常考词的语法与用法:drown, due, during

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆drown v.


She drowned herself in the lake. 她投湖自杀了。

A drowning man will catch at a straw. 溺水者稻草也想攀。

He drowned while swimming in the sea. 他在大海里游泳时淹死了。



正:He drowned last Sunday. (主动语态,不及物用法)

正:He was drowned last Sunday. (被动语态,及物用法)

注:比较而言,在现代英语中 drown用作及物动词的情形比用作不及物动词的情形要多。

◆due adj.

1. 表示“到期的”、“应付(给)的”、“到期应付的”,通常只用作表语。如:

The bill is due. 这张票据已到期。

My salary is due tomorrow. 我明天领薪。

表示应付给或应给予某人,通常与介词 to 连用。如:

A great deal of money is due to you. 要付给你一大笔钱。

Respect is due to older people. 年长者应受到尊重。

Our grateful thanks are due to you. 我们衷心感谢你。

2. 表示“预定的”、“约定的”、“预定要到达或发生的”,也通常用作表语。如:

When is the train due? 火车什么时候到?

I’m due for a pay rise soon. 我不久就要加薪了。


The guests are due to arrive very soon. 客人很快就会到。

The meeting isn’t due to start until four. 会议预定要到四点才召开。

3. 表示“适当的”、“合适的”、“应得的”,通常只放在名词前作定语。如:

We should pay due attention to this problem. 我们应对这个问题给予适当的注意。

You must put these things in due order. 你必须把这些东西按适当的顺序放好。

4. 用于 due to(由于,因为)。按照传统语法 due to 主要引导表语,一般不引导状语。如:

His absence was due to the storm. 他因暴风雨而缺席。

Her success was due to her hard work. 她成功是因为她努力工作。

但是在现代英语中,due to 也可用来引导状语。如:

He was late due to the very heavy traffic. 由于交通拥挤他迟到了。

◆during prep.

1. 表示“在……期间”,是介词,不要将其误用作连词。如:


误:During he was in Paris, he lived with his friends.

正:While he was in Paris, he lived with his friends.

正:During his stay in Paris, he lived with his friends.

由于 during 本身为介词,其后通常不再接介词短语。如:

误:During in Paris, he lived with his friends.

2. during 和 for 均可表示一段时间,但两者有差别:during 通常表示事件发生的在何时(when),而 for则表示事件持续了多长时间(how long)。如:

He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了六个星期的医院。

A:When did he die? 他是什么时候死的?

B:During the last war. 是在上次战争中。(此句不能用 for)

A:How long did you live there? 你在那儿住过多久?

B:For about three years. 大约三年。(此句不能用 during)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1003078.html
