at all用法完全归纳

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


(1) 用于否定句,意为:根本不、一点也不。如:

It wasn’t difficult at all. 这一点也不难。

There was nothing to eat at all. 根本没什么可吃的。

To try and fail is better than not to try at all. 尝试而失败也比不尝试好。

He speaks an English that I can barely understand at all. 他说的英语,我简直听不懂。

It’s quite extraordinary;I can’t understand it at all. 这件事太不寻常了,我根本没法理解。

He made out that he was a student looking for a job. We later learnt that this wasn’t true at all. 他说他是个在找工作的大学生。后来我们获悉这根本不是事实。

注:在否定句中,at all 可位于句末,也可跟在否定词后。如:

He isn’t tired at all. / He’s not at all tired. 他一点也不累。

另外,在口语中单独说 not at all, 可用来回答感谢或道歉。如:

A:Thank you very much. 多谢你了。

B:Not at all. 不客气(from。

A:I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

B:Oh, not at all. 噢,没关系。

(2) 用于疑问句,意为:到底、究竟、难道不。如:

Are you at all worried about it? 你难道对此不担心吗?

Do you play poker at all? 你会打扑克吗?

Have you read any of the report at all? 那份报告你到底有没有读一点?

(3) 用于条件句(用来加强if的语气),意为:假若、既然、即使、反正。如:

If you do it at all, do it well. 既然要做,就把它做好。

He’ll come before supper if he comes at all. 他要是来,准在晚饭以前。

(4) 用于肯定句(较少见), 意为:不管怎样,竟然。如:

I was surprised at his coming at all. 我很奇怪, 他竟然来了(from。

You can come whenever you like---any time at all. 你什么时候想来就来——无论什么时候都行。

