英语名篇背诵:David Copperfield

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

5. David Copperfield (Chapter 11)

[导读]本段选自狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的《大卫?科菲坡尔》。作者极尽细节描写之能事,将David眼中第一次见到描述得形象鲜明,跃然纸上。尤其是脸部的描写细致生动,让人一见难忘。

I went in, and found there a stoutish, middle-aged person, in a brown surtout and black tights and shoes, with no more hair upon his head which was a large one, and very shining than there is upon an egg, and with a very extensive face, which he turned full upon me. His clothes were shabby, but he had an imposing shirt-collar on. He carried a jaunty sort of stick, with a large pair of rusty tassels to it; and a quizzing-glass hung outside his coat ? for ornament, I afterwards found, as he very seldom looked through it, and couldn‘t see anything when he did.

[注释] stoutish: 肥胖的, 体形臃肿的
surtout: 男用外套或大衣
tights: 贴身衬衣
extensive: Large in extent, range, or amount广阔的, 宽的
shabby: 破旧的, 褴褛的
imposing: 给人印象深刻的, 使人难忘的
jaunty: 感到自满的, 洋洋得意的
rusty: 生了锈的
tassels: 穗, 缨
ornament: 装饰物

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1115584.html
