39 , placed his pot on it, and poured in some 40 . When a few villagers asked what he was doing, he 41 that he was making Stone Soup following a(n) 42 recipe passed down to him from his grandfather. He then dropped a smooth, round 43 he had in his pocket into the pot. As the soup 44 , the traveler told the villagers stories of his travels and the 45 things he’d seen. He 46 his soup and said it was coming along 47 , but a bit of salt would bring out the flavor (风味). One curious (好奇的) villager went to her 48 and returned with some salt.A few more villagers walking by 49 to see what was going on when they heard the traveler speaking. The traveler told more 50 and said that some carrots or onions would be a nice addition to the delicious soup. 51 , another villager thought that he could give a few carrots.This 52 with the traveler casually 53 onions, a bit of meat, potatoes and everything else. 54 , the soup was ready and 55 enjoyed the tasty meal prepared for them from just a stone and a few other items.A. walkedB. readC. eatenD. sleptA. nextB. onlyC. firstD. valuableA. cookB. buyC. drinkD. learnA. groundB. hallC. houseD. fireA. sandB. soilC. medicineD. waterA. hopedB. expectedC. repliedD. imaginedA. commonB. oldC. modernD. foreignA. stoneB. bottleC. bagD. boxA. cooledB. warmedC. preparedD. disappeared A. poorB. easyC. excitingD. tiringA. costB. sharedC. soldD. tasted A. strangelyB. nicelyC. secretlyD. carefullyA. churchB. factoryC. homeD. schoolA. agreedB. promisedC. refusedD. stopped A. storiesB. songsC. knowledgeD. newsA. SoB. HoweverC. InsteadD. YetA. held onB. went onC. broke downD. got upA. thinking ofB. waiting forC. asking forD. looking atA. SuddenlyB. UnluckilyC. QuicklyD. Finally A. everyoneB. someoneC. anyoneD. no one第三部分、阅读理解 (共17小题; 每小题2分, 满分34分)第一节(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)A Now, an eight-year-old has just got himself into the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s youngest founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an Internet company.Harli Jordean became famous at the age of six when he discovered marbles (玻璃球). He became so interested in them that his mother called him Marble King. He would sleep with them and even take them to school.When some older kids took away his whole collection, the young boy begged his mother to get him another group of marbles. However, when Tina Jordean tried to order some more on the Internet, she was surprised to find that there wasn’t a place to buy marbles.That’s when the six-year-old’s business spirit appeared and he persuaded his mother to set up a website that sold beautiful marbles. Thinking it may be a good way for him to learn about money, his mother agreed and marbleking.co.uk was born!To her surprise, orders started coming in and the rest as they say, is甘肃省民乐一中2012-2013学年高一第二学期期中考试英语试题(无答案)
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaoyi/82701.html
